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Allen, Robert C. Progress and poverty in early modern Europe. , 2003.

Ambrose, Peter The quiet revolution : social change in a Sussex village, 1871-1971. London : Chatto and Windus for Sussex University Press. ISBN 085621034X , 1974

Appleby, Andrew B. Famine in Tudor and Stuart England. Stanford (Calif.) : Stanford University Press. ISBN 0804709564 , 1978

Armstrong, Alan Farmworkers : a social and economic history 1770-1980. London : Batsford. ISBN 071344391X , 1988

Armytage, W.H.G. and Salt, John The Sheffield land colony failure of a "Back to the land" scheme. , 1961.

Arnold, David Famine : social crisis and historial change. New perspectives on the past . Oxford [etc.] : Blackwell. ISBN 0631151184 , 1988


Banks, Sarah Nineteenth-century scandal or twentieth-century model? : a new look at 'open' and 'close' parishes. , 1988.

Barlösius, Eva and Schröder, Marlen Kategorien der Raumordnung und ihr inhärentes Verständnis von Infrastrukturen - ein vergleich von Schweden, Frankreich und Deutschland. , 2012.

Bass, Hans-Heinrich Hungerkrisen in Preussen während der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Studien zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte . St. Katharinen : Scripta Mercaturae Verlag. ISBN 3922661904 , 1991

Boer, Ph. de Arm en rijk op Terschelling. , 1980.

Bohstedt, J. The moral economy and the discipline of historical context. , 1992.

Bohstedt, John and Williams, Dale E. The diffusion of riots : the patterns of 1776, 1795 and 1801 in Devonshire. , 1992.

Boyer, George R. The old poor law and the agricultural labor market in Southern England : an emperical analysis. , 1986.

Boyer, George R. The poor law, migration and economic growth. , 1986.

Burchardt, Jeremy Reconstructing the rural community : village halls and the National Council of Social Service 1919-1939. , 1999.


Capp, Bernard Live, love and litigation : Sileby in the 1630s. , 2004.

Carter, Ian Farmlife in Northeast Scotland, 1840-1914 : the poor man's country. Edinburgh : Donald. ISBN 0859760294 , 1979

Charlesworth, Andrew A compartative study of the spread of the agricultural disturbances of 1816, 1822 and 1830 in England. , 1984.

Christianson, Gale E. Secret society and agrarian violence in Ireland, 1790-1840. , 1972.

Clarkson, L.A. and Crawford, E. Margaret Feast and famine : food and nutrition in Ireland 1500-1920. Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University Press. ISBN 0198227515 , 2001

Clay, C.G.A. Economic expansion and social change : England 1500-1700 / C.G.A. Clay. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [etc.].

Cooper, J.P. In search of agrarian capitalism. , 1978.

Cooten, Aart van and Venema, Gabe Armoede in land- en tuinbouw : brochure. Rapport . Wageningen : Wetenschapswinkel, Wageningen UR. ISBN 906754602X , 2000

Crawford, E. Margaret Famine: the Irish experience 900-1900 : subsistence crises and famines in Ireland. Edinburgh : Donald. ISBN 085976219X , 1989

Cruyningen, P.J. van Overvloed en armoede : bevolking en economie van Zeeuws-Vlaanderen 1688-1850. Leiden : [s.n.]. , 1992

Cullen, L.M. Irish history without the potato. , 1968.


Daly, Mary E. The famine in Ireland. Irish history . Dundalk : published for the Dublin Historical Association by Dundalgan. ISBN 0852211082 , 1986

Darquenne, R. Les profils sociaux du département de Jemappes. , 1972.

Davies, Mike and Kissock, Jonathan The feet of the fines, the land market and the English agricultural crisis of 1315 to 1322. , 2004.

Devine, T.M. Farm servants and labour in Lowland Scotland, 1770-1914. Edinburgh : John Donald. ISBN 0859761053 , 1984

Devine, T.M. and Orr, Willie The great Highland famine : hunger, emigration and the Scottish Highlands in the nineteenth century. Edinburgh : Donald. ISBN 0859762017 , 1988

Dhaene, Leon De Zingemse boeren : kwantitatieve analyse van hun sociale situatie in de tweede helft van de negentiende eeuw. , 1984.


Edwards, Peter Farm and family : administering the estate of William Poore, a Hampshire downland farmer, 1593-1599. , 1994.

Edwards, R. Dudley and Williams, T. Desmond The great famine : studies in Irish history, 1845-52. New York : Russell & Russell. ISBN 0846217937 , 1976

Efdée, Ria De P. W. Janssen's Friesche Stichting. [Oranjewoud : P.W. Janssen's Friesche Stichting]. ISBN 9090021221 , 1988

Everdingen, W.H. van and Venema, G.S. van and Bommel, K.H.M. Agrarische gezinnen en hun inkomens : is er sprake van armoede? Rapport . Den Haag : LEI. ISBN 9052425361 , 1999


Faber, J.A. Dure tijden en hongersnoden in preindustrieel Nederland : rede uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van hoogleraar in de economische en sociale geschiedenis aan de universiteit van Amsterdam op maandag 13 september 1976. [Amsterdam] : Rodopi. , 1976

Fontaine, Laurence Märkte als Chance für die Armen in der Frühen Neuzeit. , 2011.


Gailus, Manfred and Volkmann, Heinrich Der Kampf um das tägliche Brot : Nahrungsmangel, Versorgungspolitik und Protest 1770-1990. Opladen : Westdeutscher Verlag. ISBN 3531125605 , 1994

Gerding, Michiel A.W. De mythe van de veenarbeid : het ontstaan van het negatieve beeld van het veenarbeidersleven. , 1992.

Giesen, Carin W.M. Werkverhoudingen en stress op het boerenbedrijf. Amsterdam : Thesis. ISBN 9051700814 , 1991

Giesen, Catharina Wilhelmina Maria Werkverhoudingen en stress op het boerenbedrijf. [Amsterdam : Thesis]. ISBN 9051700814 , 1991

Gooren, Henny and Heger, Hans and Klep, Paul Labour relations, culture and fertility in Dutch agricultural communities, 1888. , 1994.

Gooren, Henny and Heger, Hans and Klep, Paul Labour relations, culture and fertility in Dutch agricultural communities, 1888. , 1994.

Gribben, Arthur and Harris, Ruth-Ann M. The great famine and the Irish diaspora in America. Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press. ISBN 1558491724 , 1999

Griepentrog, Gisela Peasants, poverty and population : economic and political factors in the family structure of the working village people in the Magdeburg region. , 1986.


Haesenne-Peremans, N. Le sort des enfants trouvés et abandonnés dans la région liégeoise au début du XIXe siècle. , 1978.

Haesenne-Peremans, Nicole La pauvreté dans la région liégeoise à l'aube de la révolution industrielle : un siècle de tension sociale (1730-1830). Bibliothèque de la Faculté de philosophie et lettres de l'Université de Liège . Paris : "Les Belles Lettres". ISBN 2251662308 , 1981

Healey, Jonathan Land, population and famine in the English uplands : a Westmorland case study, c.1370-1650. , 2011.

Hilgenga, J. De landarbeiders en de alcohol. Utrecht : Nederlandse vereniging tot afschaffing van alcoholhoudende dranken. , 1940

Hirst, Francis Wrigley The repeal of the corn laws : with an account of the hungry forties and a comparison of the past with the present, and comments on the sufferings inflicted by high tariffs. Midhurst : The Cobden Club. , 1946

Hofstee, E.W. Sociaal-economische problemen der Groninger veenkolonien. Practische onderzoekingen op sociaal-economisch en planologisch gebied . Assen : Van Gorcum. , 1943

Horn, Pamela The rural world, 1780-1850 : social change in the English countryside. Hutchinson, London [etc.].

Hoskins, W.G. Harvest fluctuations and English economic history, 1480-1619. , 1964.

Hoskins, W.G. Harvest fluctuations and English economic history, 1620-1759. , 1968.

Hoskins, W.G. The age of plunder : King Henry's England, 1500-1547. Social and economic history of England . London [etc.] : Longman. ISBN 0582482739 , 1976


Jones, David J.V. Rebecca's children : a study of rural society, crime, and protest. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 0198200994 , 1989

Jones, E.L. Agriculture and economic growth in England, 1660-1750 : agricultural change. , 1965.

Jones, Peter The European peasantry on the eve of the French revolution. , 1990.

Jones, Peter D. 'I cannot keep my place without being deascent' : pauper letters parish clothing and pragmatism in the south of England, 1750-1830. , 2009.

Jordan, Wilbur Kitchener The charities of rural England, 1480-1660 : the aspirations and the achievements of the rural society. Publications . New York : Russell Sage Foundation. , 1962


Kinealy, Christine The famine, 1845-52 : how England failed Ireland. , 1995.

King, Peter Customary rights and women's earnings : the importance of gleaning to the rural labouring poor, 1750-1850. , 1991.

King, Peter Gleaners, farmers and the failure of legal sanctions in England, 1750-1850. , 1989.

Kjærgaard, Thorkild and Hohnen, David The Danish revolution, 1500-1800 : an ecohistorical interpretation. Studies in environment and history . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521442672 , 1994

Konijnenburg, J. van Landontginning, een middel tot wering der armoede. Werken der Mij tot Nut van 't algemeen . Leiden : D. Du Mortier. , 1850


Lieshout, Adrianus Jacobus van Uden : onderzoek naar de levensomstandigheden der bevolking van een oostbrabantsche plattelandsgemeenschap. Amsterdam : [s.n]. , 1948

Lloyd, Sarah Cottage conversations : poverty and manly independance of eighteenth-century England. , 2004.


Manning, Brian The peasantry and the English revolution. , 1975.

Milbourne, Paul From agricultural poverty to social exclusion : shifting approaches to rural poverty in England. , 2008.

Mingay, G.E. A social history of the English countryside. London [etc.] : Routledge. ISBN 0415034086 , 1990

Mokyr, Joel and Ó Gráda, Cormac What do people die of during famines : the Great Irish Famine in comparative perspective. , 2002.

Montanari, Massimo and Liemt, Karin van Honger en overvloed. Europese contouren . Amsterdam : Agon. ISBN 9051571887 , 1994

Moore, B. The western allies and food relief to the occupied Netherlands 1944-1945. , 1992.

Moore-Colyer, R.J. The small land occupier in East Northamptonshire, ca 1650-1850. , 1998.

Mounier, M.L. and Rubichon, M. De l'agriculture en France, d'après les documents officiels. Paris : Guillaumin. , 1846

Muchembled, Robert La violence au village : sociabilité et comportements populaires en Artois du XVe au XVIIe siècle. Violence et société . Paris : Editions Brepols. ISBN 2503823459 , 1989


Newby, Howard The deferential worker : a study of farm workers in East Anglia. Penguin education . Harmondsworth [etc.] : Penguin. ISBN 0140803181 , 1979

Newman, Lucile F. and Crossgrove, William Hunger in history : food shortage, poverty, and deprivation. Cambridge, Mass., [etc.] : Blackwell. ISBN 1557860440 , 1990

Newman Brown, W. The receipt of poor relief and family situation : Aldenham, Hertfordshire 1630-90. , 1984.

Norton, Desmond On land-lord assisted emigration from some Irish estates in the 1840s. , 2005.


O'Rourke, Kevin The economic impact of the famine in the short and long run. , 1994.

Oord-Wisker, A.G.M. van der De eersten in de polder : hoe het allemaal begon. , 1994.


Paping, R.F.J. Armen en armenzorg op de Groninger klei tussen 1770 en 1860. , 1995.

Ploeg, C.J. van der Interimverslag namens de Sociale Commissie nopens de sociale situatie in de agrarische gezinsbedrijven in de landen van de Gemeenschap. Zittingsdocumenten . [Brussel] : Publikatiediensten van de Europese Gemeenschappen. , 1961

Poos, L.R. A rural society after the Black Death : Essex 1350-1525. Cambridge studies in population, economy and society in past time . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521382602 , 1991

Post, John D. Famine, mortality and epidemic disease in the process of modernization. , 1974.

Post, John D. Food shortage, climatic variability and epidemic disease in preindustrial Europe : the mortality peak in the early 1740's. Ithaca [etc.] : Cornell University Press. ISBN 0801417732 , 1985

Post, John D. Food shortage, nutrition, and epidemic disease in the subsistence crises of preindustrial Europe. , 1987.


Ravensdale, John Richard Liable to floods : village landscape on the edge of the fens, AD 450-1850. London [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 052120285X , 1974

Rutten, W.J.M.J. De levensstandaard in Limburg van de Franse tijd tot aan de Eerste Wereldoorlog : een analyse van de lichaamslengte van Limburgse lotelingen. , 1995.


Saalfeld, Diedrich The German peasantry on the eve of the French revolution. , 1990.

Sallet, R.H. and Westerdijk, Joh. Aardappelmisoogsten en hun invloed op het volksleven. , 1917.

Schellekens, Jona Irish famines and English mortality in the eighteenth century. , 1996.

Schepens, Luc Van vlaskutser tot Franschman : bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van de Westvlaamse plattelandsbevolking in de negentiende eeuw. Westvlaams Economisch Studiebureau . Brugge : Westvlaams Ekonomisch Studiebureau. , 1973

Schutte, G.J. Een Hollandse dorpssamenleving in de late achttiende eeuw : de banne Graft 1770-1810. Franeker : Van Wijnen. ISBN 905194019X , 1989

Seavoy, Ronald E. Famine in peasant societies. Contributions in economics and economic history . New York, N.Y., [etc.] : Greenwood Press. ISBN 0313251304 , 1986

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Smulders, G.W.A. De toestand van de Brabantsche boeren vóór de oprichting der sociale boerenorganisaties (N.C.B. en Instellingen) en de oprichting van den Boerenbond. [S.l. : s.n.]. , 1945

Strotdrees, Gisbert Höfe, Bauern, Hungerjahre : aus der Geschichte der westfälischen Landwirtschaft, 1890 - 1950. Münster-Hiltrup : Landwirtschaftsverlag. ISBN 3784313353 , 1991


Tankard, Danae The regulation of cottage building in seventeenth-century Sussex. , 2011.

Todd, A.C. An answer to poverty in Sussex, 1830-1845. , 1956.

Trompetter, C. Bevolkingsontwikkeling, textielnijverheid en armoede : een nieuwe visie op de demografische geschiedenis van Twente, 1675-1795. , 1992.

Turner, Michael After the famine : Irish agriculture, 1850-1914. Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521553881 , 1996


Vanhaute, Eric Rich agriculture and poor farmers : land, landlords and farmers in Flanders in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. , 2001.

Vanneste, Dominique A.G. Rural economy and indigence in mid-ninteenth-century Belgium. , 1997.

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