Items where Subject is "Verhouding boeren-arbeiders"
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Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.
Blickle, Renate "Gefangene Knechte und Dirnen": Zur Wahrnehmung von Fronarbeit und Gesindedienst im Frühneuzeitlichen Altbayern. , 2001.
Howkins, Alun The Norfolk farm labourer, 1900-1923. , 1976.
Howkins, Alun Structural conflict and the farmworker : Norfolk 1900-1920. , 1977.
Balkenende, W.P. and Barth, A.J. Sociale onrust in Wolphaartsdijk. Een dorpse kwestie tussen boeren en landarbeiders in de jarentwintig. , 1992.
Houston, George Labour relations in Scottish agriculture before 1870. , 1958.
Agrarisch beleid
Martin, David The agricultural interest and its critics, 1840-1914. , 2000.
Agrarische politiek
Martin, David The agricultural interest and its critics, 1840-1914. , 2000.
Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.
Algemene geschiedenis
Blickle, Renate "Gefangene Knechte und Dirnen": Zur Wahrnehmung von Fronarbeit und Gesindedienst im Frühneuzeitlichen Altbayern. , 2001.
Caunce, Stephen Twentieth-century farm servants :the horse lads of the East Riding of Yorkshire. , 1991.
Houston, George Labour relations in Scottish agriculture before 1870. , 1958.
Otto, M.F. De veranderingen in de verhouding tussen boer en landarbeider in het Oldambt en gevolgen van deze veranderingen. [S.l. : s.n.]. , 197X
Caunce, Stephen Farm servants and the development of capitalism in English agriculture. , 1997.
Blickle, Renate "Gefangene Knechte und Dirnen": Zur Wahrnehmung von Fronarbeit und Gesindedienst im Frühneuzeitlichen Altbayern. , 2001.
Lambrecht, Thijs Reciprocal exchange, credit and cash: agricultural labour markets and local economies in southern Low Countries duting the eighteenth century. , 2003.
Arnold, Rollo The "revolt of the field" in Kent, 1872-1879. , 1974.
Houston, George Labour relations in Scottish agriculture before 1870. , 1958.
Howkins, Alun The Norfolk farm labourer, 1900-1923. , 1976.
Howkins, Alun Structural conflict and the farmworker : Norfolk 1900-1920. , 1977.
Lambrecht, Thijs Reciprocal exchange, credit and cash: agricultural labour markets and local economies in southern Low Countries duting the eighteenth century. , 2003.
Wijbenga, J.O. De stille strijd : over de veranderingen in de positie van het inwonend dienstpersoneel in de landbouw in de provincie Groningen tussen 1750 en 1914. [S.l. : s.n.]. , 1986
Blickle, Renate "Gefangene Knechte und Dirnen": Zur Wahrnehmung von Fronarbeit und Gesindedienst im Frühneuzeitlichen Altbayern. , 2001.
Hennies, Martina Gerichtsakte des Fretzdorfer Amtsvorstehers als Quelle der Sozialgeschichte der Landwirtschaft. , 2005.
Blickle, Renate "Gefangene Knechte und Dirnen": Zur Wahrnehmung von Fronarbeit und Gesindedienst im Frühneuzeitlichen Altbayern. , 2001.
Otto, M.F. De veranderingen in de verhouding tussen boer en landarbeider in het Oldambt en gevolgen van deze veranderingen. [S.l. : s.n.]. , 197X
Blickle, Renate "Gefangene Knechte und Dirnen": Zur Wahrnehmung von Fronarbeit und Gesindedienst im Frühneuzeitlichen Altbayern. , 2001.
Lambrecht, Thijs Reciprocal exchange, credit and cash: agricultural labour markets and local economies in southern Low Countries duting the eighteenth century. , 2003.
Lis, Catharina and Soly, Hugo Bestaanszekerheid versus arbeidsschuld : kleine boeren en keuters, in het bijzonder in Vlaanderen, 1750-1850. Een terreinverkenning. , 2011.
Lambrecht, Thijs Reciprocal exchange, credit and cash: agricultural labour markets and local economies in southern Low Countries duting the eighteenth century. , 2003.
Pollock, Vivienne Contract and consumption : labour agreements and the use of money in eighteenth-century rural Ulster. , 1995.
Balkenende, W.P. and Barth, A.J. Sociale onrust in Wolphaartsdijk. Een dorpse kwestie tussen boeren en landarbeiders in de jarentwintig. , 1992.
Houston, George Labour relations in Scottish agriculture before 1870. , 1958.
Balkenende, W.P. and Barth, A.J. Sociale onrust in Wolphaartsdijk. Een dorpse kwestie tussen boeren en landarbeiders in de jarentwintig. , 1992.
Houston, George Labour relations in Scottish agriculture before 1870. , 1958.
Hennies, Martina Gerichtsakte des Fretzdorfer Amtsvorstehers als Quelle der Sozialgeschichte der Landwirtschaft. , 2005.
Hennies, Martina Gerichtsakte des Fretzdorfer Amtsvorstehers als Quelle der Sozialgeschichte der Landwirtschaft. , 2005.
Hennies, Martina Gerichtsakte des Fretzdorfer Amtsvorstehers als Quelle der Sozialgeschichte der Landwirtschaft. , 2005.
Balkenende, W.P. and Barth, A.J. Sociale onrust in Wolphaartsdijk. Een dorpse kwestie tussen boeren en landarbeiders in de jarentwintig. , 1992.
Blickle, Renate "Gefangene Knechte und Dirnen": Zur Wahrnehmung von Fronarbeit und Gesindedienst im Frühneuzeitlichen Altbayern. , 2001.
Hennies, Martina Gerichtsakte des Fretzdorfer Amtsvorstehers als Quelle der Sozialgeschichte der Landwirtschaft. , 2005.
Blickle, Renate "Gefangene Knechte und Dirnen": Zur Wahrnehmung von Fronarbeit und Gesindedienst im Frühneuzeitlichen Altbayern. , 2001.
Hennies, Martina Gerichtsakte des Fretzdorfer Amtsvorstehers als Quelle der Sozialgeschichte der Landwirtschaft. , 2005.
Balkenende, W.P. and Barth, A.J. Sociale onrust in Wolphaartsdijk. Een dorpse kwestie tussen boeren en landarbeiders in de jarentwintig. , 1992.
Balkenende, W.P. and Barth, A.J. Sociale onrust in Wolphaartsdijk. Een dorpse kwestie tussen boeren en landarbeiders in de jarentwintig. , 1992.
Blickle, Renate "Gefangene Knechte und Dirnen": Zur Wahrnehmung von Fronarbeit und Gesindedienst im Frühneuzeitlichen Altbayern. , 2001.
Hennies, Martina Gerichtsakte des Fretzdorfer Amtsvorstehers als Quelle der Sozialgeschichte der Landwirtschaft. , 2005.
East Anglia
Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.
Economische aspecten
Caunce, Stephen Farm servants and the development of capitalism in English agriculture. , 1997.
Caunce, Stephen Farm servants and the development of capitalism in English agriculture. , 1997.
Lambrecht, Thijs Reciprocal exchange, credit and cash: agricultural labour markets and local economies in southern Low Countries duting the eighteenth century. , 2003.
Economische aspecten algemeen
Caunce, Stephen Farm servants and the development of capitalism in English agriculture. , 1997.
Caunce, Stephen Farm servants and the development of capitalism in English agriculture. , 1997.
Lambrecht, Thijs Reciprocal exchange, credit and cash: agricultural labour markets and local economies in southern Low Countries duting the eighteenth century. , 2003.
Economische geschiedenis
Houston, George Labour relations in Scottish agriculture before 1870. , 1958.
Arnold, Rollo The "revolt of the field" in Kent, 1872-1879. , 1974.
Caunce, Stephen Farm servants and the development of capitalism in English agriculture. , 1997.
Caunce, Stephen Twentieth-century farm servants :the horse lads of the East Riding of Yorkshire. , 1991.
Howkins, Alun The Norfolk farm labourer, 1900-1923. , 1976.
Howkins, Alun Structural conflict and the farmworker : Norfolk 1900-1920. , 1977.
Martin, David The agricultural interest and its critics, 1840-1914. , 2000.
Arnold, Rollo The "revolt of the field" in Kent, 1872-1879. , 1974.
Caunce, Stephen Farm servants and the development of capitalism in English agriculture. , 1997.
Caunce, Stephen Twentieth-century farm servants :the horse lads of the East Riding of Yorkshire. , 1991.
Howkins, Alun The Norfolk farm labourer, 1900-1923. , 1976.
Howkins, Alun Structural conflict and the farmworker : Norfolk 1900-1920. , 1977.
Martin, David The agricultural interest and its critics, 1840-1914. , 2000.
Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.
Blickle, Renate "Gefangene Knechte und Dirnen": Zur Wahrnehmung von Fronarbeit und Gesindedienst im Frühneuzeitlichen Altbayern. , 2001.
Caunce, Stephen Twentieth-century farm servants :the horse lads of the East Riding of Yorkshire. , 1991.
Houston, George Labour relations in Scottish agriculture before 1870. , 1958.
Otto, M.F. De veranderingen in de verhouding tussen boer en landarbeider in het Oldambt en gevolgen van deze veranderingen. [S.l. : s.n.]. , 197X
Martin, David The agricultural interest and its critics, 1840-1914. , 2000.
Martin, David The agricultural interest and its critics, 1840-1914. , 2000.
Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.
Otto, M.F. De veranderingen in de verhouding tussen boer en landarbeider in het Oldambt en gevolgen van deze veranderingen. [S.l. : s.n.]. , 197X
Wijbenga, J.O. De stille strijd : over de veranderingen in de positie van het inwonend dienstpersoneel in de landbouw in de provincie Groningen tussen 1750 en 1914. [S.l. : s.n.]. , 1986
Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.
Arnold, Rollo The "revolt of the field" in Kent, 1872-1879. , 1974.
Caunce, Stephen Farm servants and the development of capitalism in English agriculture. , 1997.
Caunce, Stephen Twentieth-century farm servants :the horse lads of the East Riding of Yorkshire. , 1991.
Dunbabin, J.P.D. Labourers and farmers in the late nineteenth century : some changes. , 1965.
Houston, George Labour relations in Scottish agriculture before 1870. , 1958.
Howkins, Alun The Norfolk farm labourer, 1900-1923. , 1976.
Howkins, Alun Structural conflict and the farmworker : Norfolk 1900-1920. , 1977.
Martin, David The agricultural interest and its critics, 1840-1914. , 2000.
Pollock, Vivienne Contract and consumption : labour agreements and the use of money in eighteenth-century rural Ulster. , 1995.
Dunbabin, J.P.D. Labourers and farmers in the late nineteenth century : some changes. , 1965.
Wijbenga, J.O. De stille strijd : over de veranderingen in de positie van het inwonend dienstpersoneel in de landbouw in de provincie Groningen tussen 1750 en 1914. [S.l. : s.n.]. , 1986
Inwonend personeel
Dunbabin, J.P.D. Labourers and farmers in the late nineteenth century : some changes. , 1965.
Wijbenga, J.O. De stille strijd : over de veranderingen in de positie van het inwonend dienstpersoneel in de landbouw in de provincie Groningen tussen 1750 en 1914. [S.l. : s.n.]. , 1986
Arnold, Rollo The "revolt of the field" in Kent, 1872-1879. , 1974.
Lis, Catharina and Soly, Hugo Bestaanszekerheid versus arbeidsschuld : kleine boeren en keuters, in het bijzonder in Vlaanderen, 1750-1850. Een terreinverkenning. , 2011.
Arnold, Rollo The "revolt of the field" in Kent, 1872-1879. , 1974.
Balkenende, W.P. and Barth, A.J. Sociale onrust in Wolphaartsdijk. Een dorpse kwestie tussen boeren en landarbeiders in de jarentwintig. , 1992.
Caunce, Stephen Twentieth-century farm servants :the horse lads of the East Riding of Yorkshire. , 1991.
Houston, George Labour relations in Scottish agriculture before 1870. , 1958.
Howkins, Alun The Norfolk farm labourer, 1900-1923. , 1976.
Howkins, Alun Structural conflict and the farmworker : Norfolk 1900-1920. , 1977.
Arnold, Rollo The "revolt of the field" in Kent, 1872-1879. , 1974.
Houston, George Labour relations in Scottish agriculture before 1870. , 1958.
Arnold, Rollo The "revolt of the field" in Kent, 1872-1879. , 1974.
Houston, George Labour relations in Scottish agriculture before 1870. , 1958.
Martin, David The agricultural interest and its critics, 1840-1914. , 2000.
Martin, David The agricultural interest and its critics, 1840-1914. , 2000.
Balkenende, W.P. and Barth, A.J. Sociale onrust in Wolphaartsdijk. Een dorpse kwestie tussen boeren en landarbeiders in de jarentwintig. , 1992.
Houston, George Labour relations in Scottish agriculture before 1870. , 1958.
Landbouwtechnische ontwikkeling
Dunbabin, J.P.D. Labourers and farmers in the late nineteenth century : some changes. , 1965.
Wijbenga, J.O. De stille strijd : over de veranderingen in de positie van het inwonend dienstpersoneel in de landbouw in de provincie Groningen tussen 1750 en 1914. [S.l. : s.n.]. , 1986
Martin, David The agricultural interest and its critics, 1840-1914. , 2000.
Landelijke gebieden
Pollock, Vivienne Contract and consumption : labour agreements and the use of money in eighteenth-century rural Ulster. , 1995.
Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.
Lokale gemeenschappen
Balkenende, W.P. and Barth, A.J. Sociale onrust in Wolphaartsdijk. Een dorpse kwestie tussen boeren en landarbeiders in de jarentwintig. , 1992.
Caunce, Stephen Twentieth-century farm servants :the horse lads of the East Riding of Yorkshire. , 1991.
Balkenende, W.P. and Barth, A.J. Sociale onrust in Wolphaartsdijk. Een dorpse kwestie tussen boeren en landarbeiders in de jarentwintig. , 1992.
Otto, M.F. De veranderingen in de verhouding tussen boer en landarbeider in het Oldambt en gevolgen van deze veranderingen. [S.l. : s.n.]. , 197X
Wijbenga, J.O. De stille strijd : over de veranderingen in de positie van het inwonend dienstpersoneel in de landbouw in de provincie Groningen tussen 1750 en 1914. [S.l. : s.n.]. , 1986
Nieuwe Tijd
Blickle, Renate "Gefangene Knechte und Dirnen": Zur Wahrnehmung von Fronarbeit und Gesindedienst im Frühneuzeitlichen Altbayern. , 2001.
Houston, George Labour relations in Scottish agriculture before 1870. , 1958.
Lambrecht, Thijs Reciprocal exchange, credit and cash: agricultural labour markets and local economies in southern Low Countries duting the eighteenth century. , 2003.
Wijbenga, J.O. De stille strijd : over de veranderingen in de positie van het inwonend dienstpersoneel in de landbouw in de provincie Groningen tussen 1750 en 1914. [S.l. : s.n.]. , 1986
Nieuwste Tijd
Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.
Caunce, Stephen Twentieth-century farm servants :the horse lads of the East Riding of Yorkshire. , 1991.
Dunbabin, J.P.D. Labourers and farmers in the late nineteenth century : some changes. , 1965.
Hennies, Martina Gerichtsakte des Fretzdorfer Amtsvorstehers als Quelle der Sozialgeschichte der Landwirtschaft. , 2005.
Howkins, Alun The Norfolk farm labourer, 1900-1923. , 1976.
Wijbenga, J.O. De stille strijd : over de veranderingen in de positie van het inwonend dienstpersoneel in de landbouw in de provincie Groningen tussen 1750 en 1914. [S.l. : s.n.]. , 1986
Noord Ierland
Pollock, Vivienne Contract and consumption : labour agreements and the use of money in eighteenth-century rural Ulster. , 1995.
Pollock, Vivienne Contract and consumption : labour agreements and the use of money in eighteenth-century rural Ulster. , 1995.
Howkins, Alun The Norfolk farm labourer, 1900-1923. , 1976.
Howkins, Alun Structural conflict and the farmworker : Norfolk 1900-1920. , 1977.
Otto, M.F. De veranderingen in de verhouding tussen boer en landarbeider in het Oldambt en gevolgen van deze veranderingen. [S.l. : s.n.]. , 197X
Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.
Pollock, Vivienne Contract and consumption : labour agreements and the use of money in eighteenth-century rural Ulster. , 1995.
Balkenende, W.P. and Barth, A.J. Sociale onrust in Wolphaartsdijk. Een dorpse kwestie tussen boeren en landarbeiders in de jarentwintig. , 1992.
Politiek algemeen
Arnold, Rollo The "revolt of the field" in Kent, 1872-1879. , 1974.
Hennies, Martina Gerichtsakte des Fretzdorfer Amtsvorstehers als Quelle der Sozialgeschichte der Landwirtschaft. , 2005.
Hennies, Martina Gerichtsakte des Fretzdorfer Amtsvorstehers als Quelle der Sozialgeschichte der Landwirtschaft. , 2005.
Houston, George Labour relations in Scottish agriculture before 1870. , 1958.
Sociaal protest
Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.
Blickle, Renate "Gefangene Knechte und Dirnen": Zur Wahrnehmung von Fronarbeit und Gesindedienst im Frühneuzeitlichen Altbayern. , 2001.
Howkins, Alun The Norfolk farm labourer, 1900-1923. , 1976.
Howkins, Alun Structural conflict and the farmworker : Norfolk 1900-1920. , 1977.
Sociaal-economische geschiedenis
Blickle, Renate "Gefangene Knechte und Dirnen": Zur Wahrnehmung von Fronarbeit und Gesindedienst im Frühneuzeitlichen Altbayern. , 2001.
Otto, M.F. De veranderingen in de verhouding tussen boer en landarbeider in het Oldambt en gevolgen van deze veranderingen. [S.l. : s.n.]. , 197X
Sociale aspecten algemeen
Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.
Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.
Balkenende, W.P. and Barth, A.J. Sociale onrust in Wolphaartsdijk. Een dorpse kwestie tussen boeren en landarbeiders in de jarentwintig. , 1992.
Lambrecht, Thijs Reciprocal exchange, credit and cash: agricultural labour markets and local economies in southern Low Countries duting the eighteenth century. , 2003.
Pollock, Vivienne Contract and consumption : labour agreements and the use of money in eighteenth-century rural Ulster. , 1995.
Sociale geschiedenis
Caunce, Stephen Twentieth-century farm servants :the horse lads of the East Riding of Yorkshire. , 1991.
Sociale groepen
Blickle, Renate "Gefangene Knechte und Dirnen": Zur Wahrnehmung von Fronarbeit und Gesindedienst im Frühneuzeitlichen Altbayern. , 2001.
Lambrecht, Thijs Reciprocal exchange, credit and cash: agricultural labour markets and local economies in southern Low Countries duting the eighteenth century. , 2003.
Sociale verhoudingen
Dunbabin, J.P.D. Labourers and farmers in the late nineteenth century : some changes. , 1965.
Howkins, Alun The Norfolk farm labourer, 1900-1923. , 1976.
Howkins, Alun Structural conflict and the farmworker : Norfolk 1900-1920. , 1977.
Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannie en Noord-Ierland
Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.
Arnold, Rollo The "revolt of the field" in Kent, 1872-1879. , 1974.
Caunce, Stephen Farm servants and the development of capitalism in English agriculture. , 1997.
Caunce, Stephen Twentieth-century farm servants :the horse lads of the East Riding of Yorkshire. , 1991.
Dunbabin, J.P.D. Labourers and farmers in the late nineteenth century : some changes. , 1965.
Houston, George Labour relations in Scottish agriculture before 1870. , 1958.
Howkins, Alun The Norfolk farm labourer, 1900-1923. , 1976.
Howkins, Alun Structural conflict and the farmworker : Norfolk 1900-1920. , 1977.
Martin, David The agricultural interest and its critics, 1840-1914. , 2000.
Pollock, Vivienne Contract and consumption : labour agreements and the use of money in eighteenth-century rural Ulster. , 1995.
Verhouding boeren-arbeiders
De historische ontwikkeling van de verhouding tusschen boer en landarbeider. Rapport . Groningen : Noordelijke Economisch-Technologische Organisatie voor Drenthe en Groningen. , 1945
Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.
Arnold, Rollo The "revolt of the field" in Kent, 1872-1879. , 1974.
Balkenende, W.P. and Barth, A.J. Sociale onrust in Wolphaartsdijk. Een dorpse kwestie tussen boeren en landarbeiders in de jarentwintig. , 1992.
Blickle, Renate "Gefangene Knechte und Dirnen": Zur Wahrnehmung von Fronarbeit und Gesindedienst im Frühneuzeitlichen Altbayern. , 2001.
Caunce, Stephen Farm servants and the development of capitalism in English agriculture. , 1997.
Caunce, Stephen Twentieth-century farm servants :the horse lads of the East Riding of Yorkshire. , 1991.
Dunbabin, J.P.D. Labourers and farmers in the late nineteenth century : some changes. , 1965.
Haveman, J. Sociale spanningen in de betrekkingen tussen boer en landarbeider in een Noord-Nederlands landbouwgebied. , 1953.
Hennies, Martina Gerichtsakte des Fretzdorfer Amtsvorstehers als Quelle der Sozialgeschichte der Landwirtschaft. , 2005.
Hofstee, E.W. De historische ontwikkeling van de verhouding tussen boer en landarbeider. , 1950.
Houston, George Labour relations in Scottish agriculture before 1870. , 1958.
Howkins, Alun The Norfolk farm labourer, 1900-1923. , 1976.
Howkins, Alun Structural conflict and the farmworker : Norfolk 1900-1920. , 1977.
Lambrecht, Thijs Reciprocal exchange, credit and cash: agricultural labour markets and local economies in southern Low Countries duting the eighteenth century. , 2003.
Lis, Catharina and Soly, Hugo Bestaanszekerheid versus arbeidsschuld : kleine boeren en keuters, in het bijzonder in Vlaanderen, 1750-1850. Een terreinverkenning. , 2011.
Martin, David The agricultural interest and its critics, 1840-1914. , 2000.
Otto, M.F. De veranderingen in de verhouding tussen boer en landarbeider in het Oldambt en gevolgen van deze veranderingen. [S.l. : s.n.]. , 197X
Pollock, Vivienne Contract and consumption : labour agreements and the use of money in eighteenth-century rural Ulster. , 1995.
Wijbenga, J.O. De stille strijd : over de veranderingen in de positie van het inwonend dienstpersoneel in de landbouw in de provincie Groningen tussen 1750 en 1914. [S.l. : s.n.]. , 1986
Verhouding heren-boeren
Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.
Caunce, Stephen Farm servants and the development of capitalism in English agriculture. , 1997.
Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.
Archer, John E. The nineteenth-century allotment : half an acre and a row. , 1997.
Lambrecht, Thijs Reciprocal exchange, credit and cash: agricultural labour markets and local economies in southern Low Countries duting the eighteenth century. , 2003.
Lis, Catharina and Soly, Hugo Bestaanszekerheid versus arbeidsschuld : kleine boeren en keuters, in het bijzonder in Vlaanderen, 1750-1850. Een terreinverkenning. , 2011.
Balkenende, W.P. and Barth, A.J. Sociale onrust in Wolphaartsdijk. Een dorpse kwestie tussen boeren en landarbeiders in de jarentwintig. , 1992.