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Number of items: 1153.


Wiertsema, P. De kwaliteitsregeling voor consumptieaardappelen in Amerika en de contractteelt van aardappelen voor de verwerkende industrie. Publikatie . Wageningen : [s.n.]. , 1964


Wiertsema, P. De kwaliteitsregeling voor consumptieaardappelen in Amerika en de contractteelt van aardappelen voor de verwerkende industrie. Publikatie . Wageningen : [s.n.]. , 1964


Wiertsema, P. De kwaliteitsregeling voor consumptieaardappelen in Amerika en de contractteelt van aardappelen voor de verwerkende industrie. Publikatie . Wageningen : [s.n.]. , 1964


Sheingate, Adam D. The rise of the agricultural welfare state : institutions and interest group power in the United States, France, and Japan. Princeton studies in American politics . Princeton, NJ [etc.] : Princeton University Press. ISBN 069100983X , 2001


Wiertsema, P. De kwaliteitsregeling voor consumptieaardappelen in Amerika en de contractteelt van aardappelen voor de verwerkende industrie. Publikatie . Wageningen : [s.n.]. , 1964


Folkerts, Jan De pachters van Rensselaerswijck, 1630-1664 : Nederlandse boeren in de wildernis van Noord-Amerika. [Groningen : s.n.]. , 1984

Kane, Anne and Mann, Michael A theory of early twentieth-century agrarian politics. , 1992.

Kulikoff, Allan From British peasants to colonial American farmers. Chapel Hill, NC [etc.] : University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0807825697 , 2000

Van Vugt, William E. Running from ruin? : the emigration of British farmers to the U.S.A. in the wake of the repeal of the Corn Laws. , 1988.

Agrarisch beleid

Agricultural reform and its impact on the fruit and vegetables sector in OECD countries. Paris : OECD. ISBN 9264142533 , 1995

History of agricultural price-support and adjustment programs, 1933-84 : background for 1985 farm legislation. Agriculture information bulletin . Washington, D.C. : United States Department of Agriculture. , 1985

Landbouwpolitiek in de Verenigde Staten. ['s-Gravenhage] : Contactgroep opvoering productiviteit. , 1954

Biewenga, A.W. Landbouwpolitiek en landbouworganisaties in de Verenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika : verslag van een studiereis in de Verenigde Staten van 1 April 1951 - 24 Mei 1951. 's-Gravenhage : [s.n.]. , 1951

Bonnen, James T. and Browne, William P. and Schweikhardt, David B. Further observations on the changing nature of national agricultural policy decision processes, 1946-1995. , 1996.

Buttel, Frederick H. The US farm crisis and the reconstructuring of American agriculture : domestic and international domensions. , 1989.

Hamilton, David E. From new day to New Deal : American farm policy from Hoover to Roosevelt 1928-1933. Chapel Hill [etc.] : University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0807819611 , 1991

Josling, Tim Agricultural policy reform in the USA ans the EC. , 1993.

Koning, Niek The failure of agrarian capitalism : agrarian politics in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and the USA, 1846-1919. London [etc.] : Routledge. ISBN 0415114314 , 1994

Peterson, E. Wesley F. A billion dollars a day : the economics and politics of agricultural subsidies. Malden, MA [etc.] : Blackwell. ISBN 9781405185875 , 2009

Saloutos, Theodore The American farmer and the New Deal. The Henry A. Wallace series on agricultural history and rural studies . Ames : Iowa State University Press. ISBN 0813810760 , 1982

Sheingate, Adam D. The rise of the agricultural welfare state : institutions and interest group power in the United States, France, and Japan. Princeton studies in American politics . Princeton, NJ [etc.] : Princeton University Press. ISBN 069100983X , 2001

Smit, Harry F. Het landbouwsubsidiebeleid in de VS. ['s-Gravenhage] : Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij. , 1990

Agrarische geschiedenis

Ferleger, Lou Agriculture and national development : views on the nineteenth century. The Henry A. Wallace series on agriculture history and rural studies . Ames : Iowa State University Press. ISBN 0813803144 , 1990

Fite, Gilbert C. Expanded frontiers in agrarian history. , 1961.

Folkerts, Jan De pachters van Rensselaerswijck, 1630-1664 : Nederlandse boeren in de wildernis van Noord-Amerika. [Groningen : s.n.]. , 1984

Grigg, David The transformation of agriculture in the west. New perspectives on the past . Oxford [etc.] : Blackwell. ISBN 0631170936 , 1992

Hurt, R. Douglas American agriculture : a brief history. Ames : Iowa State university press. ISBN 0813823765 , 1994

Hurt, R.Douglas Reflections on American agricultural history. , 2004.

Rasmussen, Wayne D. Forty years of agricultural history. , 1959.

Walton, John R. Pedigree and productivity in the British and North American cattle kingdoms before 1930. , 1999.

Agrarische ontwikkeling

Clarke, Sally H. Regulation and the revolution in United States farm productivity. Studies in economic history and policy . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 052144117X , 1994

MacClelland, Peter D. Sowing modernity : America's first agricultural revolution. Ithaca [etc.] : Cornell University Press. ISBN 0801433266 , 1997

Agrarische politiek

Agricultural reform and its impact on the fruit and vegetables sector in OECD countries. Paris : OECD. ISBN 9264142533 , 1995

History of agricultural price-support and adjustment programs, 1933-84 : background for 1985 farm legislation. Agriculture information bulletin . Washington, D.C. : United States Department of Agriculture. , 1985

Landbouwpolitiek in de Verenigde Staten. ['s-Gravenhage] : Contactgroep opvoering productiviteit. , 1954

Biewenga, A.W. Landbouwpolitiek en landbouworganisaties in de Verenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika : verslag van een studiereis in de Verenigde Staten van 1 April 1951 - 24 Mei 1951. 's-Gravenhage : [s.n.]. , 1951

Bonnen, James T. and Browne, William P. and Schweikhardt, David B. Further observations on the changing nature of national agricultural policy decision processes, 1946-1995. , 1996.

Buttel, Frederick H. The US farm crisis and the reconstructuring of American agriculture : domestic and international domensions. , 1989.

Hamilton, David E. From new day to New Deal : American farm policy from Hoover to Roosevelt 1928-1933. Chapel Hill [etc.] : University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0807819611 , 1991

Josling, Tim Agricultural policy reform in the USA ans the EC. , 1993.

Koning, Niek The failure of agrarian capitalism : agrarian politics in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and the USA, 1846-1919. London [etc.] : Routledge. ISBN 0415114314 , 1994

Peterson, E. Wesley F. A billion dollars a day : the economics and politics of agricultural subsidies. Malden, MA [etc.] : Blackwell. ISBN 9781405185875 , 2009

Saloutos, Theodore The American farmer and the New Deal. The Henry A. Wallace series on agricultural history and rural studies . Ames : Iowa State University Press. ISBN 0813810760 , 1982

Sheingate, Adam D. The rise of the agricultural welfare state : institutions and interest group power in the United States, France, and Japan. Princeton studies in American politics . Princeton, NJ [etc.] : Princeton University Press. ISBN 069100983X , 2001

Smit, Harry F. Het landbouwsubsidiebeleid in de VS. ['s-Gravenhage] : Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij. , 1990

Agrarische producten

Fisher, Meredith N. The price of food. Food science and technology series . New York : Nova Science Publishers. ISBN 9781606924402 , 2009

Agrarische revolutie

MacClelland, Peter D. Sowing modernity : America's first agricultural revolution. Ithaca [etc.] : Cornell University Press. ISBN 0801433266 , 1997

Agrarische sector

Agricultural reform and its impact on the fruit and vegetables sector in OECD countries. Paris : OECD. ISBN 9264142533 , 1995

Agricultural reform and its impact on the fruit and vegetables sector in OECD countries. Paris : OECD. ISBN 9264142533 , 1995

De landbouw in de Verenigde Staten en in de Europese Gemeenschap. Groen Europa . Luxemburg : UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9282540731 , 1984

Anderson, Clifford B. The metamorphosis of American agrarian idealism in the 1920's and 1930's. , 1961.

Cavert, William L. The technological revolution in agriculture; 1910-1955. , 1956.

Feder, Ernest Farm debt adjustment during the depression : the other side of the coin. , 1961.

Gates, Paul W. Charles Lewis Fleischmann : German-american authority. , 1961.

Liss, Samuel Farm wage boards under the wage stabilization program during World War II. , 1956.

McMurry, S. Women's work and agriculture : diverged trends in England and America, 1800 to 1930. , 1992.

Rogal, Samuel J. Agriculture in Britain and America, 1660-1820 : an annotated bibliography of the eighteenth-century literature. Bibliographies and indexes in world history . Westport, Conn : Greenwood Press. ISBN 031329352X , 1994

Saloutos, Theodore The American farmer and the New Deal. The Henry A. Wallace series on agricultural history and rural studies . Ames : Iowa State University Press. ISBN 0813810760 , 1982

Schlebecker, John T. The use of objects in historical research. , 1977.

Schmidt, Hubert G. Some post revolutionary views of American agriculture in the English Midlands. , 1958.

Walton, John R. Pedigree and productivity in the British and North American cattle kingdoms before 1930. , 1999.


Fusonie, Alan E. John H. Davis : architect of the agribusiness concept revisited. , 1995.

Gourvish, Terence R. Economics of brewing, theory and practice concemtration and technicological change in the USA, UK and West Germany since 1945. , 1994.

Ulrich, Pamela V. From fustian to merino : the rise of textiles using cotton before and after the gin. , 1994.

Wiertsema, P. De kwaliteitsregeling voor consumptieaardappelen in Amerika en de contractteelt van aardappelen voor de verwerkende industrie. Publikatie . Wageningen : [s.n.]. , 1964


Fusonie, Alan E. John H. Davis : architect of the agribusiness concept revisited. , 1995.

Gourvish, Terence R. Economics of brewing, theory and practice concemtration and technicological change in the USA, UK and West Germany since 1945. , 1994.

Ulrich, Pamela V. From fustian to merino : the rise of textiles using cotton before and after the gin. , 1994.

Wiertsema, P. De kwaliteitsregeling voor consumptieaardappelen in Amerika en de contractteelt van aardappelen voor de verwerkende industrie. Publikatie . Wageningen : [s.n.]. , 1964


Higgins, F.Hal John M. Horner and the development of the combined harvester. , 1958.

Lemmer, George F. Early agricultural editors and their farm philosophies. , 1957.

Street, James H. Mechanizing the cotton harvest. , 1957.

Tucher, Andrea J. Agriculture in America, 1622-1860 : printed works in the collections of the American Philosophical Society, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the Library Company of Philadelphia. Americana to 1860 . New York [etc.] : Garland. ISBN 0824089677 , 1984

Wiser, Vivian Maryland in the early land-grant college movement. , 1962.


Werkzaamheden van het Bataafsche Gouvernement ten nutte van den landbouw. , 1805.

Fearon, Peter Regulation and response : Kansas wheat farmers ànd the New Deal. , 2007.

Algemene geschiedenis

Broehl, Wayne G. Cargill : trading the world's grain. Hanover [etc.] : University Press of New England. ISBN 0874515726 , 1992

Buttel, Frederick H. The US farm crisis and the reconstructuring of American agriculture : domestic and international domensions. , 1989.

Galema, A. "Se binne nei Amearika tein" : aspekten van Friese landverhuizing naar de Verenigde Staten rond de eeuwwisseling. , 1990.

Gignilliat, John L. Pigs, politics and protection : the European boycott of American pork, 1879-1891. , 1961.

Wallace, H.A. and Brown, W.L. Corn and its early fathers. [East Lansing] : Michigan State University Press. , 1956


Danhof, Clarence H. Gathering the grass. , 1956.

Primack, Martin L. Farm construction as a use of farm labor in the United States, 1850-1910. , 1965.


Brauer, Kai Neue Horizonte ruraler Migraion : intergenerationelle Netzwerke von Nachfahren deutscher Auswanderer in Clanton, Iowa. , 2005.

Esser, Albert Die Lohn-Preis-Entwicklung für landwirtschaftliche Arbeiter Deutschland, England und Nordamerika im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1986.

Finlay, Mark R. The German agricultural experiment stations and the beginnings of American agricultural research. , 1988.

Gates, Paul W. Charles Lewis Fleischmann : German-american authority. , 1961.

Gourvish, Terence R. Economics of brewing, theory and practice concemtration and technicological change in the USA, UK and West Germany since 1945. , 1994.

Koning, Niek The failure of agrarian capitalism : agrarian politics in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and the USA, 1846-1919. London [etc.] : Routledge. ISBN 0415114314 , 1994

Ligterink, G.H. De landverhuizers : emigratie naar Noord-Amerika uit het Gelders-Westfaalse grensgebied tussen de jaren 1830-1850. Werken van het Staring Instituut . Zutphen : Walburg pers. ISBN 906011048X , 1981

Pauseback, Paul-Heinz Der Aufbruch in eine "Neue Welt" : Die Auswanderung aus den schleswig-holsteinischen Kreisen Husum, Eiderstedt und Tondern in die Vereinigten Staaten in königlich-preussischer Zeit (1867-1914). Bräist/Bredstedt, NF : Nordfriisk Instituut. ISBN 3880072299 , 1995


Feder, Ernest Farm debt adjustment during the depression : the other side of the coin. , 1961.


Feder, Ernest Farm debt adjustment during the depression : the other side of the coin. , 1961.


Hoe leeft en werkt de Amerikaanse boer : Nederlandse jonge boeren over hun Amerikaanse ervaringen. 's-Gravenhage : UNSPECIFIED. , 1951

Hoe leeft en werkt de Amerikaanse boer? : Nederlandse jonge boeren over hun Amerikaanse ervaringen. Rapporten van de Contactgroep opvoering productiviteit . 's-Gravenhage : contactgroep opvoering productiviteit. , 1953

A brief history of farmers home administration. [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farmers home administration. , 1984

Feder, Ernest Farm debt adjustment during the depression : the other side of the coin. , 1961.

Bedrijfsvoering algemeen

Hoe leeft en werkt de Amerikaanse boer : Nederlandse jonge boeren over hun Amerikaanse ervaringen. 's-Gravenhage : UNSPECIFIED. , 1951

Hoe leeft en werkt de Amerikaanse boer? : Nederlandse jonge boeren over hun Amerikaanse ervaringen. Rapporten van de Contactgroep opvoering productiviteit . 's-Gravenhage : contactgroep opvoering productiviteit. , 1953

A brief history of farmers home administration. [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farmers home administration. , 1984

Feder, Ernest Farm debt adjustment during the depression : the other side of the coin. , 1961.


Esser, Albert Die Lohn-Preis-Entwicklung für landwirtschaftliche Arbeiter Deutschland, England und Nordamerika im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1986.

Liss, Samuel Farm wage boards under the wage stabilization program during World War II. , 1956.


Galema, A. "Se binne nei Amearika tein" : aspekten van Friese landverhuizing naar de Verenigde Staten rond de eeuwwisseling. , 1990.

Poortinga, Y. Emigraesje út Westerlauwersk Fryslân nei en festiging yn 'e Foriene Steaten. , 1958.


Brown, D.A. Historical prices of farm products by States : a bibliography. , 1962.

Rogal, Samuel J. Agriculture in Britain and America, 1660-1820 : an annotated bibliography of the eighteenth-century literature. Bibliographies and indexes in world history . Westport, Conn : Greenwood Press. ISBN 031329352X , 1994

Tucher, Andrea J. Agriculture in America, 1622-1860 : printed works in the collections of the American Philosophical Society, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the Library Company of Philadelphia. Americana to 1860 . New York [etc.] : Garland. ISBN 0824089677 , 1984


Gourvish, Terence R. Economics of brewing, theory and practice concemtration and technicological change in the USA, UK and West Germany since 1945. , 1994.


Moderne hofstede in Noord-Amerika. , 1870.

Bouma, G.J.A. and Spoelstra, Th.L.H. and Tijm, P. Boerderijbouw in de Verenigde Staten van Amerika. 's-Gravenhage : Contactgroep Opvoering Productiviteit. , 1955

Kauffman, Henry J The American farmhouse. New York : Hawthorn Books. ISBN 0801502209 , 1975

Primack, Martin L. Farm construction as a use of farm labor in the United States, 1850-1910. , 1965.


Folkerts, Jan De pachters van Rensselaerswijck, 1630-1664 : Nederlandse boeren in de wildernis van Noord-Amerika. [Groningen : s.n.]. , 1984

Kane, Anne and Mann, Michael A theory of early twentieth-century agrarian politics. , 1992.

Kulikoff, Allan From British peasants to colonial American farmers. Chapel Hill, NC [etc.] : University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0807825697 , 2000

Van Vugt, William E. Running from ruin? : the emigration of British farmers to the U.S.A. in the wake of the repeal of the Corn Laws. , 1988.


Dodson, Charles B. and Bullock, J. Bruce An analysis of the economic viability of farm credit system banks and combined associations. Research bulletin . Columbia : UNSPECIFIED. , 1992


Folkerts, Jan De pachters van Rensselaerswijck, 1630-1664 : Nederlandse boeren in de wildernis van Noord-Amerika. [Groningen : s.n.]. , 1984

Kane, Anne and Mann, Michael A theory of early twentieth-century agrarian politics. , 1992.

Kulikoff, Allan From British peasants to colonial American farmers. Chapel Hill, NC [etc.] : University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0807825697 , 2000

Van Vugt, William E. Running from ruin? : the emigration of British farmers to the U.S.A. in the wake of the repeal of the Corn Laws. , 1988.


McMurry, S. Women's work and agriculture : diverged trends in England and America, 1800 to 1930. , 1992.


Williams, Michael Americans and their forests : a historical geography. Studies in environment and history . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521332478 , 1989


Palladino, Paolo Wizards and devotees : on the Mendelian theory of inheritance and the professionalization of agricultural science in Great Britain and the United States, 1880-1930. , 1994.


Williams, Robert C. Fordson, Farmall, and Poppin' Johnny : a history of the farm tractor and its impact on America. Urbana [etc.] : University of Illinois Press. ISBN 025201328X , 1987


Larson, Ronald B. New market groupings based on food consumption patterns. , 2004.

Contemporaine Tijd

Biewenga, A.W. Landbouwpolitiek en landbouworganisaties in de Verenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika : verslag van een studiereis in de Verenigde Staten van 1 April 1951 - 24 Mei 1951. 's-Gravenhage : [s.n.]. , 1951

Bonnen, James T. and Browne, William P. and Schweikhardt, David B. Further observations on the changing nature of national agricultural policy decision processes, 1946-1995. , 1996.

Broehl, Wayne G. Cargill : trading the world's grain. Hanover [etc.] : University Press of New England. ISBN 0874515726 , 1992

Buttel, Frederick H. The US farm crisis and the reconstructuring of American agriculture : domestic and international domensions. , 1989.

Gourvish, Terence R. Economics of brewing, theory and practice concemtration and technicological change in the USA, UK and West Germany since 1945. , 1994.

Grigg, David The transformation of agriculture in the west. New perspectives on the past . Oxford [etc.] : Blackwell. ISBN 0631170936 , 1992

Hirsch, Edith Food supplies in the aftermath of World War II. Foreign economic policy of the United States . New York : Garland. ISBN 0815311974 , 1993

Hurt, R. Douglas Agricultural technology in the twentieth century. Manhattan, Kan. : Sunflower University Press. ISBN 0897451465 , 1991

Josling, Tim Agricultural policy reform in the USA ans the EC. , 1993.

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. Reshaping the landscape : the impact and diffusion of the tractor in American agriculture, 1910-1960. , 2001.

Stalheim, Ole H.V. The winning of animal health : 100 years of veterinary medicine. Ames : Iowa State U.P. ISBN 081382429X , 1994

Widt, R.A. de and Meer, W.C. van der Trekkerkosten : een overzicht van de belangrijkste sinds 1935 in de V.S.A. verschenen publicaties betreffende de economische zijde van de mechanisatie van de trekkracht, benevens enige conclusies aangaande de levensduur en reparatiekosten van trekkers, ook onder Nederlandse omstandigheden. Publicatie . Wageningen : I.L.R.. , 1952

Wright, Dale They harvest despair : the migrant farm worker. Boston [etc.] : Beacon Press. , 1965

Yale, Allen R. While the sun shines : making hay in Vermont, 1789-1990. Montpelier, Vt : Vermont Historical Society. ISBN 0934720355 , 1991


Frietema, H.J. Landbouwcoöperatie in de Verenigde Staten. Rotterdam : UNSPECIFIED. , 1952

Lapperre, R.P. Financiering van agrarische cooperaties in de Verenigde Staten. ['s-Gravenhage] : Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij. , 1992


Frietema, H.J. Landbouwcoöperatie in de Verenigde Staten. Rotterdam : UNSPECIFIED. , 1952

Lapperre, R.P. Financiering van agrarische cooperaties in de Verenigde Staten. ['s-Gravenhage] : Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij. , 1992


Brauer, Kai Neue Horizonte ruraler Migraion : intergenerationelle Netzwerke von Nachfahren deutscher Auswanderer in Clanton, Iowa. , 2005.

Esser, Albert Die Lohn-Preis-Entwicklung für landwirtschaftliche Arbeiter Deutschland, England und Nordamerika im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1986.

Finlay, Mark R. The German agricultural experiment stations and the beginnings of American agricultural research. , 1988.

Gates, Paul W. Charles Lewis Fleischmann : German-american authority. , 1961.

Gourvish, Terence R. Economics of brewing, theory and practice concemtration and technicological change in the USA, UK and West Germany since 1945. , 1994.

Koning, Niek The failure of agrarian capitalism : agrarian politics in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and the USA, 1846-1919. London [etc.] : Routledge. ISBN 0415114314 , 1994

Ligterink, G.H. De landverhuizers : emigratie naar Noord-Amerika uit het Gelders-Westfaalse grensgebied tussen de jaren 1830-1850. Werken van het Staring Instituut . Zutphen : Walburg pers. ISBN 906011048X , 1981

Pauseback, Paul-Heinz Der Aufbruch in eine "Neue Welt" : Die Auswanderung aus den schleswig-holsteinischen Kreisen Husum, Eiderstedt und Tondern in die Vereinigten Staaten in königlich-preussischer Zeit (1867-1914). Bräist/Bredstedt, NF : Nordfriisk Instituut. ISBN 3880072299 , 1995

Dagelijks leven

Esser, Albert Die Lohn-Preis-Entwicklung für landwirtschaftliche Arbeiter Deutschland, England und Nordamerika im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1986.

Esser, Albert Die Lohn-Preis-Entwicklung für landwirtschaftliche Arbeiter Deutschland, England und Nordamerika im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1986.

Demografische ontwikkeling

Galema, A. "Se binne nei Amearika tein" : aspekten van Friese landverhuizing naar de Verenigde Staten rond de eeuwwisseling. , 1990.

Poortinga, Y. Emigraesje út Westerlauwersk Fryslân nei en festiging yn 'e Foriene Steaten. , 1958.


Keillor, Steven James Agricultural change and crosscultural exchange : Danes, Americans and dairying 1880-1930. , 1993.


Brauer, Kai Neue Horizonte ruraler Migraion : intergenerationelle Netzwerke von Nachfahren deutscher Auswanderer in Clanton, Iowa. , 2005.

Esser, Albert Die Lohn-Preis-Entwicklung für landwirtschaftliche Arbeiter Deutschland, England und Nordamerika im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1986.

Finlay, Mark R. The German agricultural experiment stations and the beginnings of American agricultural research. , 1988.

Gates, Paul W. Charles Lewis Fleischmann : German-american authority. , 1961.

Gourvish, Terence R. Economics of brewing, theory and practice concemtration and technicological change in the USA, UK and West Germany since 1945. , 1994.

Koning, Niek The failure of agrarian capitalism : agrarian politics in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and the USA, 1846-1919. London [etc.] : Routledge. ISBN 0415114314 , 1994

Ligterink, G.H. De landverhuizers : emigratie naar Noord-Amerika uit het Gelders-Westfaalse grensgebied tussen de jaren 1830-1850. Werken van het Staring Instituut . Zutphen : Walburg pers. ISBN 906011048X , 1981

Pauseback, Paul-Heinz Der Aufbruch in eine "Neue Welt" : Die Auswanderung aus den schleswig-holsteinischen Kreisen Husum, Eiderstedt und Tondern in die Vereinigten Staaten in königlich-preussischer Zeit (1867-1914). Bräist/Bredstedt, NF : Nordfriisk Instituut. ISBN 3880072299 , 1995

Dienstverlenende bedrijven

Dodson, Charles B. and Bullock, J. Bruce An analysis of the economic viability of farm credit system banks and combined associations. Research bulletin . Columbia : UNSPECIFIED. , 1992


Stalheim, Ole H.V. The winning of animal health : 100 years of veterinary medicine. Ames : Iowa State U.P. ISBN 081382429X , 1994


Mann, Susan Archer Agrarian capitalism in theory and practice. Chapel Hill [etc.] : University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0807818852 , 1990

Stekelenburg, Henri Albert Victor Marie van Landverhuizing als regionaal verschijnsel : van Noord-Brabant naar Noord-Amerika 1820-1880. Tilburg : Stichting Zuidelijk Historisch Contact. , 1991


Brauer, Kai Neue Horizonte ruraler Migraion : intergenerationelle Netzwerke von Nachfahren deutscher Auswanderer in Clanton, Iowa. , 2005.

Esser, Albert Die Lohn-Preis-Entwicklung für landwirtschaftliche Arbeiter Deutschland, England und Nordamerika im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1986.

Finlay, Mark R. The German agricultural experiment stations and the beginnings of American agricultural research. , 1988.

Gates, Paul W. Charles Lewis Fleischmann : German-american authority. , 1961.

Gourvish, Terence R. Economics of brewing, theory and practice concemtration and technicological change in the USA, UK and West Germany since 1945. , 1994.

Koning, Niek The failure of agrarian capitalism : agrarian politics in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and the USA, 1846-1919. London [etc.] : Routledge. ISBN 0415114314 , 1994

Ligterink, G.H. De landverhuizers : emigratie naar Noord-Amerika uit het Gelders-Westfaalse grensgebied tussen de jaren 1830-1850. Werken van het Staring Instituut . Zutphen : Walburg pers. ISBN 906011048X , 1981

Pauseback, Paul-Heinz Der Aufbruch in eine "Neue Welt" : Die Auswanderung aus den schleswig-holsteinischen Kreisen Husum, Eiderstedt und Tondern in die Vereinigten Staaten in königlich-preussischer Zeit (1867-1914). Bräist/Bredstedt, NF : Nordfriisk Instituut. ISBN 3880072299 , 1995

Duurzame landbouw

Soule, Judith D. and Piper, Jon K. Farming in nature's image : an ecological approach to agriculture. Washington, D.C., [etc.] : Island Press. ISBN 0933280890 , 1992


Agricultural reform and its impact on the fruit and vegetables sector in OECD countries. Paris : OECD. ISBN 9264142533 , 1995

Josling, Tim Agricultural policy reform in the USA ans the EC. , 1993.

Libby, Ronald T. Protecting markets : U.S. policy and the world grain trade. Ithaca, N.Y : Cornell University Press. ISBN 0801426170 , 1992


Agricultural reform and its impact on the fruit and vegetables sector in OECD countries. Paris : OECD. ISBN 9264142533 , 1995

Josling, Tim Agricultural policy reform in the USA ans the EC. , 1993.

Libby, Ronald T. Protecting markets : U.S. policy and the world grain trade. Ithaca, N.Y : Cornell University Press. ISBN 0801426170 , 1992


Agricultural reform and its impact on the fruit and vegetables sector in OECD countries. Paris : OECD. ISBN 9264142533 , 1995

Josling, Tim Agricultural policy reform in the USA ans the EC. , 1993.

Libby, Ronald T. Protecting markets : U.S. policy and the world grain trade. Ithaca, N.Y : Cornell University Press. ISBN 0801426170 , 1992


Soule, Judith D. and Piper, Jon K. Farming in nature's image : an ecological approach to agriculture. Washington, D.C., [etc.] : Island Press. ISBN 0933280890 , 1992

Williams, Michael Americans and their forests : a historical geography. Studies in environment and history . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521332478 , 1989

Economisch beleid

Josling, Tim Agricultural policy reform in the USA ans the EC. , 1993.

Economische aspecten

Brown, D.A. Historical prices of farm products by States : a bibliography. , 1962.

Danhof, Clarence H. Gathering the grass. , 1956.

Dodson, Charles B. and Bullock, J. Bruce An analysis of the economic viability of farm credit system banks and combined associations. Research bulletin . Columbia : UNSPECIFIED. , 1992

Fearon, Peter Regulation and response : Kansas wheat farmers ànd the New Deal. , 2007.

Ferleger, Lou Agriculture and national development : views on the nineteenth century. The Henry A. Wallace series on agriculture history and rural studies . Ames : Iowa State University Press. ISBN 0813803144 , 1990

Fusonie, Alan E. John H. Davis : architect of the agribusiness concept revisited. , 1995.

Gourvish, Terence R. Economics of brewing, theory and practice concemtration and technicological change in the USA, UK and West Germany since 1945. , 1994.

Kulikoff, Allan From British peasants to colonial American farmers. Chapel Hill, NC [etc.] : University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0807825697 , 2000

Libby, Ronald T. Protecting markets : U.S. policy and the world grain trade. Ithaca, N.Y : Cornell University Press. ISBN 0801426170 , 1992

Liss, Samuel Farm wage boards under the wage stabilization program during World War II. , 1956.

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. Hog-round marketing, seed quality and government policy : institutional change in U.S. production, 1920-1960. , 2003.

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. The red queen and the hard reds : productivity growth in American wheat, 1800-1940. , 2002.

Primack, Martin L. Farm construction as a use of farm labor in the United States, 1850-1910. , 1965.

Scott, Roy V. Railroad development programs in the twentieth century. The Henry A. Wallace series on agricultural history and rural studies . Ames : Iowa State University Press. ISBN 0813815061 , 1985

Sheingate, Adam D. The rise of the agricultural welfare state : institutions and interest group power in the United States, France, and Japan. Princeton studies in American politics . Princeton, NJ [etc.] : Princeton University Press. ISBN 069100983X , 2001

Sokoloff, Kenneth L. and Dollar, David Agricultural seasonality and the organization of manufacturing in early industrial economies : the contrast between England and the United States. , 1997.

Ulrich, Pamela V. From fustian to merino : the rise of textiles using cotton before and after the gin. , 1994.

Van Vugt, William E. Running from ruin? : the emigration of British farmers to the U.S.A. in the wake of the repeal of the Corn Laws. , 1988.

Widt, R.A. de and Meer, W.C. van der Trekkerkosten : een overzicht van de belangrijkste sinds 1935 in de V.S.A. verschenen publicaties betreffende de economische zijde van de mechanisatie van de trekkracht, benevens enige conclusies aangaande de levensduur en reparatiekosten van trekkers, ook onder Nederlandse omstandigheden. Publicatie . Wageningen : I.L.R.. , 1952

Wiertsema, P. De kwaliteitsregeling voor consumptieaardappelen in Amerika en de contractteelt van aardappelen voor de verwerkende industrie. Publikatie . Wageningen : [s.n.]. , 1964

Economische aspecten algemeen

Brown, D.A. Historical prices of farm products by States : a bibliography. , 1962.

Danhof, Clarence H. Gathering the grass. , 1956.

Dodson, Charles B. and Bullock, J. Bruce An analysis of the economic viability of farm credit system banks and combined associations. Research bulletin . Columbia : UNSPECIFIED. , 1992

Fearon, Peter Regulation and response : Kansas wheat farmers ànd the New Deal. , 2007.

Ferleger, Lou Agriculture and national development : views on the nineteenth century. The Henry A. Wallace series on agriculture history and rural studies . Ames : Iowa State University Press. ISBN 0813803144 , 1990

Fusonie, Alan E. John H. Davis : architect of the agribusiness concept revisited. , 1995.

Gourvish, Terence R. Economics of brewing, theory and practice concemtration and technicological change in the USA, UK and West Germany since 1945. , 1994.

Kulikoff, Allan From British peasants to colonial American farmers. Chapel Hill, NC [etc.] : University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0807825697 , 2000

Libby, Ronald T. Protecting markets : U.S. policy and the world grain trade. Ithaca, N.Y : Cornell University Press. ISBN 0801426170 , 1992

Liss, Samuel Farm wage boards under the wage stabilization program during World War II. , 1956.

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. Hog-round marketing, seed quality and government policy : institutional change in U.S. production, 1920-1960. , 2003.

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. The red queen and the hard reds : productivity growth in American wheat, 1800-1940. , 2002.

Primack, Martin L. Farm construction as a use of farm labor in the United States, 1850-1910. , 1965.

Scott, Roy V. Railroad development programs in the twentieth century. The Henry A. Wallace series on agricultural history and rural studies . Ames : Iowa State University Press. ISBN 0813815061 , 1985

Sheingate, Adam D. The rise of the agricultural welfare state : institutions and interest group power in the United States, France, and Japan. Princeton studies in American politics . Princeton, NJ [etc.] : Princeton University Press. ISBN 069100983X , 2001

Sokoloff, Kenneth L. and Dollar, David Agricultural seasonality and the organization of manufacturing in early industrial economies : the contrast between England and the United States. , 1997.

Ulrich, Pamela V. From fustian to merino : the rise of textiles using cotton before and after the gin. , 1994.

Van Vugt, William E. Running from ruin? : the emigration of British farmers to the U.S.A. in the wake of the repeal of the Corn Laws. , 1988.

Widt, R.A. de and Meer, W.C. van der Trekkerkosten : een overzicht van de belangrijkste sinds 1935 in de V.S.A. verschenen publicaties betreffende de economische zijde van de mechanisatie van de trekkracht, benevens enige conclusies aangaande de levensduur en reparatiekosten van trekkers, ook onder Nederlandse omstandigheden. Publicatie . Wageningen : I.L.R.. , 1952

Wiertsema, P. De kwaliteitsregeling voor consumptieaardappelen in Amerika en de contractteelt van aardappelen voor de verwerkende industrie. Publikatie . Wageningen : [s.n.]. , 1964

Economische geschiedenis

Broehl, Wayne G. Cargill : trading the world's grain. Hanover [etc.] : University Press of New England. ISBN 0874515726 , 1992

Buttel, Frederick H. The US farm crisis and the reconstructuring of American agriculture : domestic and international domensions. , 1989.

Gignilliat, John L. Pigs, politics and protection : the European boycott of American pork, 1879-1891. , 1961.

Wallace, H.A. and Brown, W.L. Corn and its early fathers. [East Lansing] : Michigan State University Press. , 1956

Economische ontwikkeling

Koning, Niek The failure of agrarian capitalism : agrarian politics in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and the USA, 1846-1919. London [etc.] : Routledge. ISBN 0415114314 , 1994

Economische structuur

Gourvish, Terence R. Economics of brewing, theory and practice concemtration and technicological change in the USA, UK and West Germany since 1945. , 1994.

Mann, Susan Archer Agrarian capitalism in theory and practice. Chapel Hill [etc.] : University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0807818852 , 1990

Economische transformatieprocessen

MacClelland, Peter D. Sowing modernity : America's first agricultural revolution. Ithaca [etc.] : Cornell University Press. ISBN 0801433266 , 1997

Swierenga, Robert P. Agrarian capitalism in the countryside : the North American debates. , 1994.


Beukma, K.Jz. Brieven van K. Jz. Beukma, bevorens landbouwer op de boerderij Castor, in het kerspel Zuurdijk, gemeente Leens, doch verhuisd naar de Vereenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika in den jare 1835, aan deszelfs achtergelaten familie in de provincie Groningen. te Groningen : bij W. Zuidema. , 1835


Beeking, M.N. Emigratie naar de Vereenigde Staten en kleine boerderijen in "den groote wintertuin". Hilversum : [s.n.]. , 1920

Beukma, K.Jz. Brieven van K. Jz. Beukma, bevorens landbouwer op de boerderij Castor, in het kerspel Zuurdijk, gemeente Leens, doch verhuisd naar de Vereenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika in den jare 1835, aan deszelfs achtergelaten familie in de provincie Groningen. te Groningen : bij W. Zuidema. , 1835

Brauer, Kai Neue Horizonte ruraler Migraion : intergenerationelle Netzwerke von Nachfahren deutscher Auswanderer in Clanton, Iowa. , 2005.

Galema, A. "Se binne nei Amearika tein" : aspekten van Friese landverhuizing naar de Verenigde Staten rond de eeuwwisseling. , 1990.

Gates, Paul W. Charles Lewis Fleischmann : German-american authority. , 1961.

Gribben, Arthur and Harris, Ruth-Ann M. The great famine and the Irish diaspora in America. Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press. ISBN 1558491724 , 1999

Kulikoff, Allan From British peasants to colonial American farmers. Chapel Hill, NC [etc.] : University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0807825697 , 2000

Ligterink, G.H. De landverhuizers : emigratie naar Noord-Amerika uit het Gelders-Westfaalse grensgebied tussen de jaren 1830-1850. Werken van het Staring Instituut . Zutphen : Walburg pers. ISBN 906011048X , 1981

Pauseback, Paul-Heinz Der Aufbruch in eine "Neue Welt" : Die Auswanderung aus den schleswig-holsteinischen Kreisen Husum, Eiderstedt und Tondern in die Vereinigten Staaten in königlich-preussischer Zeit (1867-1914). Bräist/Bredstedt, NF : Nordfriisk Instituut. ISBN 3880072299 , 1995

Poortinga, Y. Emigraesje út Westerlauwersk Fryslân nei en festiging yn 'e Foriene Steaten. , 1958.

Schmidt, Hubert G. Some post revolutionary views of American agriculture in the English Midlands. , 1958.

Stekelenburg, H.A.V.M. van Landverhuizing als regionaal verschijnsel : van Noord-Brabant naar Noord-Amerika 1820-1880. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van het Zuiden van Nederland . Tilburg : Stichting Zuidelijk Historisch Contact. ISBN 9070641372 , 1991

Stekelenburg, Henri Albert Victor Marie van Landverhuizing als regionaal verschijnsel : van Noord-Brabant naar Noord-Amerika 1820-1880. Tilburg : Stichting Zuidelijk Historisch Contact. , 1991

Stokvis, P.R.D. Zeeuwse emigratie naar Amerika 1840-1920 : themanummer 11e historische studiedag. Nehalennia . Middelburg : Koninklijk Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen, Werkgroep Historie en Archeologie. , 1997

Van Vugt, William E. Running from ruin? : the emigration of British farmers to the U.S.A. in the wake of the repeal of the Corn Laws. , 1988.


Koning, Niek The failure of agrarian capitalism : agrarian politics in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and the USA, 1846-1919. London [etc.] : Routledge. ISBN 0415114314 , 1994

McMurry, S. Women's work and agriculture : diverged trends in England and America, 1800 to 1930. , 1992.

Schmidt, Hubert G. Some post revolutionary views of American agriculture in the English Midlands. , 1958.

Walton, John R. Pedigree and productivity in the British and North American cattle kingdoms before 1930. , 1999.


Koning, Niek The failure of agrarian capitalism : agrarian politics in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and the USA, 1846-1919. London [etc.] : Routledge. ISBN 0415114314 , 1994

McMurry, S. Women's work and agriculture : diverged trends in England and America, 1800 to 1930. , 1992.

Schmidt, Hubert G. Some post revolutionary views of American agriculture in the English Midlands. , 1958.

Walton, John R. Pedigree and productivity in the British and North American cattle kingdoms before 1930. , 1999.


De landbouw in de Verenigde Staten en in de Europese Gemeenschap. Groen Europa . Luxemburg : UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9282540731 , 1984

Gignilliat, John L. Pigs, politics and protection : the European boycott of American pork, 1879-1891. , 1961.

Grigg, David The transformation of agriculture in the west. New perspectives on the past . Oxford [etc.] : Blackwell. ISBN 0631170936 , 1992

Hirsch, Edith Food supplies in the aftermath of World War II. Foreign economic policy of the United States . New York : Garland. ISBN 0815311974 , 1993

Kane, Anne and Mann, Michael A theory of early twentieth-century agrarian politics. , 1992.

Schlebecker, John T. The use of objects in historical research. , 1977.

Ulrich, Pamela V. From fustian to merino : the rise of textiles using cotton before and after the gin. , 1994.

Europese Economische Gemeenschap

Agricultural reform and its impact on the fruit and vegetables sector in OECD countries. Paris : OECD. ISBN 9264142533 , 1995

Josling, Tim Agricultural policy reform in the USA ans the EC. , 1993.

Libby, Ronald T. Protecting markets : U.S. policy and the world grain trade. Ithaca, N.Y : Cornell University Press. ISBN 0801426170 , 1992

Europese Gemeenschap

Agricultural reform and its impact on the fruit and vegetables sector in OECD countries. Paris : OECD. ISBN 9264142533 , 1995

Josling, Tim Agricultural policy reform in the USA ans the EC. , 1993.

Libby, Ronald T. Protecting markets : U.S. policy and the world grain trade. Ithaca, N.Y : Cornell University Press. ISBN 0801426170 , 1992

Europese Unie

Agricultural reform and its impact on the fruit and vegetables sector in OECD countries. Paris : OECD. ISBN 9264142533 , 1995

Josling, Tim Agricultural policy reform in the USA ans the EC. , 1993.

Libby, Ronald T. Protecting markets : U.S. policy and the world grain trade. Ithaca, N.Y : Cornell University Press. ISBN 0801426170 , 1992


Sheingate, Adam D. The rise of the agricultural welfare state : institutions and interest group power in the United States, France, and Japan. Princeton studies in American politics . Princeton, NJ [etc.] : Princeton University Press. ISBN 069100983X , 2001


Sheingate, Adam D. The rise of the agricultural welfare state : institutions and interest group power in the United States, France, and Japan. Princeton studies in American politics . Princeton, NJ [etc.] : Princeton University Press. ISBN 069100983X , 2001


Galema, A. "Se binne nei Amearika tein" : aspekten van Friese landverhuizing naar de Verenigde Staten rond de eeuwwisseling. , 1990.

Poortinga, Y. Emigraesje út Westerlauwersk Fryslân nei en festiging yn 'e Foriene Steaten. , 1958.


Agricultural reform and its impact on the fruit and vegetables sector in OECD countries. Paris : OECD. ISBN 9264142533 , 1995


Ligterink, G.H. De landverhuizers : emigratie naar Noord-Amerika uit het Gelders-Westfaalse grensgebied tussen de jaren 1830-1850. Werken van het Staring Instituut . Zutphen : Walburg pers. ISBN 906011048X , 1981

Geografische aspecten

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. Reshaping the landscape : the impact and diffusion of the tractor in American agriculture, 1910-1960. , 2001.

Williams, Michael Americans and their forests : a historical geography. Studies in environment and history . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521332478 , 1989

Geografische aspecten algemeen

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. Reshaping the landscape : the impact and diffusion of the tractor in American agriculture, 1910-1960. , 2001.

Williams, Michael Americans and their forests : a historical geography. Studies in environment and history . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521332478 , 1989


Broehl, Wayne G. Cargill : trading the world's grain. Hanover [etc.] : University Press of New England. ISBN 0874515726 , 1992

Buttel, Frederick H. The US farm crisis and the reconstructuring of American agriculture : domestic and international domensions. , 1989.

Galema, A. "Se binne nei Amearika tein" : aspekten van Friese landverhuizing naar de Verenigde Staten rond de eeuwwisseling. , 1990.

Gignilliat, John L. Pigs, politics and protection : the European boycott of American pork, 1879-1891. , 1961.

Wallace, H.A. and Brown, W.L. Corn and its early fathers. [East Lansing] : Michigan State University Press. , 1956


Werkzaamheden van het Bataafsche Gouvernement ten nutte van den landbouw. , 1805.

Broehl, Wayne G. Cargill : trading the world's grain. Hanover [etc.] : University Press of New England. ISBN 0874515726 , 1992

Lee, Harold Roswell Garst : a biography. The Henry A. Wallace series on agricultural history and rural studies . Ames : Iowa state University Press. ISBN 0813807964 , 1984

Libby, Ronald T. Protecting markets : U.S. policy and the world grain trade. Ithaca, N.Y : Cornell University Press. ISBN 0801426170 , 1992

Wiertsema, P. De kwaliteitsregeling voor consumptieaardappelen in Amerika en de contractteelt van aardappelen voor de verwerkende industrie. Publikatie . Wageningen : [s.n.]. , 1964


Ross, Earle D. Retardation in farm technology before the power age. , 1956.


Broehl, Wayne G. Cargill : trading the world's grain. Hanover [etc.] : University Press of New England. ISBN 0874515726 , 1992

Lee, Harold Roswell Garst : a biography. The Henry A. Wallace series on agricultural history and rural studies . Ames : Iowa state University Press. ISBN 0813807964 , 1984

Libby, Ronald T. Protecting markets : U.S. policy and the world grain trade. Ithaca, N.Y : Cornell University Press. ISBN 0801426170 , 1992


Agricultural reform and its impact on the fruit and vegetables sector in OECD countries. Paris : OECD. ISBN 9264142533 , 1995


Haar, Charles Monroe Land-use planning : a casebook on the use, misuse, and re-use of urban land. Law school casebook series . Boston, Mass., [etc.] : Little & Brown. , 1971


Fearon, Peter Regulation and response : Kansas wheat farmers ànd the New Deal. , 2007.


Beukma, K.Jz. Brieven van K. Jz. Beukma, bevorens landbouwer op de boerderij Castor, in het kerspel Zuurdijk, gemeente Leens, doch verhuisd naar de Vereenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika in den jare 1835, aan deszelfs achtergelaten familie in de provincie Groningen. te Groningen : bij W. Zuidema. , 1835


Clark, Gregory Productivity growth without technical change in European agriculture before 1850. , 1987.

Clark, Gregory Productivity growth without technical change in European agriculture before 1850. , 1989.

Esser, Albert Die Lohn-Preis-Entwicklung für landwirtschaftliche Arbeiter Deutschland, England und Nordamerika im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1986.

Gourvish, Terence R. Economics of brewing, theory and practice concemtration and technicological change in the USA, UK and West Germany since 1945. , 1994.

Jewell, C. Andrew The impact of America on English agriculture. , 1976.

Koning, Niek The failure of agrarian capitalism : agrarian politics in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and the USA, 1846-1919. London [etc.] : Routledge. ISBN 0415114314 , 1994

Kulikoff, Allan From British peasants to colonial American farmers. Chapel Hill, NC [etc.] : University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0807825697 , 2000

McMurry, S. Women's work and agriculture : diverged trends in England and America, 1800 to 1930. , 1992.

Palladino, Paolo Wizards and devotees : on the Mendelian theory of inheritance and the professionalization of agricultural science in Great Britain and the United States, 1880-1930. , 1994.

Peto, M. De toekomst van Engeland en Amerika met betrekking tot hunne landhuishoudelijke toestanden statistisch nagegaan. , 1867.

Rogal, Samuel J. Agriculture in Britain and America, 1660-1820 : an annotated bibliography of the eighteenth-century literature. Bibliographies and indexes in world history . Westport, Conn : Greenwood Press. ISBN 031329352X , 1994

Schmidt, Hubert G. Some post revolutionary views of American agriculture in the English Midlands. , 1958.

Schmidt, Hubert G. Some post revolutionary views of American agriculture in the English Midlands. , 1958.

Sokoloff, Kenneth L. and Dollar, David Agricultural seasonality and the organization of manufacturing in early industrial economies : the contrast between England and the United States. , 1997.

Van Vugt, William E. Running from ruin? : the emigration of British farmers to the U.S.A. in the wake of the repeal of the Corn Laws. , 1988.

Walton, John R. Pedigree and productivity in the British and North American cattle kingdoms before 1930. , 1999.

Zimmerman, William David Live cattle export trade between United States and Great Britain, 1868-1885. , 1962.


Broehl, Wayne G. Cargill : trading the world's grain. Hanover [etc.] : University Press of New England. ISBN 0874515726 , 1992

Gignilliat, John L. Pigs, politics and protection : the European boycott of American pork, 1879-1891. , 1961.

Zimmerman, William David Live cattle export trade between United States and Great Britain, 1868-1885. , 1962.


Libby, Ronald T. Protecting markets : U.S. policy and the world grain trade. Ithaca, N.Y : Cornell University Press. ISBN 0801426170 , 1992


Fite, Gilbert C. Expanded frontiers in agrarian history. , 1961.

Hurt, R.Douglas Reflections on American agricultural history. , 2004.

Mann, Susan Archer Agrarian capitalism in theory and practice. Chapel Hill [etc.] : University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0807818852 , 1990

Rasmussen, Wayne D. Forty years of agricultural history. , 1959.

Schlebecker, John T. The use of objects in historical research. , 1977.

Swierenga, Robert P. Agrarian capitalism in the countryside : the North American debates. , 1994.


Gribben, Arthur and Harris, Ruth-Ann M. The great famine and the Irish diaspora in America. Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press. ISBN 1558491724 , 1999


Danhof, Clarence H. Gathering the grass. , 1956.

Yale, Allen R. While the sun shines : making hay in Vermont, 1789-1990. Montpelier, Vt : Vermont Historical Society. ISBN 0934720355 , 1991


Sokoloff, Kenneth L. and Dollar, David Agricultural seasonality and the organization of manufacturing in early industrial economies : the contrast between England and the United States. , 1997.


Gribben, Arthur and Harris, Ruth-Ann M. The great famine and the Irish diaspora in America. Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press. ISBN 1558491724 , 1999


Beeking, M.N. Emigratie naar de Vereenigde Staten en kleine boerderijen in "den groote wintertuin". Hilversum : [s.n.]. , 1920

Beukma, K.Jz. Brieven van K. Jz. Beukma, bevorens landbouwer op de boerderij Castor, in het kerspel Zuurdijk, gemeente Leens, doch verhuisd naar de Vereenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika in den jare 1835, aan deszelfs achtergelaten familie in de provincie Groningen. te Groningen : bij W. Zuidema. , 1835

Brauer, Kai Neue Horizonte ruraler Migraion : intergenerationelle Netzwerke von Nachfahren deutscher Auswanderer in Clanton, Iowa. , 2005.

Galema, A. "Se binne nei Amearika tein" : aspekten van Friese landverhuizing naar de Verenigde Staten rond de eeuwwisseling. , 1990.

Gates, Paul W. Charles Lewis Fleischmann : German-american authority. , 1961.

Gribben, Arthur and Harris, Ruth-Ann M. The great famine and the Irish diaspora in America. Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press. ISBN 1558491724 , 1999

Kulikoff, Allan From British peasants to colonial American farmers. Chapel Hill, NC [etc.] : University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0807825697 , 2000

Ligterink, G.H. De landverhuizers : emigratie naar Noord-Amerika uit het Gelders-Westfaalse grensgebied tussen de jaren 1830-1850. Werken van het Staring Instituut . Zutphen : Walburg pers. ISBN 906011048X , 1981

Pauseback, Paul-Heinz Der Aufbruch in eine "Neue Welt" : Die Auswanderung aus den schleswig-holsteinischen Kreisen Husum, Eiderstedt und Tondern in die Vereinigten Staaten in königlich-preussischer Zeit (1867-1914). Bräist/Bredstedt, NF : Nordfriisk Instituut. ISBN 3880072299 , 1995

Poortinga, Y. Emigraesje út Westerlauwersk Fryslân nei en festiging yn 'e Foriene Steaten. , 1958.

Schmidt, Hubert G. Some post revolutionary views of American agriculture in the English Midlands. , 1958.

Stekelenburg, H.A.V.M. van Landverhuizing als regionaal verschijnsel : van Noord-Brabant naar Noord-Amerika 1820-1880. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van het Zuiden van Nederland . Tilburg : Stichting Zuidelijk Historisch Contact. ISBN 9070641372 , 1991

Stekelenburg, Henri Albert Victor Marie van Landverhuizing als regionaal verschijnsel : van Noord-Brabant naar Noord-Amerika 1820-1880. Tilburg : Stichting Zuidelijk Historisch Contact. , 1991

Stokvis, P.R.D. Zeeuwse emigratie naar Amerika 1840-1920 : themanummer 11e historische studiedag. Nehalennia . Middelburg : Koninklijk Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen, Werkgroep Historie en Archeologie. , 1997

Van Vugt, William E. Running from ruin? : the emigration of British farmers to the U.S.A. in the wake of the repeal of the Corn Laws. , 1988.


Sokoloff, Kenneth L. and Dollar, David Agricultural seasonality and the organization of manufacturing in early industrial economies : the contrast between England and the United States. , 1997.

Ulrich, Pamela V. From fustian to merino : the rise of textiles using cotton before and after the gin. , 1994.


Scott, Roy V. Railroad development programs in the twentieth century. The Henry A. Wallace series on agricultural history and rural studies . Ames : Iowa State University Press. ISBN 0813815061 , 1985


Precision agriculture in the 21st century : geospatial and information technologies in crop management. Washington, D.C. : National Academy Press. ISBN 0309056438 , 1997

Canine, Craig Dream reaper : the story of an old-fashioned inventor in the high-tech, high-stakes world of modern agriculture. New York : Knopf. ISBN 0679412727 , 1995

Carstensen, Vernon The genesis of an agricultural experiment station. , 1960.

Cavert, William L. The technological revolution in agriculture; 1910-1955. , 1956.

Clark, Gregory Productivity growth without technical change in European agriculture before 1850. , 1987.

Clark, Gregory Productivity growth without technical change in European agriculture before 1850. , 1989.

Danhof, Clarence H. Gathering the grass. , 1956.

Ferleger, Lou Agriculture and national development : views on the nineteenth century. The Henry A. Wallace series on agriculture history and rural studies . Ames : Iowa State University Press. ISBN 0813803144 , 1990

Grigg, David The transformation of agriculture in the west. New perspectives on the past . Oxford [etc.] : Blackwell. ISBN 0631170936 , 1992

Higgins, F.Hal John M. Horner and the development of the combined harvester. , 1958.

Hurt, R. Douglas Agricultural technology in the twentieth century. Manhattan, Kan. : Sunflower University Press. ISBN 0897451465 , 1991

Lee, Harold Roswell Garst : a biography. The Henry A. Wallace series on agricultural history and rural studies . Ames : Iowa state University Press. ISBN 0813807964 , 1984

Lemmer, George F. Early agricultural editors and their farm philosophies. , 1957.

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. Hog-round marketing, seed quality and government policy : institutional change in U.S. production, 1920-1960. , 2003.

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. Reshaping the landscape : the impact and diffusion of the tractor in American agriculture, 1910-1960. , 2001.

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. The agricultural mechanization controversy of the interwar years. , 1994.

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. The diffusion of the tractor in American agriculture: 1910-60. NBER working paper series . Cambridge, MA : National Bureau of Economic Research. , 2000

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. The red queen and the hard reds : productivity growth in American wheat, 1800-1940. , 2002.

Ross, Earle D. Retardation in farm technology before the power age. , 1956.

Schlebecker, John T. The use of objects in historical research. , 1977.

Spence, Clark C. Experiments in American steam cultivation. , 1959.

Street, James H. Mechanizing the cotton harvest. , 1957.

Widt, R.A. de and Meer, W.C. van der Trekkerkosten : een overzicht van de belangrijkste sinds 1935 in de V.S.A. verschenen publicaties betreffende de economische zijde van de mechanisatie van de trekkracht, benevens enige conclusies aangaande de levensduur en reparatiekosten van trekkers, ook onder Nederlandse omstandigheden. Publicatie . Wageningen : I.L.R.. , 1952

Widt, Roelof Adrianus de Landbouwmechanisatie : economische en sociale aspecten van de mechanisatie van de landbouw in de Verenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika en Nederland. Zwolle : Tjeenk Willink. , 1955

Williams, Robert C. Fordson, Farmall, and Poppin' Johnny : a history of the farm tractor and its impact on America. Urbana [etc.] : University of Illinois Press. ISBN 025201328X , 1987

Yale, Allen R. While the sun shines : making hay in Vermont, 1789-1990. Montpelier, Vt : Vermont Historical Society. ISBN 0934720355 , 1991

Invoer en uitvoer

Zimmerman, William David Live cattle export trade between United States and Great Britain, 1868-1885. , 1962.


Agricultural reform and its impact on the fruit and vegetables sector in OECD countries. Paris : OECD. ISBN 9264142533 , 1995


Janse, J.C. and Wellen, J. and Veenstra, G. Het landbouwjongerenwerk in de Verenigde Staten van Amerika : gezien door een Nederlandse Studiegroep. [S.l.] : Janse [etc.]. , 1951


Janse, J.C. and Wellen, J. and Veenstra, G. Het landbouwjongerenwerk in de Verenigde Staten van Amerika : gezien door een Nederlandse Studiegroep. [S.l.] : Janse [etc.]. , 1951

Juridische bronnen

Bailey, H.C. John W. Walker and the land laws of the 1820's. , 1958.


Wiertsema, P. De kwaliteitsregeling voor consumptieaardappelen in Amerika en de contractteelt van aardappelen voor de verwerkende industrie. Publikatie . Wageningen : [s.n.]. , 1964


Wiertsema, P. De kwaliteitsregeling voor consumptieaardappelen in Amerika en de contractteelt van aardappelen voor de verwerkende industrie. Publikatie . Wageningen : [s.n.]. , 1964


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Esser, Albert Die Lohn-Preis-Entwicklung für landwirtschaftliche Arbeiter Deutschland, England und Nordamerika im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1986.

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Croutch, Albert Housing migratory agricultural workers in California, 1913-1948. San Francisco [etc.] : Rand e research assoc. , 1975


Agricultural reform and its impact on the fruit and vegetables sector in OECD countries. Paris : OECD. ISBN 9264142533 , 1995

Agricultural reform and its impact on the fruit and vegetables sector in OECD countries. Paris : OECD. ISBN 9264142533 , 1995

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Saloutos, Theodore The American farmer and the New Deal. The Henry A. Wallace series on agricultural history and rural studies . Ames : Iowa State University Press. ISBN 0813810760 , 1982

Schlebecker, John T. The use of objects in historical research. , 1977.

Schmidt, Hubert G. Some post revolutionary views of American agriculture in the English Midlands. , 1958.

Walton, John R. Pedigree and productivity in the British and North American cattle kingdoms before 1930. , 1999.


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Bonnen, James T. and Browne, William P. and Schweikhardt, David B. Further observations on the changing nature of national agricultural policy decision processes, 1946-1995. , 1996.

Buttel, Frederick H. The US farm crisis and the reconstructuring of American agriculture : domestic and international domensions. , 1989.

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Josling, Tim Agricultural policy reform in the USA ans the EC. , 1993.

Koning, Niek The failure of agrarian capitalism : agrarian politics in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and the USA, 1846-1919. London [etc.] : Routledge. ISBN 0415114314 , 1994

Peterson, E. Wesley F. A billion dollars a day : the economics and politics of agricultural subsidies. Malden, MA [etc.] : Blackwell. ISBN 9781405185875 , 2009

Saloutos, Theodore The American farmer and the New Deal. The Henry A. Wallace series on agricultural history and rural studies . Ames : Iowa State University Press. ISBN 0813810760 , 1982

Sheingate, Adam D. The rise of the agricultural welfare state : institutions and interest group power in the United States, France, and Japan. Princeton studies in American politics . Princeton, NJ [etc.] : Princeton University Press. ISBN 069100983X , 2001

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Landbouwcrisis interbellum

Feder, Ernest Farm debt adjustment during the depression : the other side of the coin. , 1961.

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Saloutos, Theodore The American farmer and the New Deal. The Henry A. Wallace series on agricultural history and rural studies . Ames : Iowa State University Press. ISBN 0813810760 , 1982

Landbouwcrisis jaren 1980

Buttel, Frederick H. The US farm crisis and the reconstructuring of American agriculture : domestic and international domensions. , 1989.


Hamilton, David E. From new day to New Deal : American farm policy from Hoover to Roosevelt 1928-1933. Chapel Hill [etc.] : University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0807819611 , 1991


Brown, D.A. Historical prices of farm products by States : a bibliography. , 1962.

Clarke, Sally H. Regulation and the revolution in United States farm productivity. Studies in economic history and policy . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 052144117X , 1994

Esser, Albert Die Lohn-Preis-Entwicklung für landwirtschaftliche Arbeiter Deutschland, England und Nordamerika im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1986.

Fisher, Meredith N. The price of food. Food science and technology series . New York : Nova Science Publishers. ISBN 9781606924402 , 2009

Grigg, David The transformation of agriculture in the west. New perspectives on the past . Oxford [etc.] : Blackwell. ISBN 0631170936 , 1992

Koning, Niek The failure of agrarian capitalism : agrarian politics in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and the USA, 1846-1919. London [etc.] : Routledge. ISBN 0415114314 , 1994

Lapperre, R.P. Financiering van agrarische cooperaties in de Verenigde Staten. ['s-Gravenhage] : Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij. , 1992

Mann, Susan Archer Agrarian capitalism in theory and practice. Chapel Hill [etc.] : University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0807818852 , 1990

Peterson, E. Wesley F. A billion dollars a day : the economics and politics of agricultural subsidies. Malden, MA [etc.] : Blackwell. ISBN 9781405185875 , 2009

Widt, Roelof Adrianus de Landbouwmechanisatie : economische en sociale aspecten van de mechanisatie van de landbouw in de Verenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika en Nederland. Zwolle : Tjeenk Willink. , 1955


Folkerts, Jan De pachters van Rensselaerswijck, 1630-1664 : Nederlandse boeren in de wildernis van Noord-Amerika. [Groningen : s.n.]. , 1984

Kane, Anne and Mann, Michael A theory of early twentieth-century agrarian politics. , 1992.

Kulikoff, Allan From British peasants to colonial American farmers. Chapel Hill, NC [etc.] : University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0807825697 , 2000

Van Vugt, William E. Running from ruin? : the emigration of British farmers to the U.S.A. in the wake of the repeal of the Corn Laws. , 1988.


Ferleger, Lou Agriculture and national development : views on the nineteenth century. The Henry A. Wallace series on agriculture history and rural studies . Ames : Iowa State University Press. ISBN 0813803144 , 1990

Fite, Gilbert C. Expanded frontiers in agrarian history. , 1961.

Folkerts, Jan De pachters van Rensselaerswijck, 1630-1664 : Nederlandse boeren in de wildernis van Noord-Amerika. [Groningen : s.n.]. , 1984

Grigg, David The transformation of agriculture in the west. New perspectives on the past . Oxford [etc.] : Blackwell. ISBN 0631170936 , 1992

Hurt, R. Douglas American agriculture : a brief history. Ames : Iowa State university press. ISBN 0813823765 , 1994

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Rasmussen, Wayne D. Forty years of agricultural history. , 1959.

Walton, John R. Pedigree and productivity in the British and North American cattle kingdoms before 1930. , 1999.


Fusonie, Alan E. John H. Davis : architect of the agribusiness concept revisited. , 1995.

Gourvish, Terence R. Economics of brewing, theory and practice concemtration and technicological change in the USA, UK and West Germany since 1945. , 1994.

Ulrich, Pamela V. From fustian to merino : the rise of textiles using cotton before and after the gin. , 1994.

Wiertsema, P. De kwaliteitsregeling voor consumptieaardappelen in Amerika en de contractteelt van aardappelen voor de verwerkende industrie. Publikatie . Wageningen : [s.n.]. , 1964


Dodson, Charles B. and Bullock, J. Bruce An analysis of the economic viability of farm credit system banks and combined associations. Research bulletin . Columbia : UNSPECIFIED. , 1992


Higgins, F.Hal John M. Horner and the development of the combined harvester. , 1958.

Lemmer, George F. Early agricultural editors and their farm philosophies. , 1957.

Street, James H. Mechanizing the cotton harvest. , 1957.

Tucher, Andrea J. Agriculture in America, 1622-1860 : printed works in the collections of the American Philosophical Society, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the Library Company of Philadelphia. Americana to 1860 . New York [etc.] : Garland. ISBN 0824089677 , 1984

Wiser, Vivian Maryland in the early land-grant college movement. , 1962.


Colman, Gould P. Pioneering in agricultural education : Cornell University, 1867-1890. , 1962.

Marcus, Alan I. Agricultural science and the quest for legitimacy : farmers, agricultural colleges, and experiment stations, 1870-1890. The Henry A. Wallace series on agricultural history and rural studies . Ames : Iowa State University Press. ISBN 0813800838 , 1985

Wiser, Vivian Maryland in the early land-grant college movement. , 1962.


Clarke, Sally H. Regulation and the revolution in United States farm productivity. Studies in economic history and policy . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 052144117X , 1994

MacClelland, Peter D. Sowing modernity : America's first agricultural revolution. Ithaca [etc.] : Cornell University Press. ISBN 0801433266 , 1997


Biewenga, A.W. Landbouwpolitiek en landbouworganisaties in de Verenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika : verslag van een studiereis in de Verenigde Staten van 1 April 1951 - 24 Mei 1951. 's-Gravenhage : [s.n.]. , 1951

Janse, J.C. and Wellen, J. and Veenstra, G. Het landbouwjongerenwerk in de Verenigde Staten van Amerika : gezien door een Nederlandse Studiegroep. [S.l.] : Janse [etc.]. , 1951

Lapperre, R.P. Financiering van agrarische cooperaties in de Verenigde Staten. ['s-Gravenhage] : Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij. , 1992

Marcus, Alan I. Agricultural science and the quest for legitimacy : farmers, agricultural colleges, and experiment stations, 1870-1890. The Henry A. Wallace series on agricultural history and rural studies . Ames : Iowa State University Press. ISBN 0813800838 , 1985

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. The "Tuberculous Cattle Trust" : disease contagion in an era of regulatory uncertainty. , 2004.

Wijk, A. van Don't mourn organize! : Landbouworganisaties en landbouwbeleid in de Verenigde Staten van Amerika. Wageningen : L.U.. , 1987


Lemmer, George F. Early agricultural editors and their farm philosophies. , 1957.


Fisher, Meredith N. The price of food. Food science and technology series . New York : Nova Science Publishers. ISBN 9781606924402 , 2009


Peto, M. De toekomst van Engeland en Amerika met betrekking tot hunne landhuishoudelijke toestanden statistisch nagegaan. , 1867.


Jewell, C. Andrew The impact of America on English agriculture. , 1976.


Jewell, C. Andrew The impact of America on English agriculture. , 1976.

Landbouwtechnische ontwikkeling

Precision agriculture in the 21st century : geospatial and information technologies in crop management. Washington, D.C. : National Academy Press. ISBN 0309056438 , 1997

Canine, Craig Dream reaper : the story of an old-fashioned inventor in the high-tech, high-stakes world of modern agriculture. New York : Knopf. ISBN 0679412727 , 1995

Carstensen, Vernon The genesis of an agricultural experiment station. , 1960.

Cavert, William L. The technological revolution in agriculture; 1910-1955. , 1956.

Clark, Gregory Productivity growth without technical change in European agriculture before 1850. , 1987.

Clark, Gregory Productivity growth without technical change in European agriculture before 1850. , 1989.

Danhof, Clarence H. Gathering the grass. , 1956.

Ferleger, Lou Agriculture and national development : views on the nineteenth century. The Henry A. Wallace series on agriculture history and rural studies . Ames : Iowa State University Press. ISBN 0813803144 , 1990

Grigg, David The transformation of agriculture in the west. New perspectives on the past . Oxford [etc.] : Blackwell. ISBN 0631170936 , 1992

Higgins, F.Hal John M. Horner and the development of the combined harvester. , 1958.

Hurt, R. Douglas Agricultural technology in the twentieth century. Manhattan, Kan. : Sunflower University Press. ISBN 0897451465 , 1991

Lee, Harold Roswell Garst : a biography. The Henry A. Wallace series on agricultural history and rural studies . Ames : Iowa state University Press. ISBN 0813807964 , 1984

Lemmer, George F. Early agricultural editors and their farm philosophies. , 1957.

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. Hog-round marketing, seed quality and government policy : institutional change in U.S. production, 1920-1960. , 2003.

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. Reshaping the landscape : the impact and diffusion of the tractor in American agriculture, 1910-1960. , 2001.

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. The agricultural mechanization controversy of the interwar years. , 1994.

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. The diffusion of the tractor in American agriculture: 1910-60. NBER working paper series . Cambridge, MA : National Bureau of Economic Research. , 2000

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. The red queen and the hard reds : productivity growth in American wheat, 1800-1940. , 2002.

Ross, Earle D. Retardation in farm technology before the power age. , 1956.

Schlebecker, John T. The use of objects in historical research. , 1977.

Spence, Clark C. Experiments in American steam cultivation. , 1959.

Street, James H. Mechanizing the cotton harvest. , 1957.

Widt, R.A. de and Meer, W.C. van der Trekkerkosten : een overzicht van de belangrijkste sinds 1935 in de V.S.A. verschenen publicaties betreffende de economische zijde van de mechanisatie van de trekkracht, benevens enige conclusies aangaande de levensduur en reparatiekosten van trekkers, ook onder Nederlandse omstandigheden. Publicatie . Wageningen : I.L.R.. , 1952

Widt, Roelof Adrianus de Landbouwmechanisatie : economische en sociale aspecten van de mechanisatie van de landbouw in de Verenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika en Nederland. Zwolle : Tjeenk Willink. , 1955

Williams, Robert C. Fordson, Farmall, and Poppin' Johnny : a history of the farm tractor and its impact on America. Urbana [etc.] : University of Illinois Press. ISBN 025201328X , 1987

Yale, Allen R. While the sun shines : making hay in Vermont, 1789-1990. Montpelier, Vt : Vermont Historical Society. ISBN 0934720355 , 1991


Peto, M. De toekomst van Engeland en Amerika met betrekking tot hunne landhuishoudelijke toestanden statistisch nagegaan. , 1867.


Canine, Craig Dream reaper : the story of an old-fashioned inventor in the high-tech, high-stakes world of modern agriculture. New York : Knopf. ISBN 0679412727 , 1995

MacClelland, Peter D. Sowing modernity : America's first agricultural revolution. Ithaca [etc.] : Cornell University Press. ISBN 0801433266 , 1997


Higgins, F.Hal John M. Horner and the development of the combined harvester. , 1958.

Lemmer, George F. Early agricultural editors and their farm philosophies. , 1957.

Street, James H. Mechanizing the cotton harvest. , 1957.

Tucher, Andrea J. Agriculture in America, 1622-1860 : printed works in the collections of the American Philosophical Society, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the Library Company of Philadelphia. Americana to 1860 . New York [etc.] : Garland. ISBN 0824089677 , 1984

Wiser, Vivian Maryland in the early land-grant college movement. , 1962.


Haar, Charles Monroe Land-use planning : a casebook on the use, misuse, and re-use of urban land. Law school casebook series . Boston, Mass., [etc.] : Little & Brown. , 1971


Haar, Charles Monroe Land-use planning : a casebook on the use, misuse, and re-use of urban land. Law school casebook series . Boston, Mass., [etc.] : Little & Brown. , 1971

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. Reshaping the landscape : the impact and diffusion of the tractor in American agriculture, 1910-1960. , 2001.


Haar, Charles Monroe Land-use planning : a casebook on the use, misuse, and re-use of urban land. Law school casebook series . Boston, Mass., [etc.] : Little & Brown. , 1971

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. Reshaping the landscape : the impact and diffusion of the tractor in American agriculture, 1910-1960. , 2001.


Brown, D.A. Historical prices of farm products by States : a bibliography. , 1962.

Rogal, Samuel J. Agriculture in Britain and America, 1660-1820 : an annotated bibliography of the eighteenth-century literature. Bibliographies and indexes in world history . Westport, Conn : Greenwood Press. ISBN 031329352X , 1994

Tucher, Andrea J. Agriculture in America, 1622-1860 : printed works in the collections of the American Philosophical Society, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the Library Company of Philadelphia. Americana to 1860 . New York [etc.] : Garland. ISBN 0824089677 , 1984


Galema, A. "Se binne nei Amearika tein" : aspekten van Friese landverhuizing naar de Verenigde Staten rond de eeuwwisseling. , 1990.

Materiele cultuur

Schlebecker, John T. The use of objects in historical research. , 1977.


Cavert, William L. The technological revolution in agriculture; 1910-1955. , 1956.

Grigg, David The transformation of agriculture in the west. New perspectives on the past . Oxford [etc.] : Blackwell. ISBN 0631170936 , 1992

Higgins, F.Hal John M. Horner and the development of the combined harvester. , 1958.

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. Reshaping the landscape : the impact and diffusion of the tractor in American agriculture, 1910-1960. , 2001.

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. The agricultural mechanization controversy of the interwar years. , 1994.

Spence, Clark C. Experiments in American steam cultivation. , 1959.

Street, James H. Mechanizing the cotton harvest. , 1957.

Widt, R.A. de and Meer, W.C. van der Trekkerkosten : een overzicht van de belangrijkste sinds 1935 in de V.S.A. verschenen publicaties betreffende de economische zijde van de mechanisatie van de trekkracht, benevens enige conclusies aangaande de levensduur en reparatiekosten van trekkers, ook onder Nederlandse omstandigheden. Publicatie . Wageningen : I.L.R.. , 1952

Widt, Roelof Adrianus de Landbouwmechanisatie : economische en sociale aspecten van de mechanisatie van de landbouw in de Verenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika en Nederland. Zwolle : Tjeenk Willink. , 1955


Houghton, Frederick L. Holstein-Friesian cattle : a history of the breed and its development in America. Brattleboro, Vt : Holstein-Friesian Register. , 1897


Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. The agricultural mechanization controversy of the interwar years. , 1994.

Methoden en technieken

Palladino, Paolo Wizards and devotees : on the Mendelian theory of inheritance and the professionalization of agricultural science in Great Britain and the United States, 1880-1930. , 1994.


Folkerts, Jan De pachters van Rensselaerswijck, 1630-1664 : Nederlandse boeren in de wildernis van Noord-Amerika. [Groningen : s.n.]. , 1984


Beeking, M.N. Emigratie naar de Vereenigde Staten en kleine boerderijen in "den groote wintertuin". Hilversum : [s.n.]. , 1920

Beukma, K.Jz. Brieven van K. Jz. Beukma, bevorens landbouwer op de boerderij Castor, in het kerspel Zuurdijk, gemeente Leens, doch verhuisd naar de Vereenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika in den jare 1835, aan deszelfs achtergelaten familie in de provincie Groningen. te Groningen : bij W. Zuidema. , 1835

Brauer, Kai Neue Horizonte ruraler Migraion : intergenerationelle Netzwerke von Nachfahren deutscher Auswanderer in Clanton, Iowa. , 2005.

Galema, A. "Se binne nei Amearika tein" : aspekten van Friese landverhuizing naar de Verenigde Staten rond de eeuwwisseling. , 1990.

Gates, Paul W. Charles Lewis Fleischmann : German-american authority. , 1961.

Gribben, Arthur and Harris, Ruth-Ann M. The great famine and the Irish diaspora in America. Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press. ISBN 1558491724 , 1999

Kulikoff, Allan From British peasants to colonial American farmers. Chapel Hill, NC [etc.] : University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0807825697 , 2000

Ligterink, G.H. De landverhuizers : emigratie naar Noord-Amerika uit het Gelders-Westfaalse grensgebied tussen de jaren 1830-1850. Werken van het Staring Instituut . Zutphen : Walburg pers. ISBN 906011048X , 1981

Pauseback, Paul-Heinz Der Aufbruch in eine "Neue Welt" : Die Auswanderung aus den schleswig-holsteinischen Kreisen Husum, Eiderstedt und Tondern in die Vereinigten Staaten in königlich-preussischer Zeit (1867-1914). Bräist/Bredstedt, NF : Nordfriisk Instituut. ISBN 3880072299 , 1995

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Ligterink, G.H. De landverhuizers : emigratie naar Noord-Amerika uit het Gelders-Westfaalse grensgebied tussen de jaren 1830-1850. Werken van het Staring Instituut . Zutphen : Walburg pers. ISBN 906011048X , 1981

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Stekelenburg, H.A.V.M. van Landverhuizing als regionaal verschijnsel : van Noord-Brabant naar Noord-Amerika 1820-1880. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van het Zuiden van Nederland . Tilburg : Stichting Zuidelijk Historisch Contact. ISBN 9070641372 , 1991

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Stokvis, P.R.D. Zeeuwse emigratie naar Amerika 1840-1920 : themanummer 11e historische studiedag. Nehalennia . Middelburg : Koninklijk Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen, Werkgroep Historie en Archeologie. , 1997

Widt, R.A. de and Meer, W.C. van der Trekkerkosten : een overzicht van de belangrijkste sinds 1935 in de V.S.A. verschenen publicaties betreffende de economische zijde van de mechanisatie van de trekkracht, benevens enige conclusies aangaande de levensduur en reparatiekosten van trekkers, ook onder Nederlandse omstandigheden. Publicatie . Wageningen : I.L.R.. , 1952

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Nieuwe Tijd

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Nieuwste Tijd

Beukma, K.Jz. Brieven van K. Jz. Beukma, bevorens landbouwer op de boerderij Castor, in het kerspel Zuurdijk, gemeente Leens, doch verhuisd naar de Vereenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika in den jare 1835, aan deszelfs achtergelaten familie in de provincie Groningen. te Groningen : bij W. Zuidema. , 1835

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Grigg, David The transformation of agriculture in the west. New perspectives on the past . Oxford [etc.] : Blackwell. ISBN 0631170936 , 1992

Hamilton, David E. From new day to New Deal : American farm policy from Hoover to Roosevelt 1928-1933. Chapel Hill [etc.] : University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0807819611 , 1991

Hurt, R. Douglas Agricultural technology in the twentieth century. Manhattan, Kan. : Sunflower University Press. ISBN 0897451465 , 1991

Keillor, Steven James Agricultural change and crosscultural exchange : Danes, Americans and dairying 1880-1930. , 1993.

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Kulikoff, Allan From British peasants to colonial American farmers. Chapel Hill, NC [etc.] : University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0807825697 , 2000

Mann, Susan Archer Agrarian capitalism in theory and practice. Chapel Hill [etc.] : University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0807818852 , 1990

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Pauseback, Paul-Heinz Der Aufbruch in eine "Neue Welt" : Die Auswanderung aus den schleswig-holsteinischen Kreisen Husum, Eiderstedt und Tondern in die Vereinigten Staaten in königlich-preussischer Zeit (1867-1914). Bräist/Bredstedt, NF : Nordfriisk Instituut. ISBN 3880072299 , 1995

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Stekelenburg, H.A.V.M. van Landverhuizing als regionaal verschijnsel : van Noord-Brabant naar Noord-Amerika 1820-1880. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van het Zuiden van Nederland . Tilburg : Stichting Zuidelijk Historisch Contact. ISBN 9070641372 , 1991

Stekelenburg, Henri Albert Victor Marie van Landverhuizing als regionaal verschijnsel : van Noord-Brabant naar Noord-Amerika 1820-1880. Tilburg : Stichting Zuidelijk Historisch Contact. , 1991

Stokvis, P.R.D. Zeeuwse emigratie naar Amerika 1840-1920 : themanummer 11e historische studiedag. Nehalennia . Middelburg : Koninklijk Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen, Werkgroep Historie en Archeologie. , 1997

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Stekelenburg, H.A.V.M. van Landverhuizing als regionaal verschijnsel : van Noord-Brabant naar Noord-Amerika 1820-1880. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van het Zuiden van Nederland . Tilburg : Stichting Zuidelijk Historisch Contact. ISBN 9070641372 , 1991

Stekelenburg, Henri Albert Victor Marie van Landverhuizing als regionaal verschijnsel : van Noord-Brabant naar Noord-Amerika 1820-1880. Tilburg : Stichting Zuidelijk Historisch Contact. , 1991

Onderwijs en wetenschap algemeen

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Oogsten en oogstbewerking

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Politiek algemeen

Josling, Tim Agricultural policy reform in the USA ans the EC. , 1993.

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Politieke attituden

Anderson, Clifford B. The metamorphosis of American agrarian idealism in the 1920's and 1930's. , 1961.

Politieke bewegingen

Kane, Anne and Mann, Michael A theory of early twentieth-century agrarian politics. , 1992.

Politieke participatie

Kane, Anne and Mann, Michael A theory of early twentieth-century agrarian politics. , 1992.

Pre-industriele maatschappij

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Fisher, Meredith N. The price of food. Food science and technology series . New York : Nova Science Publishers. ISBN 9781606924402 , 2009


Precision agriculture in the 21st century : geospatial and information technologies in crop management. Washington, D.C. : National Academy Press. ISBN 0309056438 , 1997

Brown, D.A. Historical prices of farm products by States : a bibliography. , 1962.

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. Hog-round marketing, seed quality and government policy : institutional change in U.S. production, 1920-1960. , 2003.

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Clark, Gregory Productivity growth without technical change in European agriculture before 1850. , 1987.

Clark, Gregory Productivity growth without technical change in European agriculture before 1850. , 1989.

Clarke, Sally H. Regulation and the revolution in United States farm productivity. Studies in economic history and policy . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 052144117X , 1994


Precision agriculture in the 21st century : geospatial and information technologies in crop management. Washington, D.C. : National Academy Press. ISBN 0309056438 , 1997

Brown, D.A. Historical prices of farm products by States : a bibliography. , 1962.

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. Hog-round marketing, seed quality and government policy : institutional change in U.S. production, 1920-1960. , 2003.

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Clark, Gregory Productivity growth without technical change in European agriculture before 1850. , 1987.

Clark, Gregory Productivity growth without technical change in European agriculture before 1850. , 1989.

Clarke, Sally H. Regulation and the revolution in United States farm productivity. Studies in economic history and policy . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 052144117X , 1994


Carstensen, Vernon The genesis of an agricultural experiment station. , 1960.

Finlay, Mark R. The German agricultural experiment stations and the beginnings of American agricultural research. , 1988.

Marcus, Alan I. Agricultural science and the quest for legitimacy : farmers, agricultural colleges, and experiment stations, 1870-1890. The Henry A. Wallace series on agricultural history and rural studies . Ames : Iowa State University Press. ISBN 0813800838 , 1985


Mann, Susan Archer Agrarian capitalism in theory and practice. Chapel Hill [etc.] : University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0807818852 , 1990

Stekelenburg, Henri Albert Victor Marie van Landverhuizing als regionaal verschijnsel : van Noord-Brabant naar Noord-Amerika 1820-1880. Tilburg : Stichting Zuidelijk Historisch Contact. , 1991


Finlay, Mark R. The German agricultural experiment stations and the beginnings of American agricultural research. , 1988.

Marcus, Alan I. Agricultural science and the quest for legitimacy : farmers, agricultural colleges, and experiment stations, 1870-1890. The Henry A. Wallace series on agricultural history and rural studies . Ames : Iowa State University Press. ISBN 0813800838 , 1985


Wiertsema, P. De kwaliteitsregeling voor consumptieaardappelen in Amerika en de contractteelt van aardappelen voor de verwerkende industrie. Publikatie . Wageningen : [s.n.]. , 1964


Widt, R.A. de and Meer, W.C. van der Trekkerkosten : een overzicht van de belangrijkste sinds 1935 in de V.S.A. verschenen publicaties betreffende de economische zijde van de mechanisatie van de trekkracht, benevens enige conclusies aangaande de levensduur en reparatiekosten van trekkers, ook onder Nederlandse omstandigheden. Publicatie . Wageningen : I.L.R.. , 1952

Wiertsema, P. De kwaliteitsregeling voor consumptieaardappelen in Amerika en de contractteelt van aardappelen voor de verwerkende industrie. Publikatie . Wageningen : [s.n.]. , 1964


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Regionale ontwikkeling

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Ruimtelijke ordening

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Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. The "Tuberculous Cattle Trust" : disease contagion in an era of regulatory uncertainty. , 2004.

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. An impossible undertaking : the eradication of bovine tuberculosis in the United States. , 2004.

Rurale geschiedenis

Danbom, David B. Born in the country : a history of rural America. Revisiting rural America . Baltimore [etc.] : Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 0801850398 , 1995

Rurale geschiedenis algemeen

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Marcus, Alan I. Agricultural science and the quest for legitimacy : farmers, agricultural colleges, and experiment stations, 1870-1890. The Henry A. Wallace series on agricultural history and rural studies . Ames : Iowa State University Press. ISBN 0813800838 , 1985


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Wright, Dale They harvest despair : the migrant farm worker. Boston [etc.] : Beacon Press. , 1965

Sociale geschiedenis

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Sociale groepen

Brauer, Kai Neue Horizonte ruraler Migraion : intergenerationelle Netzwerke von Nachfahren deutscher Auswanderer in Clanton, Iowa. , 2005.

Larson, Ronald B. New market groupings based on food consumption patterns. , 2004.

Sociale omstandigheden

Gribben, Arthur and Harris, Ruth-Ann M. The great famine and the Irish diaspora in America. Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press. ISBN 1558491724 , 1999

Sociale structuur

Brauer, Kai Neue Horizonte ruraler Migraion : intergenerationelle Netzwerke von Nachfahren deutscher Auswanderer in Clanton, Iowa. , 2005.

Solanum tuberosum

Wiertsema, P. De kwaliteitsregeling voor consumptieaardappelen in Amerika en de contractteelt van aardappelen voor de verwerkende industrie. Publikatie . Wageningen : [s.n.]. , 1964


Haar, Charles Monroe Land-use planning : a casebook on the use, misuse, and re-use of urban land. Law school casebook series . Boston, Mass., [etc.] : Little & Brown. , 1971


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Peterson, E. Wesley F. A billion dollars a day : the economics and politics of agricultural subsidies. Malden, MA [etc.] : Blackwell. ISBN 9781405185875 , 2009

Saloutos, Theodore The American farmer and the New Deal. The Henry A. Wallace series on agricultural history and rural studies . Ames : Iowa State University Press. ISBN 0813810760 , 1982

Smit, Harry F. Het landbouwsubsidiebeleid in de VS. ['s-Gravenhage] : Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij. , 1990


Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. The red queen and the hard reds : productivity growth in American wheat, 1800-1940. , 2002.


Ulrich, Pamela V. From fustian to merino : the rise of textiles using cotton before and after the gin. , 1994.


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Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. The agricultural mechanization controversy of the interwar years. , 1994.

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. The diffusion of the tractor in American agriculture: 1910-60. NBER working paper series . Cambridge, MA : National Bureau of Economic Research. , 2000

Williams, Robert C. Fordson, Farmall, and Poppin' Johnny : a history of the farm tractor and its impact on America. Urbana [etc.] : University of Illinois Press. ISBN 025201328X , 1987


Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. The agricultural mechanization controversy of the interwar years. , 1994.

Widt, R.A. de and Meer, W.C. van der Trekkerkosten : een overzicht van de belangrijkste sinds 1935 in de V.S.A. verschenen publicaties betreffende de economische zijde van de mechanisatie van de trekkracht, benevens enige conclusies aangaande de levensduur en reparatiekosten van trekkers, ook onder Nederlandse omstandigheden. Publicatie . Wageningen : I.L.R.. , 1952


Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. Reshaping the landscape : the impact and diffusion of the tractor in American agriculture, 1910-1960. , 2001.

Olmstead, Alan L. and Rhode, Paul W. The agricultural mechanization controversy of the interwar years. , 1994.

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Agricultural reform and its impact on the fruit and vegetables sector in OECD countries. Paris : OECD. ISBN 9264142533 , 1995

Tweede Wereldoorlog

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Agricultural reform and its impact on the fruit and vegetables sector in OECD countries. Paris : OECD. ISBN 9264142533 , 1995

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Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannie en Noord-Ierland

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