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Jump to: 900 | 932 | Achterhoek | Acties | Agrariers | Agrarisch beleid | Agrarische geschiedenis | Agrarische ontwikkeling | Agrarische politiek | Agrarische sector | Akkervormen | Algemene geschiedenis | Arbeid | BRD | Bedrijfsgroottestructuur | Bedrijfsresultaten | Bedrijfsuitkomsten | Bedrijfsvoering | Bedrijfsvoering algemeen | Bedrijfsvormen grootgrondbezit | Beheer grootgrondbezit | Belastingen | Belgie | Beloning | Bestuur en rechtspraak | Bestuur en rechtspraak algemeen | Bevolkingsontwikkeling | Boerderijen | Boeren | Boerenopstand | Boerenstand | Brandenburg | Buckinghamshire | Buurschappen | Corporatief grootgrondbezit | Cultuurgeschiedenis | DDR | De Graafschap | Demografische ontwikkeling | Denemarken | Deutschland | Dissertaties | Dorpen | Dorpsgemeenschappen | Duitsland | East Anglia | Economische aspecten | Economische aspecten algemeen | Economische geschiedenis | Economische groei | Economische ontwikkeling | Emigratie | Enclosures | Engeland | England | Erfpacht | Europa | Exploitatie grootgrondbezit | Flurformen | France | Frankrijk | Geestelijk grondbezit | Gelderland | Geschiedenis | Goederenbeheer | Grondbelasting | Grondbezit | Grondeigendom | Grondgebruik | Grondpolitiek | Groningen | Groot-Brittannie | Grootgrondbezit | Gutsherrschaft | Heerlijke rechten | Heerlijkheid | Holstein | Hongersnoden | Horigheid | Ierland | Immigratie | Inclosures | Inkomen | Innovaties | Kloostergoederen | Lancashire | Landarbeiders | Landbezit | Landbouw | Landbouwbeleid | Landbouwcrisis 1880-1900 | Landbouweconomie | Landbouwers | Landbouwgeschiedenis | Landbouwontwikkeling | Landbouworganisaties | Landbouwstelsels | Landbouwsystemen | Landbouwtechnische ontwikkeling | Landeigenaren | Landeigendom | Landelijke gebieden | Landgebruik | Landschap | Levensstandaard | Limburg | Lokale gemeenschappen | Lokale geschiedenis | Maatschappijgeschiedenis | Mentaliteit | Micro-histoire | Middeleeuwen | Migratie | Namen | Namur | Nederland | Nedersaksen | Niedersachsen | Nieuwe Tijd | Nieuwste Tijd | Noord-Brabant | Oudheid | Overheidsbeleid | Overijssel | Pacht | Pachters | Perceelvormen | Platteland | Plattelandsbevolking | Plattelandssamenlevingen | Politiek | Politiek algemeen | Politieke partijen | Pre-industriele maatschappij | Prijzen | Productie | Produktie | Proefschriften | Rechtsgeschiedenis | Rechtshistorie | Rurale geschiedenis | Rurale geschiedenis algemeen | Sachsen | Saksen | Schleswig | Schleswig-Holstein | Schotland | Sleeswijk | Sleeswijk-Holstein | Sociaal protest | Sociaal-economische geschiedenis | Sociale aspecten algemeen | Sociale geschiedenis | Sociale groepen | Sociale omstandigheden | Sociale structuur | Sociale verhoudingen | Suffolk | Tijdpacht | Veefokkerij | Veepest | Veeteelt | Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannie en Noord-Ierland | Verhouding boeren-arbeiders | Verhouding heren-boeren | Verhouding stad-platteland | Verkavelingspatronen | Verkavelingsvormen | Vlaanderen | Voorindustriele maatschappij | Vrouwen | Wales | Ziekten
Number of items: 834.


Buring, M.M. 'Dikke boer'n' als dragers van de sociale, economische, politieke en culturele ontwikkelingen in de negentiende eeuw. Groningen : [eigen uitg.]. , 2003


Buring, M.M. 'Dikke boer'n' als dragers van de sociale, economische, politieke en culturele ontwikkelingen in de negentiende eeuw. Groningen : [eigen uitg.]. , 2003


Wilhelmy van Hasselt, J.C. Dat huus toe Empe. , 1965.


Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.


Buntinx, Jeroen Lichtelaar te Lochristi, Redewinkel te Zeveneken en het Torregoed en Bruinewalle te Zaffelare : een onderzoek naar de sociaal-economische betekenis van grote abdijpachthoeven en hun bewoners (late 13de eeuw - Ancien Régime). , 1998.

Buring, M.M. 'Dikke boer'n' als dragers van de sociale, economische, politieke en culturele ontwikkelingen in de negentiende eeuw. Groningen : [eigen uitg.]. , 2003

Dyer, Christopher A Suffolk farmer in the fifteenth century. , 2007.

Faith, Rosamond The English peasantry and the growth of lordship. Studies in the early history of Britain . London [etc.] : Leicester University Press. ISBN 0718500113 , 1997

Jatzlauk, Manfred Landarbeiter, Bauern und Grossgrundbesitzer in der Weimarer Republik. , 1991.

McQuiston, Julian R. Tenant right : farmer against landlord in Victorian England, 1847-1883. , 1973.

Saalfeld, Diedrich The German peasantry on the eve of the French revolution. , 1990.

Wordie, J.R. Social change on the Leveson-Gower estates, 1714-1832. , 1974.

Woude, Ad van der Grote bezittingen en kleine bedrijven : heren en boeren in de Nederlanden tijdens de late middeleeuwen en vroeg-moderne tijd. , 2000.

Wunder, Heide Das selbstverständliche Denken : ein Vorschlag zur vergleichenden Analyse ländlicher Gesellschaften in der frühen Neuzeit, ausgehend von "Modell ostelbische Gutsherrschaft". , 1995.

Agrarisch beleid

Hurren, Elizabeth T. Agricultural trade unionism and the crusade against outdoor relief : poor law politics in the Brixworth Union, Northamptonshire, 1870-75. , 2000.

Saalfeld, Diedrich The German peasantry on the eve of the French revolution. , 1990.

Agrarische geschiedenis

Woude, Ad van der Grote bezittingen en kleine bedrijven : heren en boeren in de Nederlanden tijdens de late middeleeuwen en vroeg-moderne tijd. , 2000.

Agrarische ontwikkeling

Brown, David Reassessing th influence of the aristocratic improver : the example of the fifth Duke of Bedford (1765-1802). , 1999.

Gray, Malcolm The consolidation of the crofting system. , 1957.

Hopcroft, Rosemary L. and Emigh, Rebecca Jean Divergent paths of agrarian change : Eastern England and Tuscany compared. , 2000.

Martins, Susanna Wade and Williamson, Tom The development of the lease and its role in agricultural improvement in East Anglia, 1660-1870. , 1997.

Simoni, Pierre Agricultural change and landlord-tenant relations in nineteenth century France : the canton of Apt (Vaucluse). , 1979.

Smout, T.C. Landowners in Scotland, Ireland and Denmark in the age of improvement. , 1987.

Agrarische politiek

Hurren, Elizabeth T. Agricultural trade unionism and the crusade against outdoor relief : poor law politics in the Brixworth Union, Northamptonshire, 1870-75. , 2000.

Saalfeld, Diedrich The German peasantry on the eve of the French revolution. , 1990.

Agrarische sector

Fryde, E.B. Peasants and landlords in later medieval England, c.1380-c.1525. Stroud : Sutton. ISBN 0862998662 , 1996


Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.

Gray, Malcolm The consolidation of the crofting system. , 1957.

Vanhaute, Eric Rich agriculture and poor farmers : land, landlords and farmers in Flanders in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. , 2001.

Algemene geschiedenis

Buntinx, Jeroen Lichtelaar te Lochristi, Redewinkel te Zeveneken en het Torregoed en Bruinewalle te Zaffelare : een onderzoek naar de sociaal-economische betekenis van grote abdijpachthoeven en hun bewoners (late 13de eeuw - Ancien Régime). , 1998.

Buring, M.M. 'Dikke boer'n' als dragers van de sociale, economische, politieke en culturele ontwikkelingen in de negentiende eeuw. Groningen : [eigen uitg.]. , 2003

Béaur, Gérard Credit and land in eighteenth-century France. , 2009.

Faith, Rosamond The English peasantry and the growth of lordship. Studies in the early history of Britain . London [etc.] : Leicester University Press. ISBN 0718500113 , 1997

Génicot, L. L'économie rurale namuroise au bas Moyen âge (1199-1429). Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philologie . Louvain : Bibliothèque de l'Université. , 1943

Hopcroft, Rosemary L. and Emigh, Rebecca Jean Divergent paths of agrarian change : Eastern England and Tuscany compared. , 2000.

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Schofield, Phillipp R. Tenurial developments and the availibility of custumary land in a later medieval community. , 1996.

Searle, C.E. Custom, class conflict and agrarian capitalism : the Cumbrian customary economy in the eighteenth century. , 1986.


Burchardt, Jeremy Rural social relations, 1830-50 : opposition to allotments for labourers. , 1997.

Caunce, Stephen Farm servants and the development of capitalism in English agriculture. , 1997.

Youngs, Deborah Servants and labourers on a late medieval demesne : the case of Newton, Cheshire, 1498-1520. , 1999.


Göttsch, Silke Wiederständigkeit leibeigener Untertanen auf Schleswig-holsteinischen Gütern im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1995.

Göttsch, Silke Wiederständigkeit leibeigener Untertanen auf Schleswig-holsteinischen Gütern im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1995.

Holenstein, André Die Huldigung der Untertanen : Rechtskultur und Herrschaftsordnung (800 - 1800). Quellen und Forschungen zur Agrargeschichte . Stuttgart [etc.] : Gustav Fischer. ISBN 3437503383 , 1991

Jatzlauk, Manfred Landarbeiter, Bauern und Grossgrundbesitzer in der Weimarer Republik. , 1991.

Kaak, Heinrich Fortschrittliche Landwirte : adlige Innovationsbestrebungen in Brandenburg zwischen Landesherrschaft und Untertanen 1763-1807. , 2011.

Saalfeld, Diedrich The German peasantry on the eve of the French revolution. , 1990.

Schattkowsky, Martina "... daß die Unterthanen außerhalben Rechtens in nichts willigen und eingehen wollen" : Gerichtsprozesse in einem sächsischen Rittergutr im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. , 1995.

Schattkowsky, Martina "... daß die Unterthanen außerhalben Rechtens in nichts willigen und eingehen wollen" : Gerichtsprozesse in einem sächsischen Rittergutr im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. , 1995.

Schlumbohm, Jürgen Quelques problèmes de micro-histoire d'une société locale : construction de liens sociaux dans la paroisse de Belm (17e-19e siècles). , 1995.

Schlumbohm, Jürgen Quelques problèmes de micro-histoire d'une société locale : construction de liens sociaux dans la paroisse de Belm (17e-19e siècles). , 1995.

Wunder, Heide Das selbstverständliche Denken : ein Vorschlag zur vergleichenden Analyse ländlicher Gesellschaften in der frühen Neuzeit, ausgehend von "Modell ostelbische Gutsherrschaft". , 1995.


Antoine, Annie Métayage, farm productivity, and the money economy: some lessons from farm account analysis. , 2009.


Antoine, Annie Métayage, farm productivity, and the money economy: some lessons from farm account analysis. , 2009.


Antoine, Annie Métayage, farm productivity, and the money economy: some lessons from farm account analysis. , 2009.


Carlsen, Jesper Vilici and Roman estate managers until AD 284. Analecta Romana Instituti Danici . Roma : "L'Erma" di Bretschneider. ISBN 8870629104 , 1995

Matthews, Stephen Underwriting disaster : risk and the management of agricultural crisis in mid-nineteenth century Cheshire. , 2010.

Bedrijfsvoering algemeen

Carlsen, Jesper Vilici and Roman estate managers until AD 284. Analecta Romana Instituti Danici . Roma : "L'Erma" di Bretschneider. ISBN 8870629104 , 1995

Matthews, Stephen Underwriting disaster : risk and the management of agricultural crisis in mid-nineteenth century Cheshire. , 2010.

Bedrijfsvormen grootgrondbezit

Buntinx, Jeroen Lichtelaar te Lochristi, Redewinkel te Zeveneken en het Torregoed en Bruinewalle te Zaffelare : een onderzoek naar de sociaal-economische betekenis van grote abdijpachthoeven en hun bewoners (late 13de eeuw - Ancien Régime). , 1998.

Youngs, Deborah Servants and labourers on a late medieval demesne : the case of Newton, Cheshire, 1498-1520. , 1999.

Beheer grootgrondbezit

Faith, Rosamond The English peasantry and the growth of lordship. Studies in the early history of Britain . London [etc.] : Leicester University Press. ISBN 0718500113 , 1997


Sutherland, D.M.G. Peasants, lords, and leviathan : winners and losers from the abolition of French feudalism, 1780-1820. , 2002.


Buntinx, Jeroen Lichtelaar te Lochristi, Redewinkel te Zeveneken en het Torregoed en Bruinewalle te Zaffelare : een onderzoek naar de sociaal-economische betekenis van grote abdijpachthoeven en hun bewoners (late 13de eeuw - Ancien Régime). , 1998.

Génicot, L. L'économie rurale namuroise au bas Moyen âge (1199-1429). Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philologie . Louvain : Bibliothèque de l'Université. , 1943

Vanhaute, Eric Rich agriculture and poor farmers : land, landlords and farmers in Flanders in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. , 2001.

Vanhaute, Eric Rich agriculture and poor farmers : land, landlords and farmers in Flanders in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. , 2001.


Turner, Michael Edward and Beckett, J.V. and Afton, B. Agricultural rent in England, 1690-1914. Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521450535 , 1997

Bestuur en rechtspraak

Schattkowsky, Martina "... daß die Unterthanen außerhalben Rechtens in nichts willigen und eingehen wollen" : Gerichtsprozesse in einem sächsischen Rittergutr im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. , 1995.

Bestuur en rechtspraak algemeen

Schattkowsky, Martina "... daß die Unterthanen außerhalben Rechtens in nichts willigen und eingehen wollen" : Gerichtsprozesse in einem sächsischen Rittergutr im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. , 1995.


Saalfeld, Diedrich The German peasantry on the eve of the French revolution. , 1990.


Carlsen, Jesper Vilici and Roman estate managers until AD 284. Analecta Romana Instituti Danici . Roma : "L'Erma" di Bretschneider. ISBN 8870629104 , 1995


Buntinx, Jeroen Lichtelaar te Lochristi, Redewinkel te Zeveneken en het Torregoed en Bruinewalle te Zaffelare : een onderzoek naar de sociaal-economische betekenis van grote abdijpachthoeven en hun bewoners (late 13de eeuw - Ancien Régime). , 1998.

Buring, M.M. 'Dikke boer'n' als dragers van de sociale, economische, politieke en culturele ontwikkelingen in de negentiende eeuw. Groningen : [eigen uitg.]. , 2003

Dyer, Christopher A Suffolk farmer in the fifteenth century. , 2007.

Faith, Rosamond The English peasantry and the growth of lordship. Studies in the early history of Britain . London [etc.] : Leicester University Press. ISBN 0718500113 , 1997

Jatzlauk, Manfred Landarbeiter, Bauern und Grossgrundbesitzer in der Weimarer Republik. , 1991.

McQuiston, Julian R. Tenant right : farmer against landlord in Victorian England, 1847-1883. , 1973.

Saalfeld, Diedrich The German peasantry on the eve of the French revolution. , 1990.

Wordie, J.R. Social change on the Leveson-Gower estates, 1714-1832. , 1974.

Woude, Ad van der Grote bezittingen en kleine bedrijven : heren en boeren in de Nederlanden tijdens de late middeleeuwen en vroeg-moderne tijd. , 2000.

Wunder, Heide Das selbstverständliche Denken : ein Vorschlag zur vergleichenden Analyse ländlicher Gesellschaften in der frühen Neuzeit, ausgehend von "Modell ostelbische Gutsherrschaft". , 1995.


Rabe, Hannah Das Problem der Leibeigenschaft ; eine Untersuchung über die Anfänge eoner Ideologisierung und des verfassungsrechtlichen Wandels von Freiheit und Eigentum im deutschen Bauernkrieg. VSWG, Beihefte, ISSN 0341-0846, volume 64 . Wiesbaden : Steiner. ISBN 3515026789 , 1977


Buntinx, Jeroen Lichtelaar te Lochristi, Redewinkel te Zeveneken en het Torregoed en Bruinewalle te Zaffelare : een onderzoek naar de sociaal-economische betekenis van grote abdijpachthoeven en hun bewoners (late 13de eeuw - Ancien Régime). , 1998.

Dyer, Christopher A Suffolk farmer in the fifteenth century. , 2007.

Faith, Rosamond The English peasantry and the growth of lordship. Studies in the early history of Britain . London [etc.] : Leicester University Press. ISBN 0718500113 , 1997

Jatzlauk, Manfred Landarbeiter, Bauern und Grossgrundbesitzer in der Weimarer Republik. , 1991.

McQuiston, Julian R. Tenant right : farmer against landlord in Victorian England, 1847-1883. , 1973.

Saalfeld, Diedrich The German peasantry on the eve of the French revolution. , 1990.

Wordie, J.R. Social change on the Leveson-Gower estates, 1714-1832. , 1974.

Woude, Ad van der Grote bezittingen en kleine bedrijven : heren en boeren in de Nederlanden tijdens de late middeleeuwen en vroeg-moderne tijd. , 2000.

Wunder, Heide Das selbstverständliche Denken : ein Vorschlag zur vergleichenden Analyse ländlicher Gesellschaften in der frühen Neuzeit, ausgehend von "Modell ostelbische Gutsherrschaft". , 1995.


Kaak, Heinrich Fortschrittliche Landwirte : adlige Innovationsbestrebungen in Brandenburg zwischen Landesherrschaft und Untertanen 1763-1807. , 2011.


Turner, Michael E. The cost of parliamentary enclosure in Buckinghamshire. , 1973.


Burchardt, Jeremy Rural social relations, 1830-50 : opposition to allotments for labourers. , 1997.

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Wilhelmy van Hasselt, J.C. Dat huus toe Empe. , 1965.

Corporatief grootgrondbezit

Buntinx, Jeroen Lichtelaar te Lochristi, Redewinkel te Zeveneken en het Torregoed en Bruinewalle te Zaffelare : een onderzoek naar de sociaal-economische betekenis van grote abdijpachthoeven en hun bewoners (late 13de eeuw - Ancien Régime). , 1998.

Dyer, Christopher Lords and peasants in a changing society : the estates of the Bishopric of Worcester, 680-1540. Past and present publications . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 052122618X , 1980

Kaak, Heinrich Fortschrittliche Landwirte : adlige Innovationsbestrebungen in Brandenburg zwischen Landesherrschaft und Untertanen 1763-1807. , 2011.

LeGoff, Tim J.A. and Sutherland, Donald M.G. What can we learn from leases? : a preliminary view. , 2000.

Robinson, Olive The London companies and tenant right in Ireland. , 1970.

Savine, A. English monasteries on the eve of the dissolution. Oxford studies in social and legal history . Oxford : Clarendon Press. , 1909

Schofield, Phillipp R. Tenurial developments and the availibility of custumary land in a later medieval community. , 1996.


Buring, M.M. 'Dikke boer'n' als dragers van de sociale, economische, politieke en culturele ontwikkelingen in de negentiende eeuw. Groningen : [eigen uitg.]. , 2003


Göttsch, Silke Wiederständigkeit leibeigener Untertanen auf Schleswig-holsteinischen Gütern im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1995.

Göttsch, Silke Wiederständigkeit leibeigener Untertanen auf Schleswig-holsteinischen Gütern im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1995.

Holenstein, André Die Huldigung der Untertanen : Rechtskultur und Herrschaftsordnung (800 - 1800). Quellen und Forschungen zur Agrargeschichte . Stuttgart [etc.] : Gustav Fischer. ISBN 3437503383 , 1991

Jatzlauk, Manfred Landarbeiter, Bauern und Grossgrundbesitzer in der Weimarer Republik. , 1991.

Kaak, Heinrich Fortschrittliche Landwirte : adlige Innovationsbestrebungen in Brandenburg zwischen Landesherrschaft und Untertanen 1763-1807. , 2011.

Saalfeld, Diedrich The German peasantry on the eve of the French revolution. , 1990.

Schattkowsky, Martina "... daß die Unterthanen außerhalben Rechtens in nichts willigen und eingehen wollen" : Gerichtsprozesse in einem sächsischen Rittergutr im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. , 1995.

Schattkowsky, Martina "... daß die Unterthanen außerhalben Rechtens in nichts willigen und eingehen wollen" : Gerichtsprozesse in einem sächsischen Rittergutr im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. , 1995.

Schlumbohm, Jürgen Quelques problèmes de micro-histoire d'une société locale : construction de liens sociaux dans la paroisse de Belm (17e-19e siècles). , 1995.

Schlumbohm, Jürgen Quelques problèmes de micro-histoire d'une société locale : construction de liens sociaux dans la paroisse de Belm (17e-19e siècles). , 1995.

Wunder, Heide Das selbstverständliche Denken : ein Vorschlag zur vergleichenden Analyse ländlicher Gesellschaften in der frühen Neuzeit, ausgehend von "Modell ostelbische Gutsherrschaft". , 1995.

De Graafschap

Wilhelmy van Hasselt, J.C. Dat huus toe Empe. , 1965.

Demografische ontwikkeling

Saalfeld, Diedrich The German peasantry on the eve of the French revolution. , 1990.


Smout, T.C. Landowners in Scotland, Ireland and Denmark in the age of improvement. , 1987.


Göttsch, Silke Wiederständigkeit leibeigener Untertanen auf Schleswig-holsteinischen Gütern im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1995.

Göttsch, Silke Wiederständigkeit leibeigener Untertanen auf Schleswig-holsteinischen Gütern im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1995.

Holenstein, André Die Huldigung der Untertanen : Rechtskultur und Herrschaftsordnung (800 - 1800). Quellen und Forschungen zur Agrargeschichte . Stuttgart [etc.] : Gustav Fischer. ISBN 3437503383 , 1991

Jatzlauk, Manfred Landarbeiter, Bauern und Grossgrundbesitzer in der Weimarer Republik. , 1991.

Kaak, Heinrich Fortschrittliche Landwirte : adlige Innovationsbestrebungen in Brandenburg zwischen Landesherrschaft und Untertanen 1763-1807. , 2011.

Saalfeld, Diedrich The German peasantry on the eve of the French revolution. , 1990.

Schattkowsky, Martina "... daß die Unterthanen außerhalben Rechtens in nichts willigen und eingehen wollen" : Gerichtsprozesse in einem sächsischen Rittergutr im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. , 1995.

Schattkowsky, Martina "... daß die Unterthanen außerhalben Rechtens in nichts willigen und eingehen wollen" : Gerichtsprozesse in einem sächsischen Rittergutr im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. , 1995.

Schlumbohm, Jürgen Quelques problèmes de micro-histoire d'une société locale : construction de liens sociaux dans la paroisse de Belm (17e-19e siècles). , 1995.

Schlumbohm, Jürgen Quelques problèmes de micro-histoire d'une société locale : construction de liens sociaux dans la paroisse de Belm (17e-19e siècles). , 1995.

Wunder, Heide Das selbstverständliche Denken : ein Vorschlag zur vergleichenden Analyse ländlicher Gesellschaften in der frühen Neuzeit, ausgehend von "Modell ostelbische Gutsherrschaft". , 1995.


Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992


Burchardt, Jeremy Rural social relations, 1830-50 : opposition to allotments for labourers. , 1997.

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Wilhelmy van Hasselt, J.C. Dat huus toe Empe. , 1965.


Burchardt, Jeremy Rural social relations, 1830-50 : opposition to allotments for labourers. , 1997.

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Wilhelmy van Hasselt, J.C. Dat huus toe Empe. , 1965.


Göttsch, Silke Wiederständigkeit leibeigener Untertanen auf Schleswig-holsteinischen Gütern im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1995.

Göttsch, Silke Wiederständigkeit leibeigener Untertanen auf Schleswig-holsteinischen Gütern im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1995.

Holenstein, André Die Huldigung der Untertanen : Rechtskultur und Herrschaftsordnung (800 - 1800). Quellen und Forschungen zur Agrargeschichte . Stuttgart [etc.] : Gustav Fischer. ISBN 3437503383 , 1991

Jatzlauk, Manfred Landarbeiter, Bauern und Grossgrundbesitzer in der Weimarer Republik. , 1991.

Kaak, Heinrich Fortschrittliche Landwirte : adlige Innovationsbestrebungen in Brandenburg zwischen Landesherrschaft und Untertanen 1763-1807. , 2011.

Rabe, Hannah Das Problem der Leibeigenschaft ; eine Untersuchung über die Anfänge eoner Ideologisierung und des verfassungsrechtlichen Wandels von Freiheit und Eigentum im deutschen Bauernkrieg. VSWG, Beihefte, ISSN 0341-0846, volume 64 . Wiesbaden : Steiner. ISBN 3515026789 , 1977

Saalfeld, Diedrich The German peasantry on the eve of the French revolution. , 1990.

Schattkowsky, Martina "... daß die Unterthanen außerhalben Rechtens in nichts willigen und eingehen wollen" : Gerichtsprozesse in einem sächsischen Rittergutr im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. , 1995.

Schattkowsky, Martina "... daß die Unterthanen außerhalben Rechtens in nichts willigen und eingehen wollen" : Gerichtsprozesse in einem sächsischen Rittergutr im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. , 1995.

Schlumbohm, Jürgen Quelques problèmes de micro-histoire d'une société locale : construction de liens sociaux dans la paroisse de Belm (17e-19e siècles). , 1995.

Schlumbohm, Jürgen Quelques problèmes de micro-histoire d'une société locale : construction de liens sociaux dans la paroisse de Belm (17e-19e siècles). , 1995.

Wunder, Heide Das selbstverständliche Denken : ein Vorschlag zur vergleichenden Analyse ländlicher Gesellschaften in der frühen Neuzeit, ausgehend von "Modell ostelbische Gutsherrschaft". , 1995.

East Anglia

Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.

Burchardt, Jeremy Rural social relations, 1830-50 : opposition to allotments for labourers. , 1997.

Martins, Susanna Wade and Williamson, Tom The development of the lease and its role in agricultural improvement in East Anglia, 1660-1870. , 1997.

Economische aspecten

Brown, David Reassessing th influence of the aristocratic improver : the example of the fifth Duke of Bedford (1765-1802). , 1999.

Burchardt, Jeremy Rural social relations, 1830-50 : opposition to allotments for labourers. , 1997.

Caunce, Stephen Farm servants and the development of capitalism in English agriculture. , 1997.

Caunce, Stephen Farm servants and the development of capitalism in English agriculture. , 1997.

Forster, Robert The noble as landlord in the region of Toulouse at the end of the Old Regime. , 1957.

Gray, Malcolm The consolidation of the crofting system. , 1957.

Gritt, A.J. The operation of lifeleasehold in south-west Lancashire, 1649-97. , 2005.

Holenstein, André Die Huldigung der Untertanen : Rechtskultur und Herrschaftsordnung (800 - 1800). Quellen und Forschungen zur Agrargeschichte . Stuttgart [etc.] : Gustav Fischer. ISBN 3437503383 , 1991

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Schlumbohm, Jürgen Quelques problèmes de micro-histoire d'une société locale : construction de liens sociaux dans la paroisse de Belm (17e-19e siècles). , 1995.

Youngs, Deborah Servants and labourers on a late medieval demesne : the case of Newton, Cheshire, 1498-1520. , 1999.

Economische aspecten algemeen

Brown, David Reassessing th influence of the aristocratic improver : the example of the fifth Duke of Bedford (1765-1802). , 1999.

Burchardt, Jeremy Rural social relations, 1830-50 : opposition to allotments for labourers. , 1997.

Caunce, Stephen Farm servants and the development of capitalism in English agriculture. , 1997.

Caunce, Stephen Farm servants and the development of capitalism in English agriculture. , 1997.

Forster, Robert The noble as landlord in the region of Toulouse at the end of the Old Regime. , 1957.

Gray, Malcolm The consolidation of the crofting system. , 1957.

Gritt, A.J. The operation of lifeleasehold in south-west Lancashire, 1649-97. , 2005.

Holenstein, André Die Huldigung der Untertanen : Rechtskultur und Herrschaftsordnung (800 - 1800). Quellen und Forschungen zur Agrargeschichte . Stuttgart [etc.] : Gustav Fischer. ISBN 3437503383 , 1991

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Schlumbohm, Jürgen Quelques problèmes de micro-histoire d'une société locale : construction de liens sociaux dans la paroisse de Belm (17e-19e siècles). , 1995.

Youngs, Deborah Servants and labourers on a late medieval demesne : the case of Newton, Cheshire, 1498-1520. , 1999.

Economische geschiedenis

Béaur, Gérard Credit and land in eighteenth-century France. , 2009.

Génicot, L. L'économie rurale namuroise au bas Moyen âge (1199-1429). Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philologie . Louvain : Bibliothèque de l'Université. , 1943

Hopcroft, Rosemary L. and Emigh, Rebecca Jean Divergent paths of agrarian change : Eastern England and Tuscany compared. , 2000.

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Schofield, Phillipp R. Tenurial developments and the availibility of custumary land in a later medieval community. , 1996.

Searle, C.E. Custom, class conflict and agrarian capitalism : the Cumbrian customary economy in the eighteenth century. , 1986.

Economische groei

Brown, David Reassessing th influence of the aristocratic improver : the example of the fifth Duke of Bedford (1765-1802). , 1999.

Economische ontwikkeling

Buring, M.M. 'Dikke boer'n' als dragers van de sociale, economische, politieke en culturele ontwikkelingen in de negentiende eeuw. Groningen : [eigen uitg.]. , 2003

Hoyle, R.W. Tenure and the landmarkets in early modern England or a late contribution to the Brenner debate. , 1990.

Saalfeld, Diedrich The German peasantry on the eve of the French revolution. , 1990.

Sutherland, D.M.G. Peasants, lords, and leviathan : winners and losers from the abolition of French feudalism, 1780-1820. , 2002.

Wordie, J.R. Rent movements and the English tenant farmer, 1700-1839. , 1995.


Norton, Desmond On land-lord assisted emigration from some Irish estates in the 1840s. , 2005.


Turner, Michael E. The cost of parliamentary enclosure in Buckinghamshire. , 1973.


Brown, David Reassessing th influence of the aristocratic improver : the example of the fifth Duke of Bedford (1765-1802). , 1999.

Caunce, Stephen Farm servants and the development of capitalism in English agriculture. , 1997.

Dyer, Christopher Lords and peasants in a changing society : the estates of the Bishopric of Worcester, 680-1540. Past and present publications . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 052122618X , 1980

Dyer, Christopher A Suffolk farmer in the fifteenth century. , 2007.

Edwards, Peter Competition for land, common rights and drainage in the Weald Moors (Shropshire): the Cherrington and Meeson disputes, 1576-1612. , 2004.

Faith, Rosamond The English peasantry and the growth of lordship. Studies in the early history of Britain . London [etc.] : Leicester University Press. ISBN 0718500113 , 1997

Fryde, E.B. Peasants and landlords in later medieval England, c.1380-c.1525. Stroud : Sutton. ISBN 0862998662 , 1996

Green, Ewen No longer the farmers' friend? The conservative party and agricultural protection, 1880-1914. , 2000.

Gritt, A.J. The operation of lifeleasehold in south-west Lancashire, 1649-97. , 2005.

Hatcher, John Non-manorialism in medieval Cornwall. , 1970.

Hipkin, Stephen The structure of landownership and land occupation in the Romney Marsh region, 1646-1834. , 2003.

Hopcroft, Rosemary L. and Emigh, Rebecca Jean Divergent paths of agrarian change : Eastern England and Tuscany compared. , 2000.

Hoyle, R.W. Tenure and the landmarkets in early modern England or a late contribution to the Brenner debate. , 1990.

Hudson, John Land, law, and lordship in Anglo-Norman England. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 019820437X , 1994

Hurren, Elizabeth T. Agricultural trade unionism and the crusade against outdoor relief : poor law politics in the Brixworth Union, Northamptonshire, 1870-75. , 2000.

King, Edmund Large and small landowners in thirteenth-century England: the case of Peterborough Abbey. , 1987.

Matthews, Stephen Underwriting disaster : risk and the management of agricultural crisis in mid-nineteenth century Cheshire. , 2010.

McQuiston, Julian R. Tenant right : farmer against landlord in Victorian England, 1847-1883. , 1973.

Parker, R.A.C. Landlord and tenant in 19th century and 19th century England. , 1968.

Roebuck, P. Absentee landownership in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries : a neglected factor in the English agrarian history. , 1973.

Schofield, Phillipp R. Peasants and contract in the thirteenth century : village elites and the land market in eastern England. , 2009.

Schofield, Phillipp R. Tenurial developments and the availibility of custumary land in a later medieval community. , 1996.

Searle, C.E. Custom, class conflict and agrarian capitalism : the Cumbrian customary economy in the eighteenth century. , 1986.

Turner, Michael E. The cost of parliamentary enclosure in Buckinghamshire. , 1973.

Turner, Michael Edward and Beckett, J.V. and Afton, B. Agricultural rent in England, 1690-1914. Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521450535 , 1997

Watts, S.J. Tenant right in early seventeenth century Northumberland. Northern Hisory, volume 6. pp. 64-87. ISSN 0078172X , 1971.

Wordie, J.R. Rent movements and the English tenant farmer, 1700-1839. , 1995.

Wordie, J.R. Social change on the Leveson-Gower estates, 1714-1832. , 1974.

Youngs, Deborah Servants and labourers on a late medieval demesne : the case of Newton, Cheshire, 1498-1520. , 1999.


Brown, David Reassessing th influence of the aristocratic improver : the example of the fifth Duke of Bedford (1765-1802). , 1999.

Caunce, Stephen Farm servants and the development of capitalism in English agriculture. , 1997.

Dyer, Christopher Lords and peasants in a changing society : the estates of the Bishopric of Worcester, 680-1540. Past and present publications . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 052122618X , 1980

Dyer, Christopher A Suffolk farmer in the fifteenth century. , 2007.

Edwards, Peter Competition for land, common rights and drainage in the Weald Moors (Shropshire): the Cherrington and Meeson disputes, 1576-1612. , 2004.

Faith, Rosamond The English peasantry and the growth of lordship. Studies in the early history of Britain . London [etc.] : Leicester University Press. ISBN 0718500113 , 1997

Fryde, E.B. Peasants and landlords in later medieval England, c.1380-c.1525. Stroud : Sutton. ISBN 0862998662 , 1996

Green, Ewen No longer the farmers' friend? The conservative party and agricultural protection, 1880-1914. , 2000.

Gritt, A.J. The operation of lifeleasehold in south-west Lancashire, 1649-97. , 2005.

Hatcher, John Non-manorialism in medieval Cornwall. , 1970.

Hipkin, Stephen The structure of landownership and land occupation in the Romney Marsh region, 1646-1834. , 2003.

Hopcroft, Rosemary L. and Emigh, Rebecca Jean Divergent paths of agrarian change : Eastern England and Tuscany compared. , 2000.

Hoyle, R.W. Tenure and the landmarkets in early modern England or a late contribution to the Brenner debate. , 1990.

Hudson, John Land, law, and lordship in Anglo-Norman England. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 019820437X , 1994

Hurren, Elizabeth T. Agricultural trade unionism and the crusade against outdoor relief : poor law politics in the Brixworth Union, Northamptonshire, 1870-75. , 2000.

King, Edmund Large and small landowners in thirteenth-century England: the case of Peterborough Abbey. , 1987.

Matthews, Stephen Underwriting disaster : risk and the management of agricultural crisis in mid-nineteenth century Cheshire. , 2010.

McQuiston, Julian R. Tenant right : farmer against landlord in Victorian England, 1847-1883. , 1973.

Parker, R.A.C. Landlord and tenant in 19th century and 19th century England. , 1968.

Roebuck, P. Absentee landownership in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries : a neglected factor in the English agrarian history. , 1973.

Schofield, Phillipp R. Peasants and contract in the thirteenth century : village elites and the land market in eastern England. , 2009.

Schofield, Phillipp R. Tenurial developments and the availibility of custumary land in a later medieval community. , 1996.

Searle, C.E. Custom, class conflict and agrarian capitalism : the Cumbrian customary economy in the eighteenth century. , 1986.

Turner, Michael E. The cost of parliamentary enclosure in Buckinghamshire. , 1973.

Turner, Michael Edward and Beckett, J.V. and Afton, B. Agricultural rent in England, 1690-1914. Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521450535 , 1997

Wordie, J.R. Rent movements and the English tenant farmer, 1700-1839. , 1995.

Wordie, J.R. Social change on the Leveson-Gower estates, 1714-1832. , 1974.

Youngs, Deborah Servants and labourers on a late medieval demesne : the case of Newton, Cheshire, 1498-1520. , 1999.


Antoine, Annie Métayage, farm productivity, and the money economy: some lessons from farm account analysis. , 2009.

Gray, Malcolm The consolidation of the crofting system. , 1957.

Gritt, A.J. The operation of lifeleasehold in south-west Lancashire, 1649-97. , 2005.

Hatcher, John Non-manorialism in medieval Cornwall. , 1970.

Hipkin, Stephen The structure of landownership and land occupation in the Romney Marsh region, 1646-1834. , 2003.

Hopcroft, Rosemary L. and Emigh, Rebecca Jean Divergent paths of agrarian change : Eastern England and Tuscany compared. , 2000.

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Joseph, Sabrina The legal status of tenants and sharecroppers in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century France and Ottoman Syria. , 2007.

LeGoff, Tim J.A. and Sutherland, Donald M.G. What can we learn from leases? : a preliminary view. , 2000.

Martins, Susanna Wade and Williamson, Tom The development of the lease and its role in agricultural improvement in East Anglia, 1660-1870. , 1997.

Robinson, Olive The London companies and tenant right in Ireland. , 1970.

Saalfeld, Diedrich The German peasantry on the eve of the French revolution. , 1990.

Savine, A. English monasteries on the eve of the dissolution. Oxford studies in social and legal history . Oxford : Clarendon Press. , 1909

Schofield, Phillipp R. Tenurial developments and the availibility of custumary land in a later medieval community. , 1996.

Turner, Michael Edward and Beckett, J.V. and Afton, B. Agricultural rent in England, 1690-1914. Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521450535 , 1997

Vanhaute, Eric Rich agriculture and poor farmers : land, landlords and farmers in Flanders in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. , 2001.

Woude, Ad van der Grote bezittingen en kleine bedrijven : heren en boeren in de Nederlanden tijdens de late middeleeuwen en vroeg-moderne tijd. , 2000.


Cerman, Markus Demesne lordship and rural society in early modern East Central and Eastern Europe: comparative perspectives. , 2011.

Exploitatie grootgrondbezit

Faith, Rosamond The English peasantry and the growth of lordship. Studies in the early history of Britain . London [etc.] : Leicester University Press. ISBN 0718500113 , 1997


Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.

Gray, Malcolm The consolidation of the crofting system. , 1957.

Vanhaute, Eric Rich agriculture and poor farmers : land, landlords and farmers in Flanders in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. , 2001.


Antoine, Annie Métayage, farm productivity, and the money economy: some lessons from farm account analysis. , 2009.

Béaur, Gérard Credit and land in eighteenth-century France. , 2009.

Forster, Robert The noble as landlord in the region of Toulouse at the end of the Old Regime. , 1957.

Joseph, Sabrina The legal status of tenants and sharecroppers in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century France and Ottoman Syria. , 2007.

LeGoff, Tim J.A. and Sutherland, Donald M.G. What can we learn from leases? : a preliminary view. , 2000.

Simoni, Pierre Agricultural change and landlord-tenant relations in nineteenth century France : the canton of Apt (Vaucluse). , 1979.

Sutherland, D.M.G. Peasants, lords, and leviathan : winners and losers from the abolition of French feudalism, 1780-1820. , 2002.


Antoine, Annie Métayage, farm productivity, and the money economy: some lessons from farm account analysis. , 2009.

Béaur, Gérard Credit and land in eighteenth-century France. , 2009.

Forster, Robert The noble as landlord in the region of Toulouse at the end of the Old Regime. , 1957.

Joseph, Sabrina The legal status of tenants and sharecroppers in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century France and Ottoman Syria. , 2007.

LeGoff, Tim J.A. and Sutherland, Donald M.G. What can we learn from leases? : a preliminary view. , 2000.

Simoni, Pierre Agricultural change and landlord-tenant relations in nineteenth century France : the canton of Apt (Vaucluse). , 1979.

Sutherland, D.M.G. Peasants, lords, and leviathan : winners and losers from the abolition of French feudalism, 1780-1820. , 2002.

Geestelijk grondbezit

Buntinx, Jeroen Lichtelaar te Lochristi, Redewinkel te Zeveneken en het Torregoed en Bruinewalle te Zaffelare : een onderzoek naar de sociaal-economische betekenis van grote abdijpachthoeven en hun bewoners (late 13de eeuw - Ancien Régime). , 1998.

Dyer, Christopher Lords and peasants in a changing society : the estates of the Bishopric of Worcester, 680-1540. Past and present publications . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 052122618X , 1980

Kaak, Heinrich Fortschrittliche Landwirte : adlige Innovationsbestrebungen in Brandenburg zwischen Landesherrschaft und Untertanen 1763-1807. , 2011.

LeGoff, Tim J.A. and Sutherland, Donald M.G. What can we learn from leases? : a preliminary view. , 2000.

Robinson, Olive The London companies and tenant right in Ireland. , 1970.

Savine, A. English monasteries on the eve of the dissolution. Oxford studies in social and legal history . Oxford : Clarendon Press. , 1909

Schofield, Phillipp R. Tenurial developments and the availibility of custumary land in a later medieval community. , 1996.


Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Wilhelmy van Hasselt, J.C. Dat huus toe Empe. , 1965.


Buntinx, Jeroen Lichtelaar te Lochristi, Redewinkel te Zeveneken en het Torregoed en Bruinewalle te Zaffelare : een onderzoek naar de sociaal-economische betekenis van grote abdijpachthoeven en hun bewoners (late 13de eeuw - Ancien Régime). , 1998.

Buring, M.M. 'Dikke boer'n' als dragers van de sociale, economische, politieke en culturele ontwikkelingen in de negentiende eeuw. Groningen : [eigen uitg.]. , 2003

Buring, M.M. 'Dikke boer'n' als dragers van de sociale, economische, politieke en culturele ontwikkelingen in de negentiende eeuw. Groningen : [eigen uitg.]. , 2003

Béaur, Gérard Credit and land in eighteenth-century France. , 2009.

Faith, Rosamond The English peasantry and the growth of lordship. Studies in the early history of Britain . London [etc.] : Leicester University Press. ISBN 0718500113 , 1997

Génicot, L. L'économie rurale namuroise au bas Moyen âge (1199-1429). Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philologie . Louvain : Bibliothèque de l'Université. , 1943

Hopcroft, Rosemary L. and Emigh, Rebecca Jean Divergent paths of agrarian change : Eastern England and Tuscany compared. , 2000.

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Schofield, Phillipp R. Tenurial developments and the availibility of custumary land in a later medieval community. , 1996.

Searle, C.E. Custom, class conflict and agrarian capitalism : the Cumbrian customary economy in the eighteenth century. , 1986.


Faith, Rosamond The English peasantry and the growth of lordship. Studies in the early history of Britain . London [etc.] : Leicester University Press. ISBN 0718500113 , 1997


Gilbert, Bentley B. David Lloyd George : the reform of British landholding and the budget of 1914. , 1978.


Béaur, Gérard Credit and land in eighteenth-century France. , 2009.

Cerman, Markus Demesne lordship and rural society in early modern East Central and Eastern Europe: comparative perspectives. , 2011.

Edwards, Peter Competition for land, common rights and drainage in the Weald Moors (Shropshire): the Cherrington and Meeson disputes, 1576-1612. , 2004.

Faith, Rosamond The English peasantry and the growth of lordship. Studies in the early history of Britain . London [etc.] : Leicester University Press. ISBN 0718500113 , 1997

Fryde, E.B. Peasants and landlords in later medieval England, c.1380-c.1525. Stroud : Sutton. ISBN 0862998662 , 1996

Gray, Malcolm The consolidation of the crofting system. , 1957.

Génicot, L. L'économie rurale namuroise au bas Moyen âge (1199-1429). Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philologie . Louvain : Bibliothèque de l'Université. , 1943

Hatcher, John Non-manorialism in medieval Cornwall. , 1970.

Hipkin, Stephen The structure of landownership and land occupation in the Romney Marsh region, 1646-1834. , 2003.

Hipkin, Stephen The structure of landownership and land occupation in the Romney Marsh region, 1646-1834. , 2003.

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Hoyle, R.W. Tenure and the landmarkets in early modern England or a late contribution to the Brenner debate. , 1990.

Hudson, John Land, law, and lordship in Anglo-Norman England. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 019820437X , 1994

Jatzlauk, Manfred Landarbeiter, Bauern und Grossgrundbesitzer in der Weimarer Republik. , 1991.

Kaak, Heinrich Fortschrittliche Landwirte : adlige Innovationsbestrebungen in Brandenburg zwischen Landesherrschaft und Untertanen 1763-1807. , 2011.

King, Edmund Large and small landowners in thirteenth-century England: the case of Peterborough Abbey. , 1987.

King, Edmund Large and small landowners in thirteenth-century England: the case of Peterborough Abbey. , 1987.

Mills, Dennis R. Lord and peasant in nineteenth century Britain. Croom Helm historical geography series . London [etc.] : Croom Helm [etc.]. ISBN 0709901232 , 1980

Roebuck, P. Absentee landownership in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries : a neglected factor in the English agrarian history. , 1973.

Smout, T.C. Landowners in Scotland, Ireland and Denmark in the age of improvement. , 1987.

Vanhaute, Eric Rich agriculture and poor farmers : land, landlords and farmers in Flanders in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. , 2001.

Woude, A.M. van der Large estates and small holdings, lords and peasants in the Netherlands during the late Middle Ages and early modern times. , 1982.

Woude, Ad van der Grote bezittingen en kleine bedrijven : heren en boeren in de Nederlanden tijdens de late middeleeuwen en vroeg-moderne tijd. , 2000.


Béaur, Gérard Credit and land in eighteenth-century France. , 2009.

Cerman, Markus Demesne lordship and rural society in early modern East Central and Eastern Europe: comparative perspectives. , 2011.

Edwards, Peter Competition for land, common rights and drainage in the Weald Moors (Shropshire): the Cherrington and Meeson disputes, 1576-1612. , 2004.

Faith, Rosamond The English peasantry and the growth of lordship. Studies in the early history of Britain . London [etc.] : Leicester University Press. ISBN 0718500113 , 1997

Fryde, E.B. Peasants and landlords in later medieval England, c.1380-c.1525. Stroud : Sutton. ISBN 0862998662 , 1996

Gray, Malcolm The consolidation of the crofting system. , 1957.

Génicot, L. L'économie rurale namuroise au bas Moyen âge (1199-1429). Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philologie . Louvain : Bibliothèque de l'Université. , 1943

Hatcher, John Non-manorialism in medieval Cornwall. , 1970.

Hipkin, Stephen The structure of landownership and land occupation in the Romney Marsh region, 1646-1834. , 2003.

Hipkin, Stephen The structure of landownership and land occupation in the Romney Marsh region, 1646-1834. , 2003.

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Hoyle, R.W. Tenure and the landmarkets in early modern England or a late contribution to the Brenner debate. , 1990.

Hudson, John Land, law, and lordship in Anglo-Norman England. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 019820437X , 1994

Jatzlauk, Manfred Landarbeiter, Bauern und Grossgrundbesitzer in der Weimarer Republik. , 1991.

Kaak, Heinrich Fortschrittliche Landwirte : adlige Innovationsbestrebungen in Brandenburg zwischen Landesherrschaft und Untertanen 1763-1807. , 2011.

King, Edmund Large and small landowners in thirteenth-century England: the case of Peterborough Abbey. , 1987.

King, Edmund Large and small landowners in thirteenth-century England: the case of Peterborough Abbey. , 1987.

Mills, Dennis R. Lord and peasant in nineteenth century Britain. Croom Helm historical geography series . London [etc.] : Croom Helm [etc.]. ISBN 0709901232 , 1980

Roebuck, P. Absentee landownership in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries : a neglected factor in the English agrarian history. , 1973.

Smout, T.C. Landowners in Scotland, Ireland and Denmark in the age of improvement. , 1987.

Vanhaute, Eric Rich agriculture and poor farmers : land, landlords and farmers in Flanders in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. , 2001.

Woude, A.M. van der Large estates and small holdings, lords and peasants in the Netherlands during the late Middle Ages and early modern times. , 1982.

Woude, Ad van der Grote bezittingen en kleine bedrijven : heren en boeren in de Nederlanden tijdens de late middeleeuwen en vroeg-moderne tijd. , 2000.


Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.

Vanhaute, Eric Rich agriculture and poor farmers : land, landlords and farmers in Flanders in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. , 2001.


Gilbert, Bentley B. David Lloyd George : the reform of British landholding and the budget of 1914. , 1978.


Buring, M.M. 'Dikke boer'n' als dragers van de sociale, economische, politieke en culturele ontwikkelingen in de negentiende eeuw. Groningen : [eigen uitg.]. , 2003


Antoine, Annie Métayage, farm productivity, and the money economy: some lessons from farm account analysis. , 2009.

Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.

Benbough-Jackson, Mike "Landlord careless"? : landowners, tenants and agriculture on four estates in West Wales, 1850-1875. , 2003.

Brown, David Reassessing th influence of the aristocratic improver : the example of the fifth Duke of Bedford (1765-1802). , 1999.

Burchardt, Jeremy Rural social relations, 1830-50 : opposition to allotments for labourers. , 1997.

Caunce, Stephen Farm servants and the development of capitalism in English agriculture. , 1997.

Dyer, Christopher Lords and peasants in a changing society : the estates of the Bishopric of Worcester, 680-1540. Past and present publications . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 052122618X , 1980

Dyer, Christopher A Suffolk farmer in the fifteenth century. , 2007.

Edwards, Peter Competition for land, common rights and drainage in the Weald Moors (Shropshire): the Cherrington and Meeson disputes, 1576-1612. , 2004.

Faith, Rosamond The English peasantry and the growth of lordship. Studies in the early history of Britain . London [etc.] : Leicester University Press. ISBN 0718500113 , 1997

Fryde, E.B. Peasants and landlords in later medieval England, c.1380-c.1525. Stroud : Sutton. ISBN 0862998662 , 1996

Gilbert, Bentley B. David Lloyd George : the reform of British landholding and the budget of 1914. , 1978.

Gray, Malcolm The consolidation of the crofting system. , 1957.

Green, Ewen No longer the farmers' friend? The conservative party and agricultural protection, 1880-1914. , 2000.

Gritt, A.J. The operation of lifeleasehold in south-west Lancashire, 1649-97. , 2005.

Hatcher, John Non-manorialism in medieval Cornwall. , 1970.

Hipkin, Stephen The structure of landownership and land occupation in the Romney Marsh region, 1646-1834. , 2003.

Hopcroft, Rosemary L. and Emigh, Rebecca Jean Divergent paths of agrarian change : Eastern England and Tuscany compared. , 2000.

Hoyle, R.W. Tenure and the landmarkets in early modern England or a late contribution to the Brenner debate. , 1990.

Hudson, John Land, law, and lordship in Anglo-Norman England. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 019820437X , 1994

Hurren, Elizabeth T. Agricultural trade unionism and the crusade against outdoor relief : poor law politics in the Brixworth Union, Northamptonshire, 1870-75. , 2000.

King, Edmund Large and small landowners in thirteenth-century England: the case of Peterborough Abbey. , 1987.

Martins, Susanna Wade and Williamson, Tom The development of the lease and its role in agricultural improvement in East Anglia, 1660-1870. , 1997.

Matthews, Stephen Underwriting disaster : risk and the management of agricultural crisis in mid-nineteenth century Cheshire. , 2010.

McQuiston, Julian R. Tenant right : farmer against landlord in Victorian England, 1847-1883. , 1973.

Mills, Dennis R. Lord and peasant in nineteenth century Britain. Croom Helm historical geography series . London [etc.] : Croom Helm [etc.]. ISBN 0709901232 , 1980

Parker, R.A.C. Landlord and tenant in 19th century and 19th century England. , 1968.

Perren, Richard The landlord and agricultural transformation, 1870-1900. , 1970.

Perren, Richard The landlord and agricultural transformation, 1870-1900: a rejoinder. , 1979.

Roebuck, P. Absentee landownership in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries : a neglected factor in the English agrarian history. , 1973.

Schofield, Phillipp R. Peasants and contract in the thirteenth century : village elites and the land market in eastern England. , 2009.

Schofield, Phillipp R. Tenurial developments and the availibility of custumary land in a later medieval community. , 1996.

Searle, C.E. Custom, class conflict and agrarian capitalism : the Cumbrian customary economy in the eighteenth century. , 1986.

Smout, T.C. Landowners in Scotland, Ireland and Denmark in the age of improvement. , 1987.

Turner, Michael E. The cost of parliamentary enclosure in Buckinghamshire. , 1973.

Turner, Michael Edward and Beckett, J.V. and Afton, B. Agricultural rent in England, 1690-1914. Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521450535 , 1997

Wordie, J.R. Rent movements and the English tenant farmer, 1700-1839. , 1995.

Wordie, J.R. Social change on the Leveson-Gower estates, 1714-1832. , 1974.

Youngs, Deborah Servants and labourers on a late medieval demesne : the case of Newton, Cheshire, 1498-1520. , 1999.


Cerman, Markus Demesne lordship and rural society in early modern East Central and Eastern Europe: comparative perspectives. , 2011.

Génicot, L. L'économie rurale namuroise au bas Moyen âge (1199-1429). Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philologie . Louvain : Bibliothèque de l'Université. , 1943

Hatcher, John Non-manorialism in medieval Cornwall. , 1970.

Hipkin, Stephen The structure of landownership and land occupation in the Romney Marsh region, 1646-1834. , 2003.

Hudson, John Land, law, and lordship in Anglo-Norman England. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 019820437X , 1994

Jatzlauk, Manfred Landarbeiter, Bauern und Grossgrundbesitzer in der Weimarer Republik. , 1991.

Kaak, Heinrich Fortschrittliche Landwirte : adlige Innovationsbestrebungen in Brandenburg zwischen Landesherrschaft und Untertanen 1763-1807. , 2011.

King, Edmund Large and small landowners in thirteenth-century England: the case of Peterborough Abbey. , 1987.

Roebuck, P. Absentee landownership in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries : a neglected factor in the English agrarian history. , 1973.

Smout, T.C. Landowners in Scotland, Ireland and Denmark in the age of improvement. , 1987.


Cerman, Markus Demesne lordship and rural society in early modern East Central and Eastern Europe: comparative perspectives. , 2011.

Göttsch, Silke Wiederständigkeit leibeigener Untertanen auf Schleswig-holsteinischen Gütern im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1995.

Wunder, Heide Das selbstverständliche Denken : ein Vorschlag zur vergleichenden Analyse ländlicher Gesellschaften in der frühen Neuzeit, ausgehend von "Modell ostelbische Gutsherrschaft". , 1995.

Heerlijke rechten

Génicot, L. L'économie rurale namuroise au bas Moyen âge (1199-1429). Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philologie . Louvain : Bibliothèque de l'Université. , 1943


Génicot, L. L'économie rurale namuroise au bas Moyen âge (1199-1429). Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philologie . Louvain : Bibliothèque de l'Université. , 1943


Göttsch, Silke Wiederständigkeit leibeigener Untertanen auf Schleswig-holsteinischen Gütern im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1995.


Norton, Desmond On land-lord assisted emigration from some Irish estates in the 1840s. , 2005.


Göttsch, Silke Wiederständigkeit leibeigener Untertanen auf Schleswig-holsteinischen Gütern im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1995.

Rabe, Hannah Das Problem der Leibeigenschaft ; eine Untersuchung über die Anfänge eoner Ideologisierung und des verfassungsrechtlichen Wandels von Freiheit und Eigentum im deutschen Bauernkrieg. VSWG, Beihefte, ISSN 0341-0846, volume 64 . Wiesbaden : Steiner. ISBN 3515026789 , 1977


Norton, Desmond On land-lord assisted emigration from some Irish estates in the 1840s. , 2005.

Robinson, Olive The London companies and tenant right in Ireland. , 1970.

Smout, T.C. Landowners in Scotland, Ireland and Denmark in the age of improvement. , 1987.

Ó Gráda, Cormac The investment behaviour of Irish landlords 1850-75 : some preliminary finfings. , 1975.


Norton, Desmond On land-lord assisted emigration from some Irish estates in the 1840s. , 2005.


Turner, Michael E. The cost of parliamentary enclosure in Buckinghamshire. , 1973.


Béaur, Gérard Credit and land in eighteenth-century France. , 2009.


Benbough-Jackson, Mike "Landlord careless"? : landowners, tenants and agriculture on four estates in West Wales, 1850-1875. , 2003.

Dyer, Christopher A Suffolk farmer in the fifteenth century. , 2007.

Forster, Robert The noble as landlord in the region of Toulouse at the end of the Old Regime. , 1957.

Gritt, A.J. The operation of lifeleasehold in south-west Lancashire, 1649-97. , 2005.

Kaak, Heinrich Fortschrittliche Landwirte : adlige Innovationsbestrebungen in Brandenburg zwischen Landesherrschaft und Untertanen 1763-1807. , 2011.

Norton, Desmond On land-lord assisted emigration from some Irish estates in the 1840s. , 2005.

Perren, Richard The landlord and agricultural transformation, 1870-1900. , 1970.

Perren, Richard The landlord and agricultural transformation, 1870-1900: a rejoinder. , 1979.

Roebuck, P. Absentee landownership in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries : a neglected factor in the English agrarian history. , 1973.

Smout, T.C. Landowners in Scotland, Ireland and Denmark in the age of improvement. , 1987.

Ó Gráda, Cormac The investment behaviour of Irish landlords 1850-75 : some preliminary finfings. , 1975.


Buntinx, Jeroen Lichtelaar te Lochristi, Redewinkel te Zeveneken en het Torregoed en Bruinewalle te Zaffelare : een onderzoek naar de sociaal-economische betekenis van grote abdijpachthoeven en hun bewoners (late 13de eeuw - Ancien Régime). , 1998.

Dyer, Christopher Lords and peasants in a changing society : the estates of the Bishopric of Worcester, 680-1540. Past and present publications . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 052122618X , 1980

Kaak, Heinrich Fortschrittliche Landwirte : adlige Innovationsbestrebungen in Brandenburg zwischen Landesherrschaft und Untertanen 1763-1807. , 2011.

LeGoff, Tim J.A. and Sutherland, Donald M.G. What can we learn from leases? : a preliminary view. , 2000.

Robinson, Olive The London companies and tenant right in Ireland. , 1970.

Savine, A. English monasteries on the eve of the dissolution. Oxford studies in social and legal history . Oxford : Clarendon Press. , 1909

Schofield, Phillipp R. Tenurial developments and the availibility of custumary land in a later medieval community. , 1996.


Gritt, A.J. The operation of lifeleasehold in south-west Lancashire, 1649-97. , 2005.


Jatzlauk, Manfred Landarbeiter, Bauern und Grossgrundbesitzer in der Weimarer Republik. , 1991.


Béaur, Gérard Credit and land in eighteenth-century France. , 2009.

Cerman, Markus Demesne lordship and rural society in early modern East Central and Eastern Europe: comparative perspectives. , 2011.

Edwards, Peter Competition for land, common rights and drainage in the Weald Moors (Shropshire): the Cherrington and Meeson disputes, 1576-1612. , 2004.

Faith, Rosamond The English peasantry and the growth of lordship. Studies in the early history of Britain . London [etc.] : Leicester University Press. ISBN 0718500113 , 1997

Fryde, E.B. Peasants and landlords in later medieval England, c.1380-c.1525. Stroud : Sutton. ISBN 0862998662 , 1996

Gray, Malcolm The consolidation of the crofting system. , 1957.

Génicot, L. L'économie rurale namuroise au bas Moyen âge (1199-1429). Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philologie . Louvain : Bibliothèque de l'Université. , 1943

Hatcher, John Non-manorialism in medieval Cornwall. , 1970.

Hipkin, Stephen The structure of landownership and land occupation in the Romney Marsh region, 1646-1834. , 2003.

Hipkin, Stephen The structure of landownership and land occupation in the Romney Marsh region, 1646-1834. , 2003.

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Hoyle, R.W. Tenure and the landmarkets in early modern England or a late contribution to the Brenner debate. , 1990.

Hudson, John Land, law, and lordship in Anglo-Norman England. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 019820437X , 1994

Jatzlauk, Manfred Landarbeiter, Bauern und Grossgrundbesitzer in der Weimarer Republik. , 1991.

Kaak, Heinrich Fortschrittliche Landwirte : adlige Innovationsbestrebungen in Brandenburg zwischen Landesherrschaft und Untertanen 1763-1807. , 2011.

King, Edmund Large and small landowners in thirteenth-century England: the case of Peterborough Abbey. , 1987.

King, Edmund Large and small landowners in thirteenth-century England: the case of Peterborough Abbey. , 1987.

Mills, Dennis R. Lord and peasant in nineteenth century Britain. Croom Helm historical geography series . London [etc.] : Croom Helm [etc.]. ISBN 0709901232 , 1980

Roebuck, P. Absentee landownership in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries : a neglected factor in the English agrarian history. , 1973.

Smout, T.C. Landowners in Scotland, Ireland and Denmark in the age of improvement. , 1987.

Vanhaute, Eric Rich agriculture and poor farmers : land, landlords and farmers in Flanders in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. , 2001.

Woude, A.M. van der Large estates and small holdings, lords and peasants in the Netherlands during the late Middle Ages and early modern times. , 1982.

Woude, Ad van der Grote bezittingen en kleine bedrijven : heren en boeren in de Nederlanden tijdens de late middeleeuwen en vroeg-moderne tijd. , 2000.


Fryde, E.B. Peasants and landlords in later medieval England, c.1380-c.1525. Stroud : Sutton. ISBN 0862998662 , 1996


Hurren, Elizabeth T. Agricultural trade unionism and the crusade against outdoor relief : poor law politics in the Brixworth Union, Northamptonshire, 1870-75. , 2000.

Saalfeld, Diedrich The German peasantry on the eve of the French revolution. , 1990.

Landbouwcrisis 1880-1900

Green, Ewen No longer the farmers' friend? The conservative party and agricultural protection, 1880-1914. , 2000.


Kaak, Heinrich Fortschrittliche Landwirte : adlige Innovationsbestrebungen in Brandenburg zwischen Landesherrschaft und Untertanen 1763-1807. , 2011.

Turner, Michael Edward and Beckett, J.V. and Afton, B. Agricultural rent in England, 1690-1914. Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521450535 , 1997


Buntinx, Jeroen Lichtelaar te Lochristi, Redewinkel te Zeveneken en het Torregoed en Bruinewalle te Zaffelare : een onderzoek naar de sociaal-economische betekenis van grote abdijpachthoeven en hun bewoners (late 13de eeuw - Ancien Régime). , 1998.

Buring, M.M. 'Dikke boer'n' als dragers van de sociale, economische, politieke en culturele ontwikkelingen in de negentiende eeuw. Groningen : [eigen uitg.]. , 2003

Dyer, Christopher A Suffolk farmer in the fifteenth century. , 2007.

Faith, Rosamond The English peasantry and the growth of lordship. Studies in the early history of Britain . London [etc.] : Leicester University Press. ISBN 0718500113 , 1997

Jatzlauk, Manfred Landarbeiter, Bauern und Grossgrundbesitzer in der Weimarer Republik. , 1991.

McQuiston, Julian R. Tenant right : farmer against landlord in Victorian England, 1847-1883. , 1973.

Saalfeld, Diedrich The German peasantry on the eve of the French revolution. , 1990.

Wordie, J.R. Social change on the Leveson-Gower estates, 1714-1832. , 1974.

Woude, Ad van der Grote bezittingen en kleine bedrijven : heren en boeren in de Nederlanden tijdens de late middeleeuwen en vroeg-moderne tijd. , 2000.

Wunder, Heide Das selbstverständliche Denken : ein Vorschlag zur vergleichenden Analyse ländlicher Gesellschaften in der frühen Neuzeit, ausgehend von "Modell ostelbische Gutsherrschaft". , 1995.


Buring, M.M. 'Dikke boer'n' als dragers van de sociale, economische, politieke en culturele ontwikkelingen in de negentiende eeuw. Groningen : [eigen uitg.]. , 2003

Woude, Ad van der Grote bezittingen en kleine bedrijven : heren en boeren in de Nederlanden tijdens de late middeleeuwen en vroeg-moderne tijd. , 2000.


Brown, David Reassessing th influence of the aristocratic improver : the example of the fifth Duke of Bedford (1765-1802). , 1999.

Gray, Malcolm The consolidation of the crofting system. , 1957.

Hopcroft, Rosemary L. and Emigh, Rebecca Jean Divergent paths of agrarian change : Eastern England and Tuscany compared. , 2000.

Martins, Susanna Wade and Williamson, Tom The development of the lease and its role in agricultural improvement in East Anglia, 1660-1870. , 1997.

Simoni, Pierre Agricultural change and landlord-tenant relations in nineteenth century France : the canton of Apt (Vaucluse). , 1979.

Smout, T.C. Landowners in Scotland, Ireland and Denmark in the age of improvement. , 1987.


Hurren, Elizabeth T. Agricultural trade unionism and the crusade against outdoor relief : poor law politics in the Brixworth Union, Northamptonshire, 1870-75. , 2000.


Schofield, Phillipp R. Tenurial developments and the availibility of custumary land in a later medieval community. , 1996.


Schofield, Phillipp R. Tenurial developments and the availibility of custumary land in a later medieval community. , 1996.

Landbouwtechnische ontwikkeling

Benbough-Jackson, Mike "Landlord careless"? : landowners, tenants and agriculture on four estates in West Wales, 1850-1875. , 2003.

Dyer, Christopher A Suffolk farmer in the fifteenth century. , 2007.

Forster, Robert The noble as landlord in the region of Toulouse at the end of the Old Regime. , 1957.

Gritt, A.J. The operation of lifeleasehold in south-west Lancashire, 1649-97. , 2005.

Kaak, Heinrich Fortschrittliche Landwirte : adlige Innovationsbestrebungen in Brandenburg zwischen Landesherrschaft und Untertanen 1763-1807. , 2011.

Norton, Desmond On land-lord assisted emigration from some Irish estates in the 1840s. , 2005.

Perren, Richard The landlord and agricultural transformation, 1870-1900. , 1970.

Perren, Richard The landlord and agricultural transformation, 1870-1900: a rejoinder. , 1979.

Roebuck, P. Absentee landownership in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries : a neglected factor in the English agrarian history. , 1973.

Smout, T.C. Landowners in Scotland, Ireland and Denmark in the age of improvement. , 1987.

Ó Gráda, Cormac The investment behaviour of Irish landlords 1850-75 : some preliminary finfings. , 1975.


Burchardt, Jeremy Rural social relations, 1830-50 : opposition to allotments for labourers. , 1997.


Béaur, Gérard Credit and land in eighteenth-century France. , 2009.

Cerman, Markus Demesne lordship and rural society in early modern East Central and Eastern Europe: comparative perspectives. , 2011.

Edwards, Peter Competition for land, common rights and drainage in the Weald Moors (Shropshire): the Cherrington and Meeson disputes, 1576-1612. , 2004.

Faith, Rosamond The English peasantry and the growth of lordship. Studies in the early history of Britain . London [etc.] : Leicester University Press. ISBN 0718500113 , 1997

Fryde, E.B. Peasants and landlords in later medieval England, c.1380-c.1525. Stroud : Sutton. ISBN 0862998662 , 1996

Gray, Malcolm The consolidation of the crofting system. , 1957.

Génicot, L. L'économie rurale namuroise au bas Moyen âge (1199-1429). Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philologie . Louvain : Bibliothèque de l'Université. , 1943

Hatcher, John Non-manorialism in medieval Cornwall. , 1970.

Hipkin, Stephen The structure of landownership and land occupation in the Romney Marsh region, 1646-1834. , 2003.

Hipkin, Stephen The structure of landownership and land occupation in the Romney Marsh region, 1646-1834. , 2003.

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Hoyle, R.W. Tenure and the landmarkets in early modern England or a late contribution to the Brenner debate. , 1990.

Hudson, John Land, law, and lordship in Anglo-Norman England. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 019820437X , 1994

Jatzlauk, Manfred Landarbeiter, Bauern und Grossgrundbesitzer in der Weimarer Republik. , 1991.

Kaak, Heinrich Fortschrittliche Landwirte : adlige Innovationsbestrebungen in Brandenburg zwischen Landesherrschaft und Untertanen 1763-1807. , 2011.

King, Edmund Large and small landowners in thirteenth-century England: the case of Peterborough Abbey. , 1987.

King, Edmund Large and small landowners in thirteenth-century England: the case of Peterborough Abbey. , 1987.

Mills, Dennis R. Lord and peasant in nineteenth century Britain. Croom Helm historical geography series . London [etc.] : Croom Helm [etc.]. ISBN 0709901232 , 1980

Roebuck, P. Absentee landownership in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries : a neglected factor in the English agrarian history. , 1973.

Smout, T.C. Landowners in Scotland, Ireland and Denmark in the age of improvement. , 1987.

Vanhaute, Eric Rich agriculture and poor farmers : land, landlords and farmers in Flanders in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. , 2001.

Woude, A.M. van der Large estates and small holdings, lords and peasants in the Netherlands during the late Middle Ages and early modern times. , 1982.

Woude, Ad van der Grote bezittingen en kleine bedrijven : heren en boeren in de Nederlanden tijdens de late middeleeuwen en vroeg-moderne tijd. , 2000.

Landelijke gebieden

Génicot, L. L'économie rurale namuroise au bas Moyen âge (1199-1429). Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philologie . Louvain : Bibliothèque de l'Université. , 1943

Mills, Dennis R. Lord and peasant in nineteenth century Britain. Croom Helm historical geography series . London [etc.] : Croom Helm [etc.]. ISBN 0709901232 , 1980

Vanhaute, Eric Rich agriculture and poor farmers : land, landlords and farmers in Flanders in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. , 2001.


Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.

Vanhaute, Eric Rich agriculture and poor farmers : land, landlords and farmers in Flanders in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. , 2001.


Wilhelmy van Hasselt, J.C. Dat huus toe Empe. , 1965.


Vanhaute, Eric Rich agriculture and poor farmers : land, landlords and farmers in Flanders in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. , 2001.


Jansen, J.C.G.M. Heren en boeren in Limburg 1150-1800. , 1982.

Lokale gemeenschappen

Burchardt, Jeremy Rural social relations, 1830-50 : opposition to allotments for labourers. , 1997.

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Wilhelmy van Hasselt, J.C. Dat huus toe Empe. , 1965.

Lokale geschiedenis

Schofield, Phillipp R. Peasants and contract in the thirteenth century : village elites and the land market in eastern England. , 2009.


Buring, M.M. 'Dikke boer'n' als dragers van de sociale, economische, politieke en culturele ontwikkelingen in de negentiende eeuw. Groningen : [eigen uitg.]. , 2003

Faith, Rosamond The English peasantry and the growth of lordship. Studies in the early history of Britain . London [etc.] : Leicester University Press. ISBN 0718500113 , 1997

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992


Wunder, Heide Das selbstverständliche Denken : ein Vorschlag zur vergleichenden Analyse ländlicher Gesellschaften in der frühen Neuzeit, ausgehend von "Modell ostelbische Gutsherrschaft". , 1995.


Schlumbohm, Jürgen Quelques problèmes de micro-histoire d'une société locale : construction de liens sociaux dans la paroisse de Belm (17e-19e siècles). , 1995.


Béaur, Gérard Credit and land in eighteenth-century France. , 2009.

Dyer, Christopher Lords and peasants in a changing society : the estates of the Bishopric of Worcester, 680-1540. Past and present publications . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 052122618X , 1980

Dyer, Christopher A Suffolk farmer in the fifteenth century. , 2007.

Faith, Rosamond The English peasantry and the growth of lordship. Studies in the early history of Britain . London [etc.] : Leicester University Press. ISBN 0718500113 , 1997

Fryde, E.B. Peasants and landlords in later medieval England, c.1380-c.1525. Stroud : Sutton. ISBN 0862998662 , 1996

Génicot, L. L'économie rurale namuroise au bas Moyen âge (1199-1429). Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philologie . Louvain : Bibliothèque de l'Université. , 1943

Hatcher, John Non-manorialism in medieval Cornwall. , 1970.

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Hudson, John Land, law, and lordship in Anglo-Norman England. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 019820437X , 1994

King, Edmund Large and small landowners in thirteenth-century England: the case of Peterborough Abbey. , 1987.

Schofield, Phillipp R. Peasants and contract in the thirteenth century : village elites and the land market in eastern England. , 2009.

Schofield, Phillipp R. Tenurial developments and the availibility of custumary land in a later medieval community. , 1996.

Woude, Ad van der Grote bezittingen en kleine bedrijven : heren en boeren in de Nederlanden tijdens de late middeleeuwen en vroeg-moderne tijd. , 2000.


Norton, Desmond On land-lord assisted emigration from some Irish estates in the 1840s. , 2005.


Génicot, L. L'économie rurale namuroise au bas Moyen âge (1199-1429). Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philologie . Louvain : Bibliothèque de l'Université. , 1943


Génicot, L. L'économie rurale namuroise au bas Moyen âge (1199-1429). Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philologie . Louvain : Bibliothèque de l'Université. , 1943


Buring, M.M. 'Dikke boer'n' als dragers van de sociale, economische, politieke en culturele ontwikkelingen in de negentiende eeuw. Groningen : [eigen uitg.]. , 2003

Fockema Andreae, S.J. Stukken betreffende een geschil tusschen de buren van Vriezenveen en den Heer van Almelo (±1490). , 1899.

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Jansen, J.C.G.M. Heren en boeren in Limburg 1150-1800. , 1982.

Wilhelmy van Hasselt, J.C. Dat huus toe Empe. , 1965.


Schlumbohm, Jürgen Quelques problèmes de micro-histoire d'une société locale : construction de liens sociaux dans la paroisse de Belm (17e-19e siècles). , 1995.


Schlumbohm, Jürgen Quelques problèmes de micro-histoire d'une société locale : construction de liens sociaux dans la paroisse de Belm (17e-19e siècles). , 1995.

Nieuwe Tijd

Edwards, Peter Competition for land, common rights and drainage in the Weald Moors (Shropshire): the Cherrington and Meeson disputes, 1576-1612. , 2004.

Gritt, A.J. The operation of lifeleasehold in south-west Lancashire, 1649-97. , 2005.

Göttsch, Silke Wiederständigkeit leibeigener Untertanen auf Schleswig-holsteinischen Gütern im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1995.

Hoyle, R.W. Tenure and the landmarkets in early modern England or a late contribution to the Brenner debate. , 1990.

Joseph, Sabrina The legal status of tenants and sharecroppers in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century France and Ottoman Syria. , 2007.

Kaak, Heinrich Fortschrittliche Landwirte : adlige Innovationsbestrebungen in Brandenburg zwischen Landesherrschaft und Untertanen 1763-1807. , 2011.

Schattkowsky, Martina "... daß die Unterthanen außerhalben Rechtens in nichts willigen und eingehen wollen" : Gerichtsprozesse in einem sächsischen Rittergutr im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. , 1995.

Schlumbohm, Jürgen Quelques problèmes de micro-histoire d'une société locale : construction de liens sociaux dans la paroisse de Belm (17e-19e siècles). , 1995.

Searle, C.E. Custom, class conflict and agrarian capitalism : the Cumbrian customary economy in the eighteenth century. , 1986.

Vanhaute, Eric Rich agriculture and poor farmers : land, landlords and farmers in Flanders in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. , 2001.

Woude, Ad van der Grote bezittingen en kleine bedrijven : heren en boeren in de Nederlanden tijdens de late middeleeuwen en vroeg-moderne tijd. , 2000.

Wunder, Heide Das selbstverständliche Denken : ein Vorschlag zur vergleichenden Analyse ländlicher Gesellschaften in der frühen Neuzeit, ausgehend von "Modell ostelbische Gutsherrschaft". , 1995.

Nieuwste Tijd

Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.

Benbough-Jackson, Mike "Landlord careless"? : landowners, tenants and agriculture on four estates in West Wales, 1850-1875. , 2003.

Hipkin, Stephen The structure of landownership and land occupation in the Romney Marsh region, 1646-1834. , 2003.

Matthews, Stephen Underwriting disaster : risk and the management of agricultural crisis in mid-nineteenth century Cheshire. , 2010.

Mills, Dennis R. Lord and peasant in nineteenth century Britain. Croom Helm historical geography series . London [etc.] : Croom Helm [etc.]. ISBN 0709901232 , 1980

Norton, Desmond On land-lord assisted emigration from some Irish estates in the 1840s. , 2005.

Perren, Richard The landlord and agricultural transformation, 1870-1900. , 1970.

Perren, Richard The landlord and agricultural transformation, 1870-1900: a rejoinder. , 1979.

Robinson, Olive The London companies and tenant right in Ireland. , 1970.

Schlumbohm, Jürgen Quelques problèmes de micro-histoire d'une société locale : construction de liens sociaux dans la paroisse de Belm (17e-19e siècles). , 1995.

Ó Gráda, Cormac The investment behaviour of Irish landlords 1850-75 : some preliminary finfings. , 1975.


Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992


Carlsen, Jesper Vilici and Roman estate managers until AD 284. Analecta Romana Instituti Danici . Roma : "L'Erma" di Bretschneider. ISBN 8870629104 , 1995


Gilbert, Bentley B. David Lloyd George : the reform of British landholding and the budget of 1914. , 1978.

Matthews, Stephen Underwriting disaster : risk and the management of agricultural crisis in mid-nineteenth century Cheshire. , 2010.


Fockema Andreae, S.J. Stukken betreffende een geschil tusschen de buren van Vriezenveen en den Heer van Almelo (±1490). , 1899.


Antoine, Annie Métayage, farm productivity, and the money economy: some lessons from farm account analysis. , 2009.

Gray, Malcolm The consolidation of the crofting system. , 1957.

Gritt, A.J. The operation of lifeleasehold in south-west Lancashire, 1649-97. , 2005.

Hatcher, John Non-manorialism in medieval Cornwall. , 1970.

Hipkin, Stephen The structure of landownership and land occupation in the Romney Marsh region, 1646-1834. , 2003.

Hopcroft, Rosemary L. and Emigh, Rebecca Jean Divergent paths of agrarian change : Eastern England and Tuscany compared. , 2000.

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Joseph, Sabrina The legal status of tenants and sharecroppers in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century France and Ottoman Syria. , 2007.

LeGoff, Tim J.A. and Sutherland, Donald M.G. What can we learn from leases? : a preliminary view. , 2000.

Martins, Susanna Wade and Williamson, Tom The development of the lease and its role in agricultural improvement in East Anglia, 1660-1870. , 1997.

Robinson, Olive The London companies and tenant right in Ireland. , 1970.

Saalfeld, Diedrich The German peasantry on the eve of the French revolution. , 1990.

Savine, A. English monasteries on the eve of the dissolution. Oxford studies in social and legal history . Oxford : Clarendon Press. , 1909

Schofield, Phillipp R. Tenurial developments and the availibility of custumary land in a later medieval community. , 1996.

Turner, Michael Edward and Beckett, J.V. and Afton, B. Agricultural rent in England, 1690-1914. Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521450535 , 1997

Vanhaute, Eric Rich agriculture and poor farmers : land, landlords and farmers in Flanders in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. , 2001.

Watts, S.J. Tenant right in early seventeenth century Northumberland. Northern Hisory, volume 6. pp. 64-87. ISSN 0078172X , 1971.

Woude, Ad van der Grote bezittingen en kleine bedrijven : heren en boeren in de Nederlanden tijdens de late middeleeuwen en vroeg-moderne tijd. , 2000.


Benbough-Jackson, Mike "Landlord careless"? : landowners, tenants and agriculture on four estates in West Wales, 1850-1875. , 2003.

Edwards, Peter Competition for land, common rights and drainage in the Weald Moors (Shropshire): the Cherrington and Meeson disputes, 1576-1612. , 2004.

Hoyle, R.W. Tenure and the landmarkets in early modern England or a late contribution to the Brenner debate. , 1990.

McQuiston, Julian R. Tenant right : farmer against landlord in Victorian England, 1847-1883. , 1973.

Parker, R.A.C. Landlord and tenant in 19th century and 19th century England. , 1968.

Smout, T.C. Landowners in Scotland, Ireland and Denmark in the age of improvement. , 1987.

Wordie, J.R. Rent movements and the English tenant farmer, 1700-1839. , 1995.

Wordie, J.R. Social change on the Leveson-Gower estates, 1714-1832. , 1974.


Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.

Gray, Malcolm The consolidation of the crofting system. , 1957.

Vanhaute, Eric Rich agriculture and poor farmers : land, landlords and farmers in Flanders in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. , 2001.


Génicot, L. L'économie rurale namuroise au bas Moyen âge (1199-1429). Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philologie . Louvain : Bibliothèque de l'Université. , 1943

Mills, Dennis R. Lord and peasant in nineteenth century Britain. Croom Helm historical geography series . London [etc.] : Croom Helm [etc.]. ISBN 0709901232 , 1980

Vanhaute, Eric Rich agriculture and poor farmers : land, landlords and farmers in Flanders in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. , 2001.


Génicot, L. L'économie rurale namuroise au bas Moyen âge (1199-1429). Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philologie . Louvain : Bibliothèque de l'Université. , 1943


Burchardt, Jeremy Rural social relations, 1830-50 : opposition to allotments for labourers. , 1997.

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Wilhelmy van Hasselt, J.C. Dat huus toe Empe. , 1965.


Buring, M.M. 'Dikke boer'n' als dragers van de sociale, economische, politieke en culturele ontwikkelingen in de negentiende eeuw. Groningen : [eigen uitg.]. , 2003

Politiek algemeen

Jatzlauk, Manfred Landarbeiter, Bauern und Grossgrundbesitzer in der Weimarer Republik. , 1991.

Politieke partijen

Green, Ewen No longer the farmers' friend? The conservative party and agricultural protection, 1880-1914. , 2000.

Pre-industriele maatschappij

Saalfeld, Diedrich The German peasantry on the eve of the French revolution. , 1990.


Turner, Michael E. The cost of parliamentary enclosure in Buckinghamshire. , 1973.


Hopcroft, Rosemary L. and Emigh, Rebecca Jean Divergent paths of agrarian change : Eastern England and Tuscany compared. , 2000.

LeGoff, Tim J.A. and Sutherland, Donald M.G. What can we learn from leases? : a preliminary view. , 2000.

Sutherland, D.M.G. Peasants, lords, and leviathan : winners and losers from the abolition of French feudalism, 1780-1820. , 2002.

Vanhaute, Eric Rich agriculture and poor farmers : land, landlords and farmers in Flanders in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. , 2001.


Hopcroft, Rosemary L. and Emigh, Rebecca Jean Divergent paths of agrarian change : Eastern England and Tuscany compared. , 2000.

LeGoff, Tim J.A. and Sutherland, Donald M.G. What can we learn from leases? : a preliminary view. , 2000.

Sutherland, D.M.G. Peasants, lords, and leviathan : winners and losers from the abolition of French feudalism, 1780-1820. , 2002.

Vanhaute, Eric Rich agriculture and poor farmers : land, landlords and farmers in Flanders in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. , 2001.


Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992


Fockema Andreae, S.J. Stukken betreffende een geschil tusschen de buren van Vriezenveen en den Heer van Almelo (±1490). , 1899.

Holenstein, André Die Huldigung der Untertanen : Rechtskultur und Herrschaftsordnung (800 - 1800). Quellen und Forschungen zur Agrargeschichte . Stuttgart [etc.] : Gustav Fischer. ISBN 3437503383 , 1991

Hudson, John Land, law, and lordship in Anglo-Norman England. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 019820437X , 1994

Schofield, Phillipp R. Peasants and contract in the thirteenth century : village elites and the land market in eastern England. , 2009.


Fockema Andreae, S.J. Stukken betreffende een geschil tusschen de buren van Vriezenveen en den Heer van Almelo (±1490). , 1899.

Holenstein, André Die Huldigung der Untertanen : Rechtskultur und Herrschaftsordnung (800 - 1800). Quellen und Forschungen zur Agrargeschichte . Stuttgart [etc.] : Gustav Fischer. ISBN 3437503383 , 1991

Hudson, John Land, law, and lordship in Anglo-Norman England. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 019820437X , 1994

Schofield, Phillipp R. Peasants and contract in the thirteenth century : village elites and the land market in eastern England. , 2009.

Rurale geschiedenis

Génicot, L. L'économie rurale namuroise au bas Moyen âge (1199-1429). Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philologie . Louvain : Bibliothèque de l'Université. , 1943

Rurale geschiedenis algemeen

Génicot, L. L'économie rurale namuroise au bas Moyen âge (1199-1429). Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philologie . Louvain : Bibliothèque de l'Université. , 1943


Schattkowsky, Martina "... daß die Unterthanen außerhalben Rechtens in nichts willigen und eingehen wollen" : Gerichtsprozesse in einem sächsischen Rittergutr im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. , 1995.


Schattkowsky, Martina "... daß die Unterthanen außerhalben Rechtens in nichts willigen und eingehen wollen" : Gerichtsprozesse in einem sächsischen Rittergutr im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. , 1995.


Göttsch, Silke Wiederständigkeit leibeigener Untertanen auf Schleswig-holsteinischen Gütern im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1995.


Göttsch, Silke Wiederständigkeit leibeigener Untertanen auf Schleswig-holsteinischen Gütern im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1995.


Gray, Malcolm The consolidation of the crofting system. , 1957.

Smout, T.C. Landowners in Scotland, Ireland and Denmark in the age of improvement. , 1987.


Göttsch, Silke Wiederständigkeit leibeigener Untertanen auf Schleswig-holsteinischen Gütern im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1995.


Göttsch, Silke Wiederständigkeit leibeigener Untertanen auf Schleswig-holsteinischen Gütern im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1995.

Sociaal protest

Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.

Sociaal-economische geschiedenis

Buntinx, Jeroen Lichtelaar te Lochristi, Redewinkel te Zeveneken en het Torregoed en Bruinewalle te Zaffelare : een onderzoek naar de sociaal-economische betekenis van grote abdijpachthoeven en hun bewoners (late 13de eeuw - Ancien Régime). , 1998.

Sociale aspecten algemeen

Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.

Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.

Burchardt, Jeremy Rural social relations, 1830-50 : opposition to allotments for labourers. , 1997.

Holenstein, André Die Huldigung der Untertanen : Rechtskultur und Herrschaftsordnung (800 - 1800). Quellen und Forschungen zur Agrargeschichte . Stuttgart [etc.] : Gustav Fischer. ISBN 3437503383 , 1991

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Schlumbohm, Jürgen Quelques problèmes de micro-histoire d'une société locale : construction de liens sociaux dans la paroisse de Belm (17e-19e siècles). , 1995.

Wilhelmy van Hasselt, J.C. Dat huus toe Empe. , 1965.

Wunder, Heide Das selbstverständliche Denken : ein Vorschlag zur vergleichenden Analyse ländlicher Gesellschaften in der frühen Neuzeit, ausgehend von "Modell ostelbische Gutsherrschaft". , 1995.

Sociale geschiedenis

Buring, M.M. 'Dikke boer'n' als dragers van de sociale, economische, politieke en culturele ontwikkelingen in de negentiende eeuw. Groningen : [eigen uitg.]. , 2003

Buring, M.M. 'Dikke boer'n' als dragers van de sociale, economische, politieke en culturele ontwikkelingen in de negentiende eeuw. Groningen : [eigen uitg.]. , 2003

Buring, M.M. 'Dikke boer'n' als dragers van de sociale, economische, politieke en culturele ontwikkelingen in de negentiende eeuw. Groningen : [eigen uitg.]. , 2003

Faith, Rosamond The English peasantry and the growth of lordship. Studies in the early history of Britain . London [etc.] : Leicester University Press. ISBN 0718500113 , 1997

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Sociale groepen

Buring, M.M. 'Dikke boer'n' als dragers van de sociale, economische, politieke en culturele ontwikkelingen in de negentiende eeuw. Groningen : [eigen uitg.]. , 2003

Sociale omstandigheden

Norton, Desmond On land-lord assisted emigration from some Irish estates in the 1840s. , 2005.

Saalfeld, Diedrich The German peasantry on the eve of the French revolution. , 1990.

Vanhaute, Eric Rich agriculture and poor farmers : land, landlords and farmers in Flanders in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. , 2001.

Sociale structuur

Mills, Dennis R. Lord and peasant in nineteenth century Britain. Croom Helm historical geography series . London [etc.] : Croom Helm [etc.]. ISBN 0709901232 , 1980

Schlumbohm, Jürgen Quelques problèmes de micro-histoire d'une société locale : construction de liens sociaux dans la paroisse de Belm (17e-19e siècles). , 1995.

Wordie, J.R. Social change on the Leveson-Gower estates, 1714-1832. , 1974.

Sociale verhoudingen

McQuiston, Julian R. Tenant right : farmer against landlord in Victorian England, 1847-1883. , 1973.

Saalfeld, Diedrich The German peasantry on the eve of the French revolution. , 1990.


Dyer, Christopher A Suffolk farmer in the fifteenth century. , 2007.

Schofield, Phillipp R. Peasants and contract in the thirteenth century : village elites and the land market in eastern England. , 2009.


Antoine, Annie Métayage, farm productivity, and the money economy: some lessons from farm account analysis. , 2009.

Gray, Malcolm The consolidation of the crofting system. , 1957.

Gritt, A.J. The operation of lifeleasehold in south-west Lancashire, 1649-97. , 2005.

Hatcher, John Non-manorialism in medieval Cornwall. , 1970.

Hipkin, Stephen The structure of landownership and land occupation in the Romney Marsh region, 1646-1834. , 2003.

Hopcroft, Rosemary L. and Emigh, Rebecca Jean Divergent paths of agrarian change : Eastern England and Tuscany compared. , 2000.

Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Een middeleeuwse samenleving : het Land van Heusden (ca. 1360-ca. 1515). Historia agriculturae . Groningen : Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036703433 , 1992

Joseph, Sabrina The legal status of tenants and sharecroppers in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century France and Ottoman Syria. , 2007.

LeGoff, Tim J.A. and Sutherland, Donald M.G. What can we learn from leases? : a preliminary view. , 2000.

Martins, Susanna Wade and Williamson, Tom The development of the lease and its role in agricultural improvement in East Anglia, 1660-1870. , 1997.

Robinson, Olive The London companies and tenant right in Ireland. , 1970.

Saalfeld, Diedrich The German peasantry on the eve of the French revolution. , 1990.

Savine, A. English monasteries on the eve of the dissolution. Oxford studies in social and legal history . Oxford : Clarendon Press. , 1909

Schofield, Phillipp R. Tenurial developments and the availibility of custumary land in a later medieval community. , 1996.

Turner, Michael Edward and Beckett, J.V. and Afton, B. Agricultural rent in England, 1690-1914. Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521450535 , 1997

Vanhaute, Eric Rich agriculture and poor farmers : land, landlords and farmers in Flanders in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. , 2001.

Woude, Ad van der Grote bezittingen en kleine bedrijven : heren en boeren in de Nederlanden tijdens de late middeleeuwen en vroeg-moderne tijd. , 2000.


Perren, Richard The landlord and agricultural transformation, 1870-1900. , 1970.

Perren, Richard The landlord and agricultural transformation, 1870-1900: a rejoinder. , 1979.


Matthews, Stephen Underwriting disaster : risk and the management of agricultural crisis in mid-nineteenth century Cheshire. , 2010.


Perren, Richard The landlord and agricultural transformation, 1870-1900. , 1970.

Perren, Richard The landlord and agricultural transformation, 1870-1900: a rejoinder. , 1979.

Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannie en Noord-Ierland

Antoine, Annie Métayage, farm productivity, and the money economy: some lessons from farm account analysis. , 2009.

Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.

Benbough-Jackson, Mike "Landlord careless"? : landowners, tenants and agriculture on four estates in West Wales, 1850-1875. , 2003.

Brown, David Reassessing th influence of the aristocratic improver : the example of the fifth Duke of Bedford (1765-1802). , 1999.

Burchardt, Jeremy Rural social relations, 1830-50 : opposition to allotments for labourers. , 1997.

Caunce, Stephen Farm servants and the development of capitalism in English agriculture. , 1997.

Dyer, Christopher Lords and peasants in a changing society : the estates of the Bishopric of Worcester, 680-1540. Past and present publications . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 052122618X , 1980

Dyer, Christopher A Suffolk farmer in the fifteenth century. , 2007.

Edwards, Peter Competition for land, common rights and drainage in the Weald Moors (Shropshire): the Cherrington and Meeson disputes, 1576-1612. , 2004.

Faith, Rosamond The English peasantry and the growth of lordship. Studies in the early history of Britain . London [etc.] : Leicester University Press. ISBN 0718500113 , 1997

Fryde, E.B. Peasants and landlords in later medieval England, c.1380-c.1525. Stroud : Sutton. ISBN 0862998662 , 1996

Gilbert, Bentley B. David Lloyd George : the reform of British landholding and the budget of 1914. , 1978.

Gray, Malcolm The consolidation of the crofting system. , 1957.

Green, Ewen No longer the farmers' friend? The conservative party and agricultural protection, 1880-1914. , 2000.

Gritt, A.J. The operation of lifeleasehold in south-west Lancashire, 1649-97. , 2005.

Hatcher, John Non-manorialism in medieval Cornwall. , 1970.

Hipkin, Stephen The structure of landownership and land occupation in the Romney Marsh region, 1646-1834. , 2003.

Hopcroft, Rosemary L. and Emigh, Rebecca Jean Divergent paths of agrarian change : Eastern England and Tuscany compared. , 2000.

Hoyle, R.W. Tenure and the landmarkets in early modern England or a late contribution to the Brenner debate. , 1990.

Hudson, John Land, law, and lordship in Anglo-Norman England. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 019820437X , 1994

Hurren, Elizabeth T. Agricultural trade unionism and the crusade against outdoor relief : poor law politics in the Brixworth Union, Northamptonshire, 1870-75. , 2000.

King, Edmund Large and small landowners in thirteenth-century England: the case of Peterborough Abbey. , 1987.

Martins, Susanna Wade and Williamson, Tom The development of the lease and its role in agricultural improvement in East Anglia, 1660-1870. , 1997.

Matthews, Stephen Underwriting disaster : risk and the management of agricultural crisis in mid-nineteenth century Cheshire. , 2010.

McQuiston, Julian R. Tenant right : farmer against landlord in Victorian England, 1847-1883. , 1973.

Mills, Dennis R. Lord and peasant in nineteenth century Britain. Croom Helm historical geography series . London [etc.] : Croom Helm [etc.]. ISBN 0709901232 , 1980

Parker, R.A.C. Landlord and tenant in 19th century and 19th century England. , 1968.

Perren, Richard The landlord and agricultural transformation, 1870-1900. , 1970.

Perren, Richard The landlord and agricultural transformation, 1870-1900: a rejoinder. , 1979.

Roebuck, P. Absentee landownership in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries : a neglected factor in the English agrarian history. , 1973.

Schofield, Phillipp R. Peasants and contract in the thirteenth century : village elites and the land market in eastern England. , 2009.

Schofield, Phillipp R. Tenurial developments and the availibility of custumary land in a later medieval community. , 1996.

Searle, C.E. Custom, class conflict and agrarian capitalism : the Cumbrian customary economy in the eighteenth century. , 1986.

Smout, T.C. Landowners in Scotland, Ireland and Denmark in the age of improvement. , 1987.

Turner, Michael E. The cost of parliamentary enclosure in Buckinghamshire. , 1973.

Turner, Michael Edward and Beckett, J.V. and Afton, B. Agricultural rent in England, 1690-1914. Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521450535 , 1997

Wordie, J.R. Rent movements and the English tenant farmer, 1700-1839. , 1995.

Wordie, J.R. Social change on the Leveson-Gower estates, 1714-1832. , 1974.

Youngs, Deborah Servants and labourers on a late medieval demesne : the case of Newton, Cheshire, 1498-1520. , 1999.

Verhouding boeren-arbeiders

Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.

Caunce, Stephen Farm servants and the development of capitalism in English agriculture. , 1997.

Verhouding heren-boeren

Antoine, Annie Métayage, farm productivity, and the money economy: some lessons from farm account analysis. , 2009.

Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.

Benbough-Jackson, Mike "Landlord careless"? : landowners, tenants and agriculture on four estates in West Wales, 1850-1875. , 2003.

Brown, David Reassessing th influence of the aristocratic improver : the example of the fifth Duke of Bedford (1765-1802). , 1999.

Buntinx, Jeroen Lichtelaar te Lochristi, Redewinkel te Zeveneken en het Torregoed en Bruinewalle te Zaffelare : een onderzoek naar de sociaal-economische betekenis van grote abdijpachthoeven en hun bewoners (late 13de eeuw - Ancien Régime). , 1998.

Burchardt, Jeremy Rural social relations, 1830-50 : opposition to allotments for labourers. , 1997.

Buring, M.M. 'Dikke boer'n' als dragers van de sociale, economische, politieke en culturele ontwikkelingen in de negentiende eeuw. Groningen : [eigen uitg.]. , 2003

Béaur, Gérard Credit and land in eighteenth-century France. , 2009.

Carlsen, Jesper Vilici and Roman estate managers until AD 284. Analecta Romana Instituti Danici . Roma : "L'Erma" di Bretschneider. ISBN 8870629104 , 1995

Caunce, Stephen Farm servants and the development of capitalism in English agriculture. , 1997.

Cerman, Markus Demesne lordship and rural society in early modern East Central and Eastern Europe: comparative perspectives. , 2011.

Dyer, Christopher Lords and peasants in a changing society : the estates of the Bishopric of Worcester, 680-1540. Past and present publications . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 052122618X , 1980

Dyer, Christopher A Suffolk farmer in the fifteenth century. , 2007.

Edwards, Peter Competition for land, common rights and drainage in the Weald Moors (Shropshire): the Cherrington and Meeson disputes, 1576-1612. , 2004.

Faith, Rosamond The English peasantry and the growth of lordship. Studies in the early history of Britain . London [etc.] : Leicester University Press. ISBN 0718500113 , 1997

Fockema Andreae, S.J. Stukken betreffende een geschil tusschen de buren van Vriezenveen en den Heer van Almelo (±1490). , 1899.

Forster, Robert The noble as landlord in the region of Toulouse at the end of the Old Regime. , 1957.

Fryde, E.B. Peasants and landlords in later medieval England, c.1380-c.1525. Stroud : Sutton. ISBN 0862998662 , 1996

Gilbert, Bentley B. David Lloyd George : the reform of British landholding and the budget of 1914. , 1978.

Gray, Malcolm The consolidation of the crofting system. , 1957.

Green, Ewen No longer the farmers' friend? The conservative party and agricultural protection, 1880-1914. , 2000.

Gritt, A.J. The operation of lifeleasehold in south-west Lancashire, 1649-97. , 2005.

Génicot, L. L'économie rurale namuroise au bas Moyen âge (1199-1429). Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philologie . Louvain : Bibliothèque de l'Université. , 1943

Göttsch, Silke Wiederständigkeit leibeigener Untertanen auf Schleswig-holsteinischen Gütern im 18. Jahrhundert. , 1995.

Hatcher, John Non-manorialism in medieval Cornwall. , 1970.

Hipkin, Stephen The structure of landownership and land occupation in the Romney Marsh region, 1646-1834. , 2003.

Holenstein, André Die Huldigung der Untertanen : Rechtskultur und Herrschaftsordnung (800 - 1800). Quellen und Forschungen zur Agrargeschichte . Stuttgart [etc.] : Gustav Fischer. ISBN 3437503383 , 1991

Hopcroft, Rosemary L. and Emigh, Rebecca Jean Divergent paths of agrarian change : Eastern England and Tuscany compared. , 2000.

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Verhouding stad-platteland

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Voorindustriele maatschappij

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