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Jump to: 630-636.6 | 630.8 | Adellijk grootgrondbezit | Agrariers | Agrarisch beleid | Agrarische geschiedenis | Agrarische ontwikkeling | Agrarische politiek | Agrarische producten | Agrarische sector | Agribusiness | Agro-industrie | Akkerbouw | Akkers | Algemene geschiedenis | Arbeid | Archeologie | BRD | Bayern | Bedrijfsgroottestructuur | Bedrijfsresultaten | Bedrijfsuitkomsten | Bedrijfsvoering | Bedrijfsvoering algemeen | Bedrijfsvormen grootgrondbezit | Beheer grootgrondbezit | Beieren | Belgie | Beloning | Bemesting | Berkshire | Beroepsstructuur | Betuwe | Bevolkingstellingen | Bodemeigenschappen | Bodemgesteldheid | Bodemvruchtbaarheid | Boedelinventarissen | Boeren | Boerenstand | Brabant | Buckinghamshire | Contemporaine Tijd | Corporatief grootgrondbezit | DDR | Denemarken | Deutschland | Dissertaties | Drente | Drenthe | Duitsland | EEG | EG | EU | East Anglia | Economische aspecten | Economische aspecten algemeen | Economische geschiedenis | Economische groei | Economische ontwikkeling | Economische structuur | Economische transformatieprocessen | Eerste Wereldoorlog | Eigendom | Enclosures | Engeland | Engen | England | Enken | Erfpacht | Essen | Europa | Europese Economische Gemeenschap | Europese Gemeenschap | Europese Unie | Exploitatie grootgrondbezit | France | Frankrijk | Friesland | Gaasten | Geestelijk grondbezit | Geesten | Gelderland | Geschiedenis | Gewassen | Gezinsbedrijf | Goederenbeheer | Granen | Groenvoedergewassen | Grondbezit | Grondeigendom | Grondgebruik | Grondsoorten | Groot-Brittannie | Grootgrondbezit | Hainaut | Hampshire | Handel | Handelspolitiek | Henegouwen | Historiografie | Ierland | Inclosures | Industrialisatie | Innovaties | Italie | Jacht | Kinderarbeid | Kleigrond | Kloostergoederen | Knolgewassen | Knollen | Kouters | Kunstmest | Land- en tuinbouw - Jacht - Visserij | Landarbeiders | Landbezit | Landbouw | Landbouwbeleid | Landbouweconomie | Landbouwers | Landbouwgeschiedenis | Landbouwindustrie | Landbouwontwikkeling | Landbouworganisaties | Landbouwproducten | Landbouwstelsels | Landbouwsystemen | Landbouwtechnische ontwikkeling | Landbouwwerktuigen | Landeigendom | Landelijke gebieden | Landgebruik | Limburg | Lincolnshire | Lonen | Melk | Meteorologie | Methoden en technieken | Micro-histoire | Middeleeuwen | Modernisering | Namen | Namur | Nederland | Nieuwe Tijd | Nieuwste Tijd | Noord Ierland | Noord-Ierland | Nord | Norfolk | Oost-Vlaanderen | Open fields | Oudheid | Overheidsbeleid | Overheidssteun | Overheidssubsidies | Overzichtsartikel | Oxfordshire | Pacht | Platteland | Plattelandsnijverheid | Pre-industriele maatschappij | Prehistorie | Prijzen | Probate inventories | Productie | Productiviteit | Produktie | Produktiviteit | Proefschriften | Proto-industrialisatie | Rapen | Rapporten | Rogge | Seizoenarbeid | Sociaal-economische geschiedenis | Somerset | Stikstof | Subsidies | Suffolk | Tarwe | Tienden | Tijdpacht | Trekdieren | Tuinbouw | USA | VS | Veefokkerij | Veeteelt | Veevoeding | Velden | Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannie en Noord-Ierland | Verenigde Staten | Verhouding akkerbouw-veehouderij | Verslagen | Verwerkende bedrijven | Visserij | Vlaanderen | Voedergewassen | Voeding | Voedingsmiddelenindustrie | Volkstellingen | Voorindustriele maatschappij | Vrouwenarbeid | Vruchtwisselstelsels | Wales | Weerkunde | Werktuigen | Werkzaamheden | West-Vlaanderen | Wiltshire | Zandgrond | Zeeland
Number of items: 1238.


Zanden, J.L. van Regionale verschillen in landbouwproduktiviteit en loonpeil in de Lage Landen aan het begin van de negentiende eeuw : een toetsing van de Mokyr-hypothese. , 1994.


Zanden, J.L. van Regionale verschillen in landbouwproduktiviteit en loonpeil in de Lage Landen aan het begin van de negentiende eeuw : een toetsing van de Mokyr-hypothese. , 1994.

Adellijk grootgrondbezit

Campbell, Bruce M.S. Land, labour, livestock, and productivity trends in English seignorial agriculture, 1208-1450. , 1991.


Allen, Robert C. Enclosure and the yeoman. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 0198282966 , 1992

Agrarisch beleid

Benjamin, Catherine and Gohin, Alexandre and Guyomard, Hervé The future of European Union dairy policy. , 1999.

Boussemart, J.Ph. Prévoir les effets de la politique agricole commune sur deux régions françaises : application d'un modèle bio-économique. , 1995.

Dewey, Peter British farming profits and governement policy during the First World War. , 1984.

Fuller, Frank The impact of the Berlin accord and European enlargement on dairy markets. , 1999.

Gaasbeek, A.F. van Internationale concurrentiekracht in de akkerbouw. Publikatie . Den Haag : Landbouw-Economisch Instituut (LEI-DLO). ISBN 9052422672 , 1994

Agrarische geschiedenis

Blomme, J. Produktie, produktiefactoren en produktiviteit: de Belgische landbouw 1846-1910. , 1993.

Goossens, M. Belgian agricultural output, 1812-1846. , 1993.

Agrarische ontwikkeling

Allen, Robert C. Enclosure and the yeoman. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 0198282966 , 1992

Böhm, Max Bayerns Agrarproduktion 1800-1870. St. Katharinen : Scripta-Mercaturae-Verlag. ISBN 389590015X , 1995

Clarke, Sally H. Regulation and the revolution in United States farm productivity. Studies in economic history and policy . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 052144117X , 1994

Coppock, J.T. The statistical assessment of British agriculture [1]. , 1956.

Coppock, J.T. The statistical assessment of British agriculture [2]. , 1956.

Hoffman, Philip T. Growth in a traditional society : the French countryside, 1450-1815. The Princeton economic history of the Western world . Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press. ISBN 0691029830 , 1996

Martins, Susanna Wade and Williamson, Tom Labour and improvement : agricultural change in East Anglia, circa 1750-1870. , 1997.

Outhwaite, R.B. English agricultural efficiency from the mid-seventeenth century : causes and costs. , 1987.

Rutten, H. Productivity growth of Dutch agriculture, 1949-1989. Mededeling . The Hague : Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI-DLO), General Economics and Statistics Division. ISBN 9052421757 , 1992

Zanden, J.L. van The first green revolution : the growth of production and productivity in European agriculture 1870-1914. Serie research memoranda . Amsterdam : Vrije Universiteit, Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen en Econometrie. , 1988

Agrarische politiek

Benjamin, Catherine and Gohin, Alexandre and Guyomard, Hervé The future of European Union dairy policy. , 1999.

Boussemart, J.Ph. Prévoir les effets de la politique agricole commune sur deux régions françaises : application d'un modèle bio-économique. , 1995.

Dewey, Peter British farming profits and governement policy during the First World War. , 1984.

Fuller, Frank The impact of the Berlin accord and European enlargement on dairy markets. , 1999.

Gaasbeek, A.F. van Internationale concurrentiekracht in de akkerbouw. Publikatie . Den Haag : Landbouw-Economisch Instituut (LEI-DLO). ISBN 9052422672 , 1994

Agrarische producten

Allen, Robert C. Economic structure and agricultural productivity in Europe, 1300-1800. , 2000.

Bavel, Bas J.P. van Arable yields and total arable output in the Netherlands from the late Middle Ages to the mid-19th century. , 1999.

Blomme, J. Produktie, produktiefactoren en produktiviteit: de Belgische landbouw 1846-1910. , 1993.

Campbell, Bruce M.S. Arable productivity. , 2000.

Dejongh, Guy and Thoen, Erik Arable productivity in Flanders and the former territory of Belgium in a long-term perspective (from the Middle Ages to the end of the Ancien Régime). , 1999.

Goossens, M. Belgian agricultural output, 1812-1846. , 1993.

Hoppenbrouwers, Peter C.M. Crop yields in Dutch agriculture, 1850-1990. , 1999.

Solar, Peter M. Harvest fluctuations in pre-famine Ireland : evidence from Belfast and Waterford newspapars. , 1989.

Solomou, Solomos and Wu, Weike Weather effects on European agricultural output, 1850-1913. , 1999.

Agrarische sector

Allen, R.C. The growth of labor productivity in early modern english agriculture. , 1988.

Allen, Robert C. The labor productivity and farm size in English agriculture before mechanization : reply to Clark. , 1991.

Bavel, Bas J.P. van and Thoen, Erik Land productivity and agro-systems in the North Sea Area (Middle Ages-20th century) : elements for comparison. CORN publication series . Turnhout : Brepols. ISBN 2503509622 , 1999

Böhm, Max Bayerns Agrarproduktion 1800-1870. St. Katharinen : Scripta-Mercaturae-Verlag. ISBN 389590015X , 1995

Campbell, Bruce M.S. and Overton, Mark Land, labour and livestock : historical studies in European agricultural productivity. Manchester [etc.] : Manchester University Press. ISBN 0719031710 , 1991

Clark, Gregory The labor productivity and farm size in English agriculture before mechanization : a note. , 1991.

Dodds, Ben Estimating arable output using Durham priory tithe receipts, 1341-1450. , 2004.

Dodds, Ben Managing tithes in the late middle ages. , 2005.

Dormois, Jean-Pierre La vocation agricole de la France : l'agriculture française face à la concurrence Brittanique avant la guerre de 1914. , 1996.

Galassi, Francesco L. Estimating labour productivity in multicrop farming : a product specific approach. , 1996.

Jansen, J.C.G.M. Ontsnappen aan economische achterstand : een byzonder probleem. , 1994.

Knibbe, Merijn Landbouwproductie en -productiviteit, 1807-1997. , 1999.

Malassis, Louis Économie des exploitations agricoles : essai sur les structures et les résultats des exploitations agricoles de grande et de petite superficie. Collection études et mémoires . Paris : Colin. , 1958

O'Brien, P.K. Agriculture and the home market for English industry, 1660-1820. , 1985.

Overton, Mark Agricultural productivity in eighteenth-century England : some further speculations. , 1984.

Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Production et productivité dans l'agriculture anglaise, 1086-1871. , 1996.

Persson, Karl Gunnar Total factor productivity growth in English agriculture, 1250-1450. Copenhagen : Institute of Economics, University. , 1993

Rutten, H. Productivity growth of Dutch agriculture, 1949-1989. Mededeling . The Hague : Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI-DLO), General Economics and Statistics Division. ISBN 9052421757 , 1992

Turner, Michael Agricultural productivity in eighteenth-century England : some further speculations. , 1984.

Zanden, J.L. van The first green revolution : the growth of production and productivity in European agriculture 1870-1914. Serie research memoranda . Amsterdam : Vrije Universiteit, Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen en Econometrie. , 1988


Breedveld, J. and Post, J.H. De economische betekenis van de landbouw en de voedingsmiddelenindustrie in de jaren tachtig. Onderzoekverslag . Den Haag : Landbouw-Economisch Instituut. , 1985


Breedveld, J. and Post, J.H. De economische betekenis van de landbouw en de voedingsmiddelenindustrie in de jaren tachtig. Onderzoekverslag . Den Haag : Landbouw-Economisch Instituut. , 1985


Gaasbeek, A.F. van Internationale concurrentiekracht in de akkerbouw. Publikatie . Den Haag : Landbouw-Economisch Instituut (LEI-DLO). ISBN 9052422672 , 1994

Ruwet, J. Pour un indice de la production céréalière à l'époque moderne : la région de Namur. , 1973.

Sivéry, G. Les profits de l'éleveur et du cultivateur dans le Hainaut à la fin du moyen âge. , 1976.

Van Isterdael, H. De opbrengstfactoren in het land van Aalst (17e-19e eeuw). , 1983.


Allen, Robert C. Enclosure, farming methods, and the growth of produstivity in the south Midlands. , 1989.

Allen, Robert C. The two English agricultural revolutions, 1450-1850. , 1991.

Turner, Michael English open fields and enclosures : retardation or productivity improvements. , 1986.

Algemene geschiedenis

Allen, R.C. The growth of labor productivity in early modern english agriculture. , 1988.

Allen, Robert C. Enclosure and the yeoman. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 0198282966 , 1992

Allen, Robert C. The labor productivity and farm size in English agriculture before mechanization : reply to Clark. , 1991.

Bairoch, Paul Les trois révolutions agricoles du monde développé : rendements et productivité de 1800 à 1985. , 1989.

Clark, Gregory The labor productivity and farm size in English agriculture before mechanization : a note. , 1991.

Craig, Beatrice Women, children and the calculation of labour productivity in Europe and North America. , 2000.

Hoffman, Philip T. Growth in a traditional society : the French countryside, 1450-1815. The Princeton economic history of the Western world . Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press. ISBN 0691029830 , 1996

Persson, Karl Gunnar Total factor productivity growth in English agriculture, 1250-1450. Copenhagen : Institute of Economics, University. , 1993

Sivéry, G. Les profits de l'éleveur et du cultivateur dans le Hainaut à la fin du moyen âge. , 1976.

Tits-Dieuaide, M.J. L'étude des rendements agricoles au bas moyen âge et à l'époque moderne : remarques sur les buts et les méthodes. , 1980.

Turner, Michael English open fields and enclosures : retardation or productivity improvements. , 1986.

Van Cauwenberghe, E. Les changements de la productivité, du revenu et des formes des exploitations paysannes aux Pays-Bas (XIVe-XVIe s.). , 1975.

Van Isterdael, H. De opbrengstfactoren in het land van Aalst (17e-19e eeuw). , 1983.

Verhulst, A. and Vandenbroeke, C. and Daelemans, F. Landbouwproduktiviteit in Vlaanderen en Brabant XIVe-XIXe eeuw. Publikatie . Gent : Belgisch Centrum voor Landelijke Geschiedenis. , 1979


Allen, R.C. The growth of labor productivity in early modern english agriculture. , 1988.

Allen, Robert C. The labor productivity and farm size in English agriculture before mechanization : reply to Clark. , 1991.

Birnie, J.E. Irish farming labour productivity: comparisons with the UK, 1930-1990. , 1997.

Campbell, Bruce M.S. and Overton, Mark Land, labour and livestock : historical studies in European agricultural productivity. Manchester [etc.] : Manchester University Press. ISBN 0719031710 , 1991

Clark, Gregory Labour productivity in English agriculture, 1300-1860. , 1991.

Clark, Gregory The labor productivity and farm size in English agriculture before mechanization : a note. , 1991.

Craig, Beatrice Women, children and the calculation of labour productivity in Europe and North America. , 2000.

Dormois, Jean-Pierre La vocation agricole de la France : l'agriculture française face à la concurrence Brittanique avant la guerre de 1914. , 1996.

Grantham, George The growth of labour productivity in the production of wheat in the Cinq Grosses Fermes of France, 1750-1929. , 1991.

Higgs, Edward Occupational censuses and the agricultural workforce in Victorian England and Wales. , 1995.

Knibbe, Merijn Landbouwproductie en -productiviteit, 1807-1997. , 1999.

Martins, Susanna Wade and Williamson, Tom Labour and improvement : agricultural change in East Anglia, circa 1750-1870. , 1997.

Persson, Karl Gunnar Labour productivity in medieval agriculture : Tuscany and the 'Low countries'. , 1991.

Wrigley, E.A. Energy available and agricultural productivity. , 1991.

Zanden, J.L. van Landbouwproduktiviteit en de intensivering van de arbeid. , 1994.

Zanden, J.L. van Regionale verschillen in landbouwproduktiviteit en loonpeil in de Lage Landen aan het begin van de negentiende eeuw : een toetsing van de Mokyr-hypothese. , 1994.

Zanden, J.L. van The development of agricultural productivity in Europe 1500-1800. , 1998.


Jones, Martin K. Agricultural productivity in the pre-documentary past. , 1991.


Böhm, Max Bayerns Agrarproduktion 1800-1870. St. Katharinen : Scripta-Mercaturae-Verlag. ISBN 389590015X , 1995

Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Productivity change in European agricultural development. , 1991.

Solomou, Solomos and Wu, Weike Weather effects on European agricultural output, 1850-1913. , 1999.


Böhm, Max Bayerns Agrarproduktion 1800-1870. St. Katharinen : Scripta-Mercaturae-Verlag. ISBN 389590015X , 1995


Buitenbeentjes en boegbeelden : advies over megabedrijven in de Nederlandse land- en tuinbouw. Raad Landelijk Gebied [Host], Amersfoort.

Allen, Robert C. The two English agricultural revolutions, 1450-1850. , 1991.

Clark, Gregory The labor productivity and farm size in English agriculture before mechanization : a note. , 1991.


Bairoch, Paul Les trois révolutions agricoles du monde développé : rendements et productivité de 1800 à 1985. , 1989.

Coppock, J.T. The statistical assessment of British agriculture [1]. , 1956.

Coppock, J.T. The statistical assessment of British agriculture [2]. , 1956.

Dewey, Peter British farming profits and governement policy during the First World War. , 1984.


Bairoch, Paul Les trois révolutions agricoles du monde développé : rendements et productivité de 1800 à 1985. , 1989.

Coppock, J.T. The statistical assessment of British agriculture [1]. , 1956.

Coppock, J.T. The statistical assessment of British agriculture [2]. , 1956.

Dewey, Peter British farming profits and governement policy during the First World War. , 1984.


Afton, Bethanie Land productivity in a lightland agricultural system: the Hampshire Downs, 1835-1914. , 1999.

Béauer, Gérard From the North Sea to Berry and Lorraine: land productivity in Northern France, 13th-19th centuries. , 1999.

Christensen, Dan. C. Estimating arable production and productivity in Danish agriculture during the age of reform, 1750-1850. , 1999.

Malassis, Louis Économie des exploitations agricoles : essai sur les structures et les résultats des exploitations agricoles de grande et de petite superficie. Collection études et mémoires . Paris : Colin. , 1958

Rauwerda, Anne Invloed van een sterkere bemesting en een krachtiger veevoeding op de productiviteit van een bedrijf. Amsterdam : UNSPECIFIED. , 1927

Thoen, Erik and Vanhaute, Erik The 'Flemish husbandry' at the edge: the farming system on small holdings in the middle of the 19th century. , 1999.

Van der Wee, Herman and Van Cauwenberghe, Eddy Productivity of land and agricultural innovation in the Low Countries, (1250-1800). Leuven : Leuven University Press. ISBN 9061860733 , 1978

van Vuuren, W. and Larue, B. and Ketchabaw, E.H. Factors influencing productuvity enhancing and environmental husbandry on rented land. , 1995.

Bedrijfsvoering algemeen

Afton, Bethanie Land productivity in a lightland agricultural system: the Hampshire Downs, 1835-1914. , 1999.

Béauer, Gérard From the North Sea to Berry and Lorraine: land productivity in Northern France, 13th-19th centuries. , 1999.

Christensen, Dan. C. Estimating arable production and productivity in Danish agriculture during the age of reform, 1750-1850. , 1999.

Malassis, Louis Économie des exploitations agricoles : essai sur les structures et les résultats des exploitations agricoles de grande et de petite superficie. Collection études et mémoires . Paris : Colin. , 1958

Rauwerda, Anne Invloed van een sterkere bemesting en een krachtiger veevoeding op de productiviteit van een bedrijf. Amsterdam : UNSPECIFIED. , 1927

Thoen, Erik and Vanhaute, Erik The 'Flemish husbandry' at the edge: the farming system on small holdings in the middle of the 19th century. , 1999.

Van der Wee, Herman and Van Cauwenberghe, Eddy Productivity of land and agricultural innovation in the Low Countries, (1250-1800). Leuven : Leuven University Press. ISBN 9061860733 , 1978

van Vuuren, W. and Larue, B. and Ketchabaw, E.H. Factors influencing productuvity enhancing and environmental husbandry on rented land. , 1995.

Bedrijfsvormen grootgrondbezit

Campbell, Bruce M.S. Adapting to change : English seigniorial agriculture, 1250-1450. , 2000.

Dodds, Ben Managing tithes in the late middle ages. , 2005.

Beheer grootgrondbezit

Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.

Thornton, Christopher The determinants of land productivity on the Bishop of Winchester's demesne of Rimpton, 1208 to 1403. , 1991.


Böhm, Max Bayerns Agrarproduktion 1800-1870. St. Katharinen : Scripta-Mercaturae-Verlag. ISBN 389590015X , 1995


Blomme, J. Produktie, produktiefactoren en produktiviteit: de Belgische landbouw 1846-1910. , 1993.

Dejongh, Guy Revolutie, immobilisme of geleidelijkheid? : de landbouwontwikkeling in het Noordzeegebied, 1750-1850. , 1999.

Dejongh, Guy and Thoen, Erik Arable productivity in Flanders and the former territory of Belgium in a long-term perspective (from the Middle Ages to the end of the Ancien Régime). , 1999.

Dejongh, Guy and Vanhaute, Erik Arable productivity in Belgium agriculture, c.1800-c.1950. , 1999.

Goossens, M. Belgian agricultural output, 1812-1846. , 1993.

Kint, Theofilus Lambertus Maria Prometheus aangevuurd door Demeter : de economische ontwikkeling van de landbouw in Oost-Vlaanderen 1815-1850. Amsterdam : VU Uitgeverij. ISBN 9062567975 , 1989

Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Productivity change in European agricultural development. , 1991.

Persson, Karl Gunnar Labour productivity in medieval agriculture : Tuscany and the 'Low countries'. , 1991.

Ruwet, J. Pour un indice de la production céréalière à l'époque moderne : la région de Namur. , 1973.

Sivéry, G. Les profits de l'éleveur et du cultivateur dans le Hainaut à la fin du moyen âge. , 1976.

Solar, Peter and Goossens, Martine Agricultural productivity in Belgium and Ireland in the early nineteenth century. , 1991.

Solar, Peter and Goossens, Martine Agricultural productivity in Belgium and Ireland in the early nineteenth century. , 1991.

Solar, Peter and Goossens, Martine Agricultural productivity in Belgium and Ireland in the early nineteenth century. , 1991.

Thoen, Erik and Vanhaute, Erik The 'Flemish husbandry' at the edge: the farming system on small holdings in the middle of the 19th century. , 1999.

Van Cauwenberghe, E. Les changements de la productivité, du revenu et des formes des exploitations paysannes aux Pays-Bas (XIVe-XVIe s.). , 1975.

Van Isterdael, H. De opbrengstfactoren in het land van Aalst (17e-19e eeuw). , 1983.

Van der Wee, Herman and Van Cauwenberghe, Eddy Productivity of land and agricultural innovation in the Low Countries, (1250-1800). Leuven : Leuven University Press. ISBN 9061860733 , 1978

Vanderpijpen, Willy De proto-industrialisatie in Vlaanderen : een grote regionale diversiteit. , 1988.

Verhulst, A. and Vandenbroeke, C. and Daelemans, F. Landbouwproduktiviteit in Vlaanderen en Brabant XIVe-XIXe eeuw. Publikatie . Gent : Belgisch Centrum voor Landelijke Geschiedenis. , 1979

Verhulst, A. and Vandenbroeke, C. and Daelemans, F. Landbouwproduktiviteit in Vlaanderen en Brabant XIVe-XIXe eeuw. Publikatie . Gent : Belgisch Centrum voor Landelijke Geschiedenis. , 1979

Verhulst, A. and Vandenbroeke, C. and Daelemans, F. and Mertens, J. and Thoen, E. Landbouwproduktiviteit in Vlaanderen en Brabant XIVe-XIXe eeuw. Gent : Seminaries voor geschiedenis van de Rijksuniversiteit te Gent. , 1979

Zanden, J.L. van Regionale verschillen in landbouwproduktiviteit en loonpeil in de Lage Landen aan het begin van de negentiende eeuw : een toetsing van de Mokyr-hypothese. , 1994.


Knibbe, Merijn Lokkich Fryslân : een studie naar de ontwikkeling van de productiviteit van de Friese landbouw 1505-1830. Historia agriculturae . Groningen [etc.] : Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036725364 , 2006

Zanden, J.L. van Regionale verschillen in landbouwproduktiviteit en loonpeil in de Lage Landen aan het begin van de negentiende eeuw : een toetsing van de Mokyr-hypothese. , 1994.


Rauwerda, Anne Invloed van een sterkere bemesting en een krachtiger veevoeding op de productiviteit van een bedrijf. Amsterdam : UNSPECIFIED. , 1927

Shiel, Robert S. Improving soil productivity in the pre-fertilizer era. , 1991.


Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.


Higgs, Edward Occupational censuses and the agricultural workforce in Victorian England and Wales. , 1995.


Bavel, Bas J.P. van A valuation of arable productivity in the central part of the Dutch river area, c.1360-c.1570. , 1999.


Higgs, Edward Occupational censuses and the agricultural workforce in Victorian England and Wales. , 1995.


Shiel, Robert S. Improving soil productivity in the pre-fertilizer era. , 1991.


Shiel, Robert S. Improving soil productivity in the pre-fertilizer era. , 1991.


Shiel, Robert S. Improving soil productivity in the pre-fertilizer era. , 1991.


Glennie, Paul Measuring crop yields in early modern England. , 1991.


Allen, Robert C. Enclosure and the yeoman. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 0198282966 , 1992


Allen, Robert C. Enclosure and the yeoman. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 0198282966 , 1992


Verhulst, A. and Vandenbroeke, C. and Daelemans, F. Landbouwproduktiviteit in Vlaanderen en Brabant XIVe-XIXe eeuw. Publikatie . Gent : Belgisch Centrum voor Landelijke Geschiedenis. , 1979


Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.

Contemporaine Tijd

Bairoch, Paul Les trois révolutions agricoles du monde développé : rendements et productivité de 1800 à 1985. , 1989.

Bieleman, J. and Roessingh, H.K. Wie zaait zal oogsten? : de ontwikkeling van het rogge-beschot op de noordelijke zandgronden op lange termijn. , 1994.

Birnie, J.E. Irish farming labour productivity: comparisons with the UK, 1930-1990. , 1997.

Hoppenbrouwers, Peter C.M. Crop yields in Dutch agriculture, 1850-1990. , 1999.

O'Brien, Patrick K. Agricultural productivity and European industrialization, 1890-1980. , 1992.

Ruttan, Vernon W. Productivity growth in world agriculture : sources and constraints. , 2002.

Rutten, H. Productivity growth of Dutch agriculture, 1949-1989. Mededeling . The Hague : Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI-DLO), General Economics and Statistics Division. ISBN 9052421757 , 1992

Corporatief grootgrondbezit

Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.

Campbell, Bruce M.S. Land, labour, livestock, and productivity trends in English seignorial agriculture, 1208-1450. , 1991.

Dodds, Ben Managing tithes in the late middle ages. , 2005.

Harrison, Barry Field systems and demesne farming on the Wiltshire estates of Saint Whitsun's Priory, Winchester, 1248-1340. , 1995.

Thornton, Christopher The determinants of land productivity on the Bishop of Winchester's demesne of Rimpton, 1208 to 1403. , 1991.


Böhm, Max Bayerns Agrarproduktion 1800-1870. St. Katharinen : Scripta-Mercaturae-Verlag. ISBN 389590015X , 1995

Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Productivity change in European agricultural development. , 1991.

Solomou, Solomos and Wu, Weike Weather effects on European agricultural output, 1850-1913. , 1999.


Christensen, Dan. C. Estimating arable production and productivity in Danish agriculture during the age of reform, 1750-1850. , 1999.


Böhm, Max Bayerns Agrarproduktion 1800-1870. St. Katharinen : Scripta-Mercaturae-Verlag. ISBN 389590015X , 1995

Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Productivity change in European agricultural development. , 1991.

Solomou, Solomos and Wu, Weike Weather effects on European agricultural output, 1850-1913. , 1999.


Böhm, Max Bayerns Agrarproduktion 1800-1870. St. Katharinen : Scripta-Mercaturae-Verlag. ISBN 389590015X , 1995

Kint, Theofilus Lambertus Maria Prometheus aangevuurd door Demeter : de economische ontwikkeling van de landbouw in Oost-Vlaanderen 1815-1850. Amsterdam : VU Uitgeverij. ISBN 9062567975 , 1989


Bieleman, J. and Roessingh, H.K. Wie zaait zal oogsten? : de ontwikkeling van het rogge-beschot op de noordelijke zandgronden op lange termijn. , 1994.


Bieleman, J. and Roessingh, H.K. Wie zaait zal oogsten? : de ontwikkeling van het rogge-beschot op de noordelijke zandgronden op lange termijn. , 1994.


Böhm, Max Bayerns Agrarproduktion 1800-1870. St. Katharinen : Scripta-Mercaturae-Verlag. ISBN 389590015X , 1995

Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Productivity change in European agricultural development. , 1991.

Solomou, Solomos and Wu, Weike Weather effects on European agricultural output, 1850-1913. , 1999.


Benjamin, Catherine and Gohin, Alexandre and Guyomard, Hervé The future of European Union dairy policy. , 1999.

Boussemart, J.Ph. Prévoir les effets de la politique agricole commune sur deux régions françaises : application d'un modèle bio-économique. , 1995.

Fuller, Frank The impact of the Berlin accord and European enlargement on dairy markets. , 1999.


Benjamin, Catherine and Gohin, Alexandre and Guyomard, Hervé The future of European Union dairy policy. , 1999.

Boussemart, J.Ph. Prévoir les effets de la politique agricole commune sur deux régions françaises : application d'un modèle bio-économique. , 1995.

Fuller, Frank The impact of the Berlin accord and European enlargement on dairy markets. , 1999.


Benjamin, Catherine and Gohin, Alexandre and Guyomard, Hervé The future of European Union dairy policy. , 1999.

Boussemart, J.Ph. Prévoir les effets de la politique agricole commune sur deux régions françaises : application d'un modèle bio-économique. , 1995.

Fuller, Frank The impact of the Berlin accord and European enlargement on dairy markets. , 1999.

East Anglia

Martins, Susanna Wade and Williamson, Tom Labour and improvement : agricultural change in East Anglia, circa 1750-1870. , 1997.

Economische aspecten

Allen, R.C. The growth of labor productivity in early modern english agriculture. , 1988.

Allen, Robert C. The labor productivity and farm size in English agriculture before mechanization : reply to Clark. , 1991.

Birnie, J.E. Irish farming labour productivity: comparisons with the UK, 1930-1990. , 1997.

Birnie, J.E. Irish farming labour productivity: comparisons with the UK, 1930-1990. , 1997.

Breedveld, J. and Post, J.H. De economische betekenis van de landbouw en de voedingsmiddelenindustrie in de jaren tachtig. Onderzoekverslag . Den Haag : Landbouw-Economisch Instituut. , 1985

Breedveld, J. and Post, J.H. De economische betekenis van de landbouw en de voedingsmiddelenindustrie in de jaren tachtig. Onderzoekverslag . Den Haag : Landbouw-Economisch Instituut. , 1985

Campbell, Bruce M.S. Adapting to change : English seigniorial agriculture, 1250-1450. , 2000.

Campbell, Bruce M.S. and Overton, Mark Land, labour and livestock : historical studies in European agricultural productivity. Manchester [etc.] : Manchester University Press. ISBN 0719031710 , 1991

Clark, Gregory Labour productivity in English agriculture, 1300-1860. , 1991.

Clark, Gregory The labor productivity and farm size in English agriculture before mechanization : a note. , 1991.

Craig, Beatrice Women, children and the calculation of labour productivity in Europe and North America. , 2000.

David, Paul A. Labour productivity in English agriculture, 1850-1914 : some quantitative evidence on regional differences. , 1970.

Dodds, Ben Estimating arable output using Durham priory tithe receipts, 1341-1450. , 2004.

Dodds, Ben Managing tithes in the late middle ages. , 2005.

Dormois, Jean-Pierre La vocation agricole de la France : l'agriculture française face à la concurrence Brittanique avant la guerre de 1914. , 1996.

Edwards, C.J.W. Changes in agricultural labour efficiency in Northern Ireland 1975-1984. , 1986.

Gaasbeek, A.F. van Internationale concurrentiekracht in de akkerbouw. Publikatie . Den Haag : Landbouw-Economisch Instituut (LEI-DLO). ISBN 9052422672 , 1994

Grantham, George The growth of labour productivity in the production of wheat in the Cinq Grosses Fermes of France, 1750-1929. , 1991.

Higgs, Edward Occupational censuses and the agricultural workforce in Victorian England and Wales. , 1995.

Hunt, E.H. Quantitative and other evidence on labour productivity in agriculture, 1850-1914. , 1970.

Hunt, Edward H. Labour productivity in English agriculture, 1850-1914. , 1967.

Kint, Theofilus Lambertus Maria Prometheus aangevuurd door Demeter : de economische ontwikkeling van de landbouw in Oost-Vlaanderen 1815-1850. Amsterdam : VU Uitgeverij. ISBN 9062567975 , 1989

Knibbe, Merijn Landbouwproductie en -productiviteit, 1807-1997. , 1999.

Malassis, Louis Économie des exploitations agricoles : essai sur les structures et les résultats des exploitations agricoles de grande et de petite superficie. Collection études et mémoires . Paris : Colin. , 1958

Martins, Susanna Wade and Williamson, Tom Labour and improvement : agricultural change in East Anglia, circa 1750-1870. , 1997.

Persson, Karl Gunnar Labour productivity in medieval agriculture : Tuscany and the 'Low countries'. , 1991.

Schmitt, Günther Agriculture in nineteenth century France and Britain : another explanation of international and intersectoral productivity differences. , 1990.

Wrigley, E.A. Energy available and agricultural productivity. , 1991.

Zanden, J.L. van Landbouwproduktiviteit en de intensivering van de arbeid. , 1994.

Zanden, J.L. van Regionale verschillen in landbouwproduktiviteit en loonpeil in de Lage Landen aan het begin van de negentiende eeuw : een toetsing van de Mokyr-hypothese. , 1994.

Zanden, J.L. van The development of agricultural productivity in Europe 1500-1800. , 1998.

Economische aspecten algemeen

Allen, R.C. The growth of labor productivity in early modern english agriculture. , 1988.

Allen, Robert C. The labor productivity and farm size in English agriculture before mechanization : reply to Clark. , 1991.

Birnie, J.E. Irish farming labour productivity: comparisons with the UK, 1930-1990. , 1997.

Birnie, J.E. Irish farming labour productivity: comparisons with the UK, 1930-1990. , 1997.

Breedveld, J. and Post, J.H. De economische betekenis van de landbouw en de voedingsmiddelenindustrie in de jaren tachtig. Onderzoekverslag . Den Haag : Landbouw-Economisch Instituut. , 1985

Breedveld, J. and Post, J.H. De economische betekenis van de landbouw en de voedingsmiddelenindustrie in de jaren tachtig. Onderzoekverslag . Den Haag : Landbouw-Economisch Instituut. , 1985

Campbell, Bruce M.S. Adapting to change : English seigniorial agriculture, 1250-1450. , 2000.

Campbell, Bruce M.S. and Overton, Mark Land, labour and livestock : historical studies in European agricultural productivity. Manchester [etc.] : Manchester University Press. ISBN 0719031710 , 1991

Clark, Gregory Labour productivity in English agriculture, 1300-1860. , 1991.

Clark, Gregory The labor productivity and farm size in English agriculture before mechanization : a note. , 1991.

Craig, Beatrice Women, children and the calculation of labour productivity in Europe and North America. , 2000.

David, Paul A. Labour productivity in English agriculture, 1850-1914 : some quantitative evidence on regional differences. , 1970.

Dodds, Ben Estimating arable output using Durham priory tithe receipts, 1341-1450. , 2004.

Dodds, Ben Managing tithes in the late middle ages. , 2005.

Dormois, Jean-Pierre La vocation agricole de la France : l'agriculture française face à la concurrence Brittanique avant la guerre de 1914. , 1996.

Edwards, C.J.W. Changes in agricultural labour efficiency in Northern Ireland 1975-1984. , 1986.

Gaasbeek, A.F. van Internationale concurrentiekracht in de akkerbouw. Publikatie . Den Haag : Landbouw-Economisch Instituut (LEI-DLO). ISBN 9052422672 , 1994

Grantham, George The growth of labour productivity in the production of wheat in the Cinq Grosses Fermes of France, 1750-1929. , 1991.

Higgs, Edward Occupational censuses and the agricultural workforce in Victorian England and Wales. , 1995.

Hunt, E.H. Quantitative and other evidence on labour productivity in agriculture, 1850-1914. , 1970.

Hunt, Edward H. Labour productivity in English agriculture, 1850-1914. , 1967.

Kint, Theofilus Lambertus Maria Prometheus aangevuurd door Demeter : de economische ontwikkeling van de landbouw in Oost-Vlaanderen 1815-1850. Amsterdam : VU Uitgeverij. ISBN 9062567975 , 1989

Knibbe, Merijn Landbouwproductie en -productiviteit, 1807-1997. , 1999.

Malassis, Louis Économie des exploitations agricoles : essai sur les structures et les résultats des exploitations agricoles de grande et de petite superficie. Collection études et mémoires . Paris : Colin. , 1958

Martins, Susanna Wade and Williamson, Tom Labour and improvement : agricultural change in East Anglia, circa 1750-1870. , 1997.

Persson, Karl Gunnar Labour productivity in medieval agriculture : Tuscany and the 'Low countries'. , 1991.

Schmitt, Günther Agriculture in nineteenth century France and Britain : another explanation of international and intersectoral productivity differences. , 1990.

Wrigley, E.A. Energy available and agricultural productivity. , 1991.

Zanden, J.L. van Landbouwproduktiviteit en de intensivering van de arbeid. , 1994.

Zanden, J.L. van Regionale verschillen in landbouwproduktiviteit en loonpeil in de Lage Landen aan het begin van de negentiende eeuw : een toetsing van de Mokyr-hypothese. , 1994.

Zanden, J.L. van The development of agricultural productivity in Europe 1500-1800. , 1998.

Economische geschiedenis

Allen, R.C. The growth of labor productivity in early modern english agriculture. , 1988.

Allen, Robert C. Enclosure and the yeoman. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 0198282966 , 1992

Allen, Robert C. The labor productivity and farm size in English agriculture before mechanization : reply to Clark. , 1991.

Bairoch, Paul Les trois révolutions agricoles du monde développé : rendements et productivité de 1800 à 1985. , 1989.

Clark, Gregory The labor productivity and farm size in English agriculture before mechanization : a note. , 1991.

Craig, Beatrice Women, children and the calculation of labour productivity in Europe and North America. , 2000.

Persson, Karl Gunnar Total factor productivity growth in English agriculture, 1250-1450. Copenhagen : Institute of Economics, University. , 1993

Sivéry, G. Les profits de l'éleveur et du cultivateur dans le Hainaut à la fin du moyen âge. , 1976.

Tits-Dieuaide, M.J. L'étude des rendements agricoles au bas moyen âge et à l'époque moderne : remarques sur les buts et les méthodes. , 1980.

Turner, Michael English open fields and enclosures : retardation or productivity improvements. , 1986.

Van Cauwenberghe, E. Les changements de la productivité, du revenu et des formes des exploitations paysannes aux Pays-Bas (XIVe-XVIe s.). , 1975.

Van Isterdael, H. De opbrengstfactoren in het land van Aalst (17e-19e eeuw). , 1983.

Verhulst, A. and Vandenbroeke, C. and Daelemans, F. Landbouwproduktiviteit in Vlaanderen en Brabant XIVe-XIXe eeuw. Publikatie . Gent : Belgisch Centrum voor Landelijke Geschiedenis. , 1979

Economische groei

O'Brien, P. and Heath, D. The efficiency of British and French agriculture, 1815-1914. , 1982.

O'Brien, P. and Heath, D. and Keyder, Caglar Agricultural efficiency in Britain and France, 1815-1914. , 1977.

Ruttan, Vernon W. Productivity growth in world agriculture : sources and constraints. , 2002.

Economische ontwikkeling

Campbell, Bruce M.S. Adapting to change : English seigniorial agriculture, 1250-1450. , 2000.

Fuller, Frank The impact of the Berlin accord and European enlargement on dairy markets. , 1999.

Hoffman, Philip T. Growth in a traditional society : the French countryside, 1450-1815. The Princeton economic history of the Western world . Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press. ISBN 0691029830 , 1996

Kint, Theofilus Lambertus Maria Prometheus aangevuurd door Demeter : de economische ontwikkeling van de landbouw in Oost-Vlaanderen 1815-1850. Amsterdam : VU Uitgeverij. ISBN 9062567975 , 1989

Miller, Stephen J. The economy of France in eighteenth and nineteenth centuries : market opporunity and labour productivity in the Languedoc. , 2009.

Vries, Jan de De economische ontwikkeling van Friesland na het einde van de Friese vrijheid. , 1999.

Economische structuur

Allen, Robert C. Economic structure and agricultural productivity in Europe, 1300-1800. , 2000.

Friedmann, Harriet World market, state, and family farm: social bases of household production in the era of wage labor. , 1978.

Economische transformatieprocessen

Allen, Robert C. Enclosure and the yeoman. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 0198282966 , 1992

Dejongh, Guy and Vanhaute, Erik Arable productivity in Belgium agriculture, c.1800-c.1950. , 1999.

Eerste Wereldoorlog

Dewey, Peter British farming profits and governement policy during the First World War. , 1984.


Collins, Edward J.T. Power availibility and agricultural productivity in England and Wales, 1840-1939. , 1999.


Allen, Robert C. Enclosure and the yeoman. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 0198282966 , 1992

Allen, Robert C. Enclosure, farming methods, and the growth of produstivity in the south Midlands. , 1989.

Allen, Robert C. The two English agricultural revolutions, 1450-1850. , 1991.

Turner, Michael English open fields and enclosures : retardation or productivity improvements. , 1986.


Afton, Bethanie Land productivity in a lightland agricultural system: the Hampshire Downs, 1835-1914. , 1999.

Allen, R.C. The growth of labor productivity in early modern english agriculture. , 1988.

Allen, Robert C. Enclosure and the yeoman. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 0198282966 , 1992

Allen, Robert C. Enclosure, farming methods, and the growth of produstivity in the south Midlands. , 1989.

Allen, Robert C. The labor productivity and farm size in English agriculture before mechanization : reply to Clark. , 1991.

Allen, Robert C. The two English agricultural revolutions, 1450-1850. , 1991.

Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.

Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.

Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.

Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.

Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.

Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.

Campbell, Bruce M.S. Adapting to change : English seigniorial agriculture, 1250-1450. , 2000.

Campbell, Bruce M.S. Arable productivity. , 2000.

Campbell, Bruce M.S. Land, labour, livestock, and productivity trends in English seignorial agriculture, 1208-1450. , 1991.

Clark, Gregory Labour productivity in English agriculture, 1300-1860. , 1991.

Clark, Gregory The labor productivity and farm size in English agriculture before mechanization : a note. , 1991.

Collins, Edward J.T. Power availibility and agricultural productivity in England and Wales, 1840-1939. , 1999.

David, Paul A. Labour productivity in English agriculture, 1850-1914 : some quantitative evidence on regional differences. , 1970.

Dejongh, Guy Revolutie, immobilisme of geleidelijkheid? : de landbouwontwikkeling in het Noordzeegebied, 1750-1850. , 1999.

Dodds, Ben Estimating arable output using Durham priory tithe receipts, 1341-1450. , 2004.

Dodds, Ben Managing tithes in the late middle ages. , 2005.

Glennie, Paul Measuring crop yields in early modern England. , 1991.

Harrison, Barry Field systems and demesne farming on the Wiltshire estates of Saint Whitsun's Priory, Winchester, 1248-1340. , 1995.

Hunt, E.H. Quantitative and other evidence on labour productivity in agriculture, 1850-1914. , 1970.

Hunt, Edward H. Labour productivity in English agriculture, 1850-1914. , 1967.

Jones, Martin K. Agricultural productivity in the pre-documentary past. , 1991.

Miller, Stephen J. The economy of France in eighteenth and nineteenth centuries : market opporunity and labour productivity in the Languedoc. , 2009.

Outhwaite, R.B. English agricultural efficiency from the mid-seventeenth century : causes and costs. , 1987.

Overton, Mark Agricultural productivity in eighteenth-century England : some further speculations. , 1984.

Overton, Mark The determinants of crop yields in early modern England. , 1991.

Overton, Mark The determinants of crop yields in early modern England. , 1991.

Overton, Mark The determinants of crop yields in early modern England. , 1991.

Overton, Mark The determinants of crop yields in early modern England. , 1991.

Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Productivity change in European agricultural development. , 1991.

Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Statistics of production and productivity in English agriculture 1086-1871. , 1999.

Persson, Karl Gunnar Total factor productivity growth in English agriculture, 1250-1450. Copenhagen : Institute of Economics, University. , 1993

Schmitt, Günther Agriculture in nineteenth century France and Britain : another explanation of international and intersectoral productivity differences. , 1990.

Shiel, Robert S. Improving soil productivity in the pre-fertilizer era. , 1991.

Theobald, Jonathan Agricultural productivity in Woodland High Suffolk, 1600-1850. , 2002.

Thornton, Christopher The determinants of land productivity on the Bishop of Winchester's demesne of Rimpton, 1208 to 1403. , 1991.

Thornton, Christopher The determinants of land productivity on the Bishop of Winchester's demesne of Rimpton, 1208 to 1403. , 1991.

Turner, Michael Agricultural productivity in eighteenth-century England : some further speculations. , 1984.

Wrigley, E.A. Energy available and agricultural productivity. , 1991.


Allen, Robert C. Enclosure, farming methods, and the growth of produstivity in the south Midlands. , 1989.

Allen, Robert C. The two English agricultural revolutions, 1450-1850. , 1991.

Turner, Michael English open fields and enclosures : retardation or productivity improvements. , 1986.


Afton, Bethanie Land productivity in a lightland agricultural system: the Hampshire Downs, 1835-1914. , 1999.

Allen, R.C. The growth of labor productivity in early modern english agriculture. , 1988.

Allen, Robert C. Enclosure and the yeoman. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 0198282966 , 1992

Allen, Robert C. Enclosure, farming methods, and the growth of produstivity in the south Midlands. , 1989.

Allen, Robert C. The labor productivity and farm size in English agriculture before mechanization : reply to Clark. , 1991.

Allen, Robert C. The two English agricultural revolutions, 1450-1850. , 1991.

Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.

Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.

Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.

Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.

Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.

Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.

Campbell, Bruce M.S. Adapting to change : English seigniorial agriculture, 1250-1450. , 2000.

Campbell, Bruce M.S. Arable productivity. , 2000.

Campbell, Bruce M.S. Land, labour, livestock, and productivity trends in English seignorial agriculture, 1208-1450. , 1991.

Clark, Gregory Labour productivity in English agriculture, 1300-1860. , 1991.

Clark, Gregory The labor productivity and farm size in English agriculture before mechanization : a note. , 1991.

Collins, Edward J.T. Power availibility and agricultural productivity in England and Wales, 1840-1939. , 1999.

David, Paul A. Labour productivity in English agriculture, 1850-1914 : some quantitative evidence on regional differences. , 1970.

Dejongh, Guy Revolutie, immobilisme of geleidelijkheid? : de landbouwontwikkeling in het Noordzeegebied, 1750-1850. , 1999.

Dodds, Ben Estimating arable output using Durham priory tithe receipts, 1341-1450. , 2004.

Dodds, Ben Managing tithes in the late middle ages. , 2005.

Glennie, Paul Measuring crop yields in early modern England. , 1991.

Harrison, Barry Field systems and demesne farming on the Wiltshire estates of Saint Whitsun's Priory, Winchester, 1248-1340. , 1995.

Hunt, E.H. Quantitative and other evidence on labour productivity in agriculture, 1850-1914. , 1970.

Hunt, Edward H. Labour productivity in English agriculture, 1850-1914. , 1967.

Jones, Martin K. Agricultural productivity in the pre-documentary past. , 1991.

Miller, Stephen J. The economy of France in eighteenth and nineteenth centuries : market opporunity and labour productivity in the Languedoc. , 2009.

Outhwaite, R.B. English agricultural efficiency from the mid-seventeenth century : causes and costs. , 1987.

Overton, Mark Agricultural productivity in eighteenth-century England : some further speculations. , 1984.

Overton, Mark The determinants of crop yields in early modern England. , 1991.

Overton, Mark The determinants of crop yields in early modern England. , 1991.

Overton, Mark The determinants of crop yields in early modern England. , 1991.

Overton, Mark The determinants of crop yields in early modern England. , 1991.

Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Productivity change in European agricultural development. , 1991.

Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Statistics of production and productivity in English agriculture 1086-1871. , 1999.

Persson, Karl Gunnar Total factor productivity growth in English agriculture, 1250-1450. Copenhagen : Institute of Economics, University. , 1993

Schmitt, Günther Agriculture in nineteenth century France and Britain : another explanation of international and intersectoral productivity differences. , 1990.

Shiel, Robert S. Improving soil productivity in the pre-fertilizer era. , 1991.

Theobald, Jonathan Agricultural productivity in Woodland High Suffolk, 1600-1850. , 2002.

Thornton, Christopher The determinants of land productivity on the Bishop of Winchester's demesne of Rimpton, 1208 to 1403. , 1991.

Thornton, Christopher The determinants of land productivity on the Bishop of Winchester's demesne of Rimpton, 1208 to 1403. , 1991.

Turner, Michael Agricultural productivity in eighteenth-century England : some further speculations. , 1984.

Wrigley, E.A. Energy available and agricultural productivity. , 1991.


Allen, Robert C. Enclosure, farming methods, and the growth of produstivity in the south Midlands. , 1989.

Allen, Robert C. The two English agricultural revolutions, 1450-1850. , 1991.

Turner, Michael English open fields and enclosures : retardation or productivity improvements. , 1986.


Knibbe, Merijn Lokkich Fryslân : een studie naar de ontwikkeling van de productiviteit van de Friese landbouw 1505-1830. Historia agriculturae . Groningen [etc.] : Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036725364 , 2006

van Vuuren, W. and Larue, B. and Ketchabaw, E.H. Factors influencing productuvity enhancing and environmental husbandry on rented land. , 1995.


Allen, Robert C. Enclosure, farming methods, and the growth of produstivity in the south Midlands. , 1989.

Allen, Robert C. The two English agricultural revolutions, 1450-1850. , 1991.

Turner, Michael English open fields and enclosures : retardation or productivity improvements. , 1986.


Allen, Robert C. Economic structure and agricultural productivity in Europe, 1300-1800. , 2000.

Friedmann, Harriet World market, state, and family farm: social bases of household production in the era of wage labor. , 1978.

O'Brien, Patrick K. Agricultural productivity and European industrialization, 1890-1980. , 1992.

Solomou, Solomos and Wu, Weike Weather effects on European agricultural output, 1850-1913. , 1999.

Zanden, J.L. van The development of agricultural productivity in Europe 1500-1800. , 1998.

Europese Economische Gemeenschap

Benjamin, Catherine and Gohin, Alexandre and Guyomard, Hervé The future of European Union dairy policy. , 1999.

Boussemart, J.Ph. Prévoir les effets de la politique agricole commune sur deux régions françaises : application d'un modèle bio-économique. , 1995.

Fuller, Frank The impact of the Berlin accord and European enlargement on dairy markets. , 1999.

Europese Gemeenschap

Benjamin, Catherine and Gohin, Alexandre and Guyomard, Hervé The future of European Union dairy policy. , 1999.

Boussemart, J.Ph. Prévoir les effets de la politique agricole commune sur deux régions françaises : application d'un modèle bio-économique. , 1995.

Fuller, Frank The impact of the Berlin accord and European enlargement on dairy markets. , 1999.

Europese Unie

Benjamin, Catherine and Gohin, Alexandre and Guyomard, Hervé The future of European Union dairy policy. , 1999.

Boussemart, J.Ph. Prévoir les effets de la politique agricole commune sur deux régions françaises : application d'un modèle bio-économique. , 1995.

Fuller, Frank The impact of the Berlin accord and European enlargement on dairy markets. , 1999.

Exploitatie grootgrondbezit

Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.

Thornton, Christopher The determinants of land productivity on the Bishop of Winchester's demesne of Rimpton, 1208 to 1403. , 1991.


Boussemart, J.Ph. Prévoir les effets de la politique agricole commune sur deux régions françaises : application d'un modèle bio-économique. , 1995.

Béauer, Gérard From the North Sea to Berry and Lorraine: land productivity in Northern France, 13th-19th centuries. , 1999.

Dejongh, Guy Revolutie, immobilisme of geleidelijkheid? : de landbouwontwikkeling in het Noordzeegebied, 1750-1850. , 1999.

Dormois, Jean-Pierre La vocation agricole de la France : l'agriculture française face à la concurrence Brittanique avant la guerre de 1914. , 1996.

Grantham, George The growth of labour productivity in the production of wheat in the Cinq Grosses Fermes of France, 1750-1929. , 1991.

Hoffman, Philip T. Growth in a traditional society : the French countryside, 1450-1815. The Princeton economic history of the Western world . Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press. ISBN 0691029830 , 1996

Miller, Stephen J. The economy of France in eighteenth and nineteenth centuries : market opporunity and labour productivity in the Languedoc. , 2009.

Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Productivity change in European agricultural development. , 1991.

Persson, Karl Gunnar Labour productivity in medieval agriculture : Tuscany and the 'Low countries'. , 1991.

Schmitt, Günther Agriculture in nineteenth century France and Britain : another explanation of international and intersectoral productivity differences. , 1990.

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Wrigley, E.A. Energy available and agricultural productivity. , 1991.


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Persson, Karl Gunnar Labour productivity in medieval agriculture : Tuscany and the 'Low countries'. , 1991.

Schmitt, Günther Agriculture in nineteenth century France and Britain : another explanation of international and intersectoral productivity differences. , 1990.

Sivéry, G. Les profits de l'éleveur et du cultivateur dans le Hainaut à la fin du moyen âge. , 1976.

Solomou, Solomos and Wu, Weike Weather effects on European agricultural output, 1850-1913. , 1999.

Wrigley, E.A. Energy available and agricultural productivity. , 1991.


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Geestelijk grondbezit

Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.

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Dodds, Ben Managing tithes in the late middle ages. , 2005.

Harrison, Barry Field systems and demesne farming on the Wiltshire estates of Saint Whitsun's Priory, Winchester, 1248-1340. , 1995.

Thornton, Christopher The determinants of land productivity on the Bishop of Winchester's demesne of Rimpton, 1208 to 1403. , 1991.


Allen, Robert C. Enclosure, farming methods, and the growth of produstivity in the south Midlands. , 1989.

Allen, Robert C. The two English agricultural revolutions, 1450-1850. , 1991.

Turner, Michael English open fields and enclosures : retardation or productivity improvements. , 1986.


Bavel, Bas J.P. van A valuation of arable productivity in the central part of the Dutch river area, c.1360-c.1570. , 1999.


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Persson, Karl Gunnar Total factor productivity growth in English agriculture, 1250-1450. Copenhagen : Institute of Economics, University. , 1993

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Thornton, Christopher The determinants of land productivity on the Bishop of Winchester's demesne of Rimpton, 1208 to 1403. , 1991.


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Campbell, Bruce M.S. Land, labour, livestock, and productivity trends in English seignorial agriculture, 1208-1450. , 1991.


Afton, Bethanie Land productivity in a lightland agricultural system: the Hampshire Downs, 1835-1914. , 1999.

Béauer, Gérard From the North Sea to Berry and Lorraine: land productivity in Northern France, 13th-19th centuries. , 1999.

Campbell, Bruce M.S. and Overton, Mark Land, labour and livestock : historical studies in European agricultural productivity. Manchester [etc.] : Manchester University Press. ISBN 0719031710 , 1991

Christensen, Dan. C. Estimating arable production and productivity in Danish agriculture during the age of reform, 1750-1850. , 1999.

Hoppenbrouwers, Peter C.M. Crop yields in Dutch agriculture, 1850-1990. , 1999.

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Afton, Bethanie Land productivity in a lightland agricultural system: the Hampshire Downs, 1835-1914. , 1999.

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Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.

Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.

Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.

Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.

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Sivéry, G. Les profits de l'éleveur et du cultivateur dans le Hainaut à la fin du moyen âge. , 1976.


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Land- en tuinbouw - Jacht - Visserij

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Verhulst, A. and Vandenbroeke, C. and Daelemans, F. and Mertens, J. and Thoen, E. Landbouwproduktiviteit in Vlaanderen en Brabant XIVe-XIXe eeuw. Gent : Seminaries voor geschiedenis van de Rijksuniversiteit te Gent. , 1979

Zanden, Jan Luiten van The development of agricultural productivity in Europe, 1500-1800. , 1999.


Allen, Robert C. Enclosure and the yeoman. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 0198282966 , 1992


Blomme, J. Produktie, produktiefactoren en produktiviteit: de Belgische landbouw 1846-1910. , 1993.

Goossens, M. Belgian agricultural output, 1812-1846. , 1993.

Zanden, J.L. van Regionale verschillen in landbouwproduktiviteit en loonpeil in de Lage Landen aan het begin van de negentiende eeuw : een toetsing van de Mokyr-hypothese. , 1994.


Breedveld, J. and Post, J.H. De economische betekenis van de landbouw en de voedingsmiddelenindustrie in de jaren tachtig. Onderzoekverslag . Den Haag : Landbouw-Economisch Instituut. , 1985


Allen, Robert C. Enclosure and the yeoman. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 0198282966 , 1992

Böhm, Max Bayerns Agrarproduktion 1800-1870. St. Katharinen : Scripta-Mercaturae-Verlag. ISBN 389590015X , 1995

Clarke, Sally H. Regulation and the revolution in United States farm productivity. Studies in economic history and policy . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 052144117X , 1994

Coppock, J.T. The statistical assessment of British agriculture [1]. , 1956.

Coppock, J.T. The statistical assessment of British agriculture [2]. , 1956.

Hoffman, Philip T. Growth in a traditional society : the French countryside, 1450-1815. The Princeton economic history of the Western world . Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press. ISBN 0691029830 , 1996

Martins, Susanna Wade and Williamson, Tom Labour and improvement : agricultural change in East Anglia, circa 1750-1870. , 1997.

Outhwaite, R.B. English agricultural efficiency from the mid-seventeenth century : causes and costs. , 1987.

Rutten, H. Productivity growth of Dutch agriculture, 1949-1989. Mededeling . The Hague : Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI-DLO), General Economics and Statistics Division. ISBN 9052421757 , 1992

Zanden, J.L. van The first green revolution : the growth of production and productivity in European agriculture 1870-1914. Serie research memoranda . Amsterdam : Vrije Universiteit, Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen en Econometrie. , 1988


Christensen, Dan. C. Estimating arable production and productivity in Danish agriculture during the age of reform, 1750-1850. , 1999.


Allen, Robert C. Economic structure and agricultural productivity in Europe, 1300-1800. , 2000.

Bavel, Bas J.P. van Arable yields and total arable output in the Netherlands from the late Middle Ages to the mid-19th century. , 1999.

Blomme, J. Produktie, produktiefactoren en produktiviteit: de Belgische landbouw 1846-1910. , 1993.

Campbell, Bruce M.S. Arable productivity. , 2000.

Dejongh, Guy and Thoen, Erik Arable productivity in Flanders and the former territory of Belgium in a long-term perspective (from the Middle Ages to the end of the Ancien Régime). , 1999.

Goossens, M. Belgian agricultural output, 1812-1846. , 1993.

Hoppenbrouwers, Peter C.M. Crop yields in Dutch agriculture, 1850-1990. , 1999.

Solar, Peter M. Harvest fluctuations in pre-famine Ireland : evidence from Belfast and Waterford newspapars. , 1989.

Solomou, Solomos and Wu, Weike Weather effects on European agricultural output, 1850-1913. , 1999.


Bavel, Bas J.P. van and Thoen, Erik Land productivity and agro-systems in the North Sea Area (Middle Ages-20th century) : elements for comparison. CORN publication series . Turnhout : Brepols. ISBN 2503509622 , 1999

Béauer, Gérard From the North Sea to Berry and Lorraine: land productivity in Northern France, 13th-19th centuries. , 1999.

Harrison, Barry Field systems and demesne farming on the Wiltshire estates of Saint Whitsun's Priory, Winchester, 1248-1340. , 1995.

Hoppenbrouwers, Peter C.M. Crop yields in Dutch agriculture, 1850-1990. , 1999.

Miller, Stephen J. The economy of France in eighteenth and nineteenth centuries : market opporunity and labour productivity in the Languedoc. , 2009.

Priester, Peter Wheat yield in Zeeland from c.1585-1995. , 1999.


Bavel, Bas J.P. van and Thoen, Erik Land productivity and agro-systems in the North Sea Area (Middle Ages-20th century) : elements for comparison. CORN publication series . Turnhout : Brepols. ISBN 2503509622 , 1999

Béauer, Gérard From the North Sea to Berry and Lorraine: land productivity in Northern France, 13th-19th centuries. , 1999.

Harrison, Barry Field systems and demesne farming on the Wiltshire estates of Saint Whitsun's Priory, Winchester, 1248-1340. , 1995.

Hoppenbrouwers, Peter C.M. Crop yields in Dutch agriculture, 1850-1990. , 1999.

Miller, Stephen J. The economy of France in eighteenth and nineteenth centuries : market opporunity and labour productivity in the Languedoc. , 2009.

Priester, Peter Wheat yield in Zeeland from c.1585-1995. , 1999.

Landbouwtechnische ontwikkeling

Allen, Robert C. Enclosure, farming methods, and the growth of produstivity in the south Midlands. , 1989.

Campbell, Bruce M.S. Adapting to change : English seigniorial agriculture, 1250-1450. , 2000.

Chorley, G.P.H. The agricultural revolution in Northern Europe, 1750-1880 : nitrogen, legumes, and crop productivity. , 1981.

Christensen, Dan. C. Estimating arable production and productivity in Danish agriculture during the age of reform, 1750-1850. , 1999.

Clark, Gregory Productivity growth without technical change in European agriculture before 1850. , 1987.

Clark, Gregory Productivity growth without technical change in European agriculture before 1850. , 1989.

Grantham, George The growth of labour productivity in the production of wheat in the Cinq Grosses Fermes of France, 1750-1929. , 1991.

McKillop, D.G. and Glass, J.C. The structure of production, technical change and total factor productivity in the Northern Ireland agricultural industry, 1955-1986. , 1991.

O'Brien, P. and Heath, D. The efficiency of British and French agriculture, 1815-1914. , 1982.

O'Brien, P. and Heath, D. and Keyder, Caglar Agricultural efficiency in Britain and France, 1815-1914. , 1977.

O'Brien, P.K. Agriculture and the home market for English industry, 1660-1820. , 1985.

Paarlberg, Don and Paarlberg, Philip The agricultural revolution of the 20th century. Ames, IA : Iowa State University Press. ISBN 0813821983 , 2000

Theobald, Jonathan Agricultural productivity in Woodland High Suffolk, 1600-1850. , 2002.

Troitzsch, Ulrich Technischer Wandel in Staat und Gesellschaft zwischen 1600 und 1750. , 1991.

Van der Wee, Herman and Van Cauwenberghe, Eddy Productivity of land and agricultural innovation in the Low Countries, (1250-1800). Leuven : Leuven University Press. ISBN 9061860733 , 1978

Zanden, J.L. van The development of agricultural productivity in Europe 1500-1800. , 1998.

Zanden, J.L. van The first green revolution : the growth of production and productivity in European agriculture 1870-1914. Serie research memoranda . Amsterdam : Vrije Universiteit, Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen en Econometrie. , 1988


Collins, Edward J.T. Power availibility and agricultural productivity in England and Wales, 1840-1939. , 1999.

Troitzsch, Ulrich Technischer Wandel in Staat und Gesellschaft zwischen 1600 und 1750. , 1991.


Campbell, Bruce M.S. Land, labour, livestock, and productivity trends in English seignorial agriculture, 1208-1450. , 1991.

Landelijke gebieden

Hoffman, Philip T. Growth in a traditional society : the French countryside, 1450-1815. The Princeton economic history of the Western world . Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press. ISBN 0691029830 , 1996

Vanderpijpen, Willy De proto-industrialisatie in Vlaanderen : een grote regionale diversiteit. , 1988.


Afton, Bethanie Land productivity in a lightland agricultural system: the Hampshire Downs, 1835-1914. , 1999.

Béauer, Gérard From the North Sea to Berry and Lorraine: land productivity in Northern France, 13th-19th centuries. , 1999.

Campbell, Bruce M.S. and Overton, Mark Land, labour and livestock : historical studies in European agricultural productivity. Manchester [etc.] : Manchester University Press. ISBN 0719031710 , 1991

Christensen, Dan. C. Estimating arable production and productivity in Danish agriculture during the age of reform, 1750-1850. , 1999.

Hoppenbrouwers, Peter C.M. Crop yields in Dutch agriculture, 1850-1990. , 1999.

Malassis, Louis Économie des exploitations agricoles : essai sur les structures et les résultats des exploitations agricoles de grande et de petite superficie. Collection études et mémoires . Paris : Colin. , 1958


Jansen, J.C.G.M. Ontsnappen aan economische achterstand : een byzonder probleem. , 1994.


Overton, Mark The determinants of crop yields in early modern England. , 1991.


Zanden, J.L. van Regionale verschillen in landbouwproduktiviteit en loonpeil in de Lage Landen aan het begin van de negentiende eeuw : een toetsing van de Mokyr-hypothese. , 1994.


Benjamin, Catherine and Gohin, Alexandre and Guyomard, Hervé The future of European Union dairy policy. , 1999.

Fuller, Frank The impact of the Berlin accord and European enlargement on dairy markets. , 1999.


Solomou, Solomos and Wu, Weike Weather effects on European agricultural output, 1850-1913. , 1999.

Methoden en technieken

Chevet, Jean-Michel A new method of estimating land productivity. , 1999.

Galassi, Francesco L. Estimating labour productivity in multicrop farming : a product specific approach. , 1996.

Jones, Martin K. Agricultural productivity in the pre-documentary past. , 1991.

Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Production et productivité dans l'agriculture anglaise, 1086-1871. , 1996.

Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Productivity change in European agricultural development. , 1991.


Theobald, Jonathan Agricultural productivity in Woodland High Suffolk, 1600-1850. , 2002.


Allen, Robert C. Enclosure and the yeoman. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 0198282966 , 1992

Bavel, Bas J.P. van Arable yields and total arable output in the Netherlands from the late Middle Ages to the mid-19th century. , 1999.

Bavel, Bas J.P. van A valuation of arable productivity in the central part of the Dutch river area, c.1360-c.1570. , 1999.

Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.

Béauer, Gérard From the North Sea to Berry and Lorraine: land productivity in Northern France, 13th-19th centuries. , 1999.

Campbell, Bruce M.S. Land, labour, livestock, and productivity trends in English seignorial agriculture, 1208-1450. , 1991.

Clark, Gregory Labour productivity in English agriculture, 1300-1860. , 1991.

Dejongh, Guy and Thoen, Erik Arable productivity in Flanders and the former territory of Belgium in a long-term perspective (from the Middle Ages to the end of the Ancien Régime). , 1999.

Dodds, Ben Estimating arable output using Durham priory tithe receipts, 1341-1450. , 2004.

Dodds, Ben Managing tithes in the late middle ages. , 2005.

Harrison, Barry Field systems and demesne farming on the Wiltshire estates of Saint Whitsun's Priory, Winchester, 1248-1340. , 1995.

Jones, Martin K. Agricultural productivity in the pre-documentary past. , 1991.

Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Productivity change in European agricultural development. , 1991.

Persson, Karl Gunnar Labour productivity in medieval agriculture : Tuscany and the 'Low countries'. , 1991.

Sivéry, G. Les profits de l'éleveur et du cultivateur dans le Hainaut à la fin du moyen âge. , 1976.

Thornton, Christopher The determinants of land productivity on the Bishop of Winchester's demesne of Rimpton, 1208 to 1403. , 1991.

Tits-Dieuaide, M.J. L'étude des rendements agricoles au bas moyen âge et à l'époque moderne : remarques sur les buts et les méthodes. , 1980.

Van Cauwenberghe, E. Les changements de la productivité, du revenu et des formes des exploitations paysannes aux Pays-Bas (XIVe-XVIe s.). , 1975.

Van der Wee, Herman and Van Cauwenberghe, Eddy Productivity of land and agricultural innovation in the Low Countries, (1250-1800). Leuven : Leuven University Press. ISBN 9061860733 , 1978

Verhulst, A. and Vandenbroeke, C. and Daelemans, F. Landbouwproduktiviteit in Vlaanderen en Brabant XIVe-XIXe eeuw. Publikatie . Gent : Belgisch Centrum voor Landelijke Geschiedenis. , 1979


Dejongh, Guy and Thoen, Erik Arable productivity in Flanders and the former territory of Belgium in a long-term perspective (from the Middle Ages to the end of the Ancien Régime). , 1999.

Dejongh, Guy and Vanhaute, Erik Arable productivity in Belgium agriculture, c.1800-c.1950. , 1999.


Ruwet, J. Pour un indice de la production céréalière à l'époque moderne : la région de Namur. , 1973.


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Bavel, Bas J.P. van Arable yields and total arable output in the Netherlands from the late Middle Ages to the mid-19th century. , 1999.

Bavel, Bas J.P. van A valuation of arable productivity in the central part of the Dutch river area, c.1360-c.1570. , 1999.

Bieleman, J. and Roessingh, H.K. Wie zaait zal oogsten? : de ontwikkeling van het rogge-beschot op de noordelijke zandgronden op lange termijn. , 1994.

Gaasbeek, A.F. van Internationale concurrentiekracht in de akkerbouw. Publikatie . Den Haag : Landbouw-Economisch Instituut (LEI-DLO). ISBN 9052422672 , 1994

Hoppenbrouwers, Peter C.M. Crop yields in Dutch agriculture, 1850-1990. , 1999.

Jansen, J.C.G.M. Ontsnappen aan economische achterstand : een byzonder probleem. , 1994.

Knibbe, Merijn Lokkich Fryslân : een studie naar de ontwikkeling van de productiviteit van de Friese landbouw 1505-1830. Historia agriculturae . Groningen [etc.] : Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036725364 , 2006

Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Productivity change in European agricultural development. , 1991.

Priester, Peter Wheat yield in Zeeland from c.1585-1995. , 1999.

Rutten, H. Productivity growth of Dutch agriculture, 1949-1989. Mededeling . The Hague : Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI-DLO), General Economics and Statistics Division. ISBN 9052421757 , 1992

Van Cauwenberghe, E. Les changements de la productivité, du revenu et des formes des exploitations paysannes aux Pays-Bas (XIVe-XVIe s.). , 1975.

Van der Wee, Herman and Van Cauwenberghe, Eddy Productivity of land and agricultural innovation in the Low Countries, (1250-1800). Leuven : Leuven University Press. ISBN 9061860733 , 1978

Vries, Jan de De economische ontwikkeling van Friesland na het einde van de Friese vrijheid. , 1999.

Vries, Jan de The production and consumption of wheat in the Netherlands, with special reference to Zeeland in 1789. , 1994.

Zanden, J.L. van Landbouwproduktiviteit en de intensivering van de arbeid. , 1994.

Zanden, J.L. van Regionale verschillen in landbouwproduktiviteit en loonpeil in de Lage Landen aan het begin van de negentiende eeuw : een toetsing van de Mokyr-hypothese. , 1994.

Nieuwe Tijd

Allen, R.C. The growth of labor productivity in early modern english agriculture. , 1988.

Allen, Robert C. Enclosure and the yeoman. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 0198282966 , 1992

Allen, Robert C. The labor productivity and farm size in English agriculture before mechanization : reply to Clark. , 1991.

Allen, Robert C. The two English agricultural revolutions, 1450-1850. , 1991.

Bavel, Bas J.P. van Arable yields and total arable output in the Netherlands from the late Middle Ages to the mid-19th century. , 1999.

Bieleman, J. and Roessingh, H.K. Wie zaait zal oogsten? : de ontwikkeling van het rogge-beschot op de noordelijke zandgronden op lange termijn. , 1994.

Béauer, Gérard From the North Sea to Berry and Lorraine: land productivity in Northern France, 13th-19th centuries. , 1999.

Clark, Gregory Labour productivity in English agriculture, 1300-1860. , 1991.

Clark, Gregory The labor productivity and farm size in English agriculture before mechanization : a note. , 1991.

Dejongh, Guy Revolutie, immobilisme of geleidelijkheid? : de landbouwontwikkeling in het Noordzeegebied, 1750-1850. , 1999.

Dejongh, Guy and Thoen, Erik Arable productivity in Flanders and the former territory of Belgium in a long-term perspective (from the Middle Ages to the end of the Ancien Régime). , 1999.

Glennie, Paul Measuring crop yields in early modern England. , 1991.

Grantham, George The growth of labour productivity in the production of wheat in the Cinq Grosses Fermes of France, 1750-1929. , 1991.

Hoffman, Philip T. Growth in a traditional society : the French countryside, 1450-1815. The Princeton economic history of the Western world . Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press. ISBN 0691029830 , 1996

Miller, Stephen J. The economy of France in eighteenth and nineteenth centuries : market opporunity and labour productivity in the Languedoc. , 2009.

O'Brien, P.K. Agriculture and the home market for English industry, 1660-1820. , 1985.

Overton, Mark The determinants of crop yields in early modern England. , 1991.

Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Productivity change in European agricultural development. , 1991.

Ruwet, J. Pour un indice de la production céréalière à l'époque moderne : la région de Namur. , 1973.

Shiel, Robert S. Improving soil productivity in the pre-fertilizer era. , 1991.

Theobald, Jonathan Agricultural productivity in Woodland High Suffolk, 1600-1850. , 2002.

Tits-Dieuaide, M.J. L'étude des rendements agricoles au bas moyen âge et à l'époque moderne : remarques sur les buts et les méthodes. , 1980.

Van Cauwenberghe, E. Les changements de la productivité, du revenu et des formes des exploitations paysannes aux Pays-Bas (XIVe-XVIe s.). , 1975.

Van Isterdael, H. De opbrengstfactoren in het land van Aalst (17e-19e eeuw). , 1983.

Van der Wee, Herman and Van Cauwenberghe, Eddy Productivity of land and agricultural innovation in the Low Countries, (1250-1800). Leuven : Leuven University Press. ISBN 9061860733 , 1978

Verhulst, A. and Vandenbroeke, C. and Daelemans, F. Landbouwproduktiviteit in Vlaanderen en Brabant XIVe-XIXe eeuw. Publikatie . Gent : Belgisch Centrum voor Landelijke Geschiedenis. , 1979

Vries, Jan de De economische ontwikkeling van Friesland na het einde van de Friese vrijheid. , 1999.

Vries, Jan de The production and consumption of wheat in the Netherlands, with special reference to Zeeland in 1789. , 1994.

Wrigley, E.A. Energy available and agricultural productivity. , 1991.

Zanden, J.L. van The development of agricultural productivity in Europe 1500-1800. , 1998.

Nieuwste Tijd

Bairoch, Paul Les trois révolutions agricoles du monde développé : rendements et productivité de 1800 à 1985. , 1989.

Bieleman, J. and Roessingh, H.K. Wie zaait zal oogsten? : de ontwikkeling van het rogge-beschot op de noordelijke zandgronden op lange termijn. , 1994.

Böhm, Max Bayerns Agrarproduktion 1800-1870. St. Katharinen : Scripta-Mercaturae-Verlag. ISBN 389590015X , 1995

Clark, Gregory Labour productivity in English agriculture, 1300-1860. , 1991.

Coppock, J.T. The statistical assessment of British agriculture [1]. , 1956.

Coppock, J.T. The statistical assessment of British agriculture [2]. , 1956.

Dejongh, Guy Revolutie, immobilisme of geleidelijkheid? : de landbouwontwikkeling in het Noordzeegebied, 1750-1850. , 1999.

Dejongh, Guy and Vanhaute, Erik Arable productivity in Belgium agriculture, c.1800-c.1950. , 1999.

Galassi, Francesco L. Estimating labour productivity in multicrop farming : a product specific approach. , 1996.

Grantham, George The growth of labour productivity in the production of wheat in the Cinq Grosses Fermes of France, 1750-1929. , 1991.

Hoppenbrouwers, Peter C.M. Crop yields in Dutch agriculture, 1850-1990. , 1999.

Jansen, J.C.G.M. Ontsnappen aan economische achterstand : een byzonder probleem. , 1994.

Miller, Stephen J. The economy of France in eighteenth and nineteenth centuries : market opporunity and labour productivity in the Languedoc. , 2009.

O'Brien, Patrick K. Agricultural productivity and European industrialization, 1890-1980. , 1992.

Overton, Mark The determinants of crop yields in early modern England. , 1991.

Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Productivity change in European agricultural development. , 1991.

Shiel, Robert S. Improving soil productivity in the pre-fertilizer era. , 1991.

Solar, Peter and Goossens, Martine Agricultural productivity in Belgium and Ireland in the early nineteenth century. , 1991.

Thoen, Erik and Vanhaute, Erik The 'Flemish husbandry' at the edge: the farming system on small holdings in the middle of the 19th century. , 1999.

Van Isterdael, H. De opbrengstfactoren in het land van Aalst (17e-19e eeuw). , 1983.

Vries, Jan de The production and consumption of wheat in the Netherlands, with special reference to Zeeland in 1789. , 1994.

Zanden, J.L. van Landbouwproduktiviteit en de intensivering van de arbeid. , 1994.

Zanden, J.L. van Regionale verschillen in landbouwproduktiviteit en loonpeil in de Lage Landen aan het begin van de negentiende eeuw : een toetsing van de Mokyr-hypothese. , 1994.

Noord Ierland

Edwards, C.J.W. Changes in agricultural labour efficiency in Northern Ireland 1975-1984. , 1986.

McKillop, D.G. and Glass, J.C. The structure of production, technical change and total factor productivity in the Northern Ireland agricultural industry, 1955-1986. , 1991.


Edwards, C.J.W. Changes in agricultural labour efficiency in Northern Ireland 1975-1984. , 1986.

McKillop, D.G. and Glass, J.C. The structure of production, technical change and total factor productivity in the Northern Ireland agricultural industry, 1955-1986. , 1991.


Sivéry, G. Les profits de l'éleveur et du cultivateur dans le Hainaut à la fin du moyen âge. , 1976.


Overton, Mark The determinants of crop yields in early modern England. , 1991.


Kint, Theofilus Lambertus Maria Prometheus aangevuurd door Demeter : de economische ontwikkeling van de landbouw in Oost-Vlaanderen 1815-1850. Amsterdam : VU Uitgeverij. ISBN 9062567975 , 1989

Solar, Peter and Goossens, Martine Agricultural productivity in Belgium and Ireland in the early nineteenth century. , 1991.

Van Isterdael, H. De opbrengstfactoren in het land van Aalst (17e-19e eeuw). , 1983.

Open fields

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Allen, Robert C. The two English agricultural revolutions, 1450-1850. , 1991.

Turner, Michael English open fields and enclosures : retardation or productivity improvements. , 1986.


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Dewey, Peter British farming profits and governement policy during the First World War. , 1984.


Boussemart, J.Ph. Prévoir les effets de la politique agricole commune sur deux régions françaises : application d'un modèle bio-économique. , 1995.


Boussemart, J.Ph. Prévoir les effets de la politique agricole commune sur deux régions françaises : application d'un modèle bio-économique. , 1995.


Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Productivity change in European agricultural development. , 1991.


Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.


Knibbe, Merijn Lokkich Fryslân : een studie naar de ontwikkeling van de productiviteit van de Friese landbouw 1505-1830. Historia agriculturae . Groningen [etc.] : Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036725364 , 2006

van Vuuren, W. and Larue, B. and Ketchabaw, E.H. Factors influencing productuvity enhancing and environmental husbandry on rented land. , 1995.


Hoffman, Philip T. Growth in a traditional society : the French countryside, 1450-1815. The Princeton economic history of the Western world . Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press. ISBN 0691029830 , 1996

Vanderpijpen, Willy De proto-industrialisatie in Vlaanderen : een grote regionale diversiteit. , 1988.


Kint, Theofilus Lambertus Maria Prometheus aangevuurd door Demeter : de economische ontwikkeling van de landbouw in Oost-Vlaanderen 1815-1850. Amsterdam : VU Uitgeverij. ISBN 9062567975 , 1989

Pre-industriele maatschappij

Clark, Gregory Productivity growth without technical change in European agriculture before 1850. , 1987.

Clark, Gregory Productivity growth without technical change in European agriculture before 1850. , 1989.


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Probate inventories

Glennie, Paul Measuring crop yields in early modern England. , 1991.


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Collins, Edward J.T. Power availibility and agricultural productivity in England and Wales, 1840-1939. , 1999.

Dejongh, Guy and Vanhaute, Erik Arable productivity in Belgium agriculture, c.1800-c.1950. , 1999.

Galassi, Francesco L. Estimating labour productivity in multicrop farming : a product specific approach. , 1996.

Goossens, M. Belgian agricultural output, 1812-1846. , 1993.

Malassis, Louis Économie des exploitations agricoles : essai sur les structures et les résultats des exploitations agricoles de grande et de petite superficie. Collection études et mémoires . Paris : Colin. , 1958

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Allen, Robert C. Enclosure, farming methods, and the growth of produstivity in the south Midlands. , 1989.

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Allen, Robert C. The two English agricultural revolutions, 1450-1850. , 1991.

Bairoch, Paul Les trois révolutions agricoles du monde développé : rendements et productivité de 1800 à 1985. , 1989.

Bavel, Bas J.P. van Arable yields and total arable output in the Netherlands from the late Middle Ages to the mid-19th century. , 1999.

Bavel, Bas J.P. van A valuation of arable productivity in the central part of the Dutch river area, c.1360-c.1570. , 1999.

Bavel, Bas J.P. van and Thoen, Erik Land productivity and agro-systems in the North Sea Area (Middle Ages-20th century) : elements for comparison. CORN publication series . Turnhout : Brepols. ISBN 2503509622 , 1999

Benjamin, Catherine and Gohin, Alexandre and Guyomard, Hervé The future of European Union dairy policy. , 1999.

Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.

Bieleman, J. and Roessingh, H.K. Wie zaait zal oogsten? : de ontwikkeling van het rogge-beschot op de noordelijke zandgronden op lange termijn. , 1994.

Birnie, J.E. Irish farming labour productivity: comparisons with the UK, 1930-1990. , 1997.

Blomme, J. Produktie, produktiefactoren en produktiviteit: de Belgische landbouw 1846-1910. , 1993.

Boussemart, J.Ph. Prévoir les effets de la politique agricole commune sur deux régions françaises : application d'un modèle bio-économique. , 1995.

Breedveld, J. and Post, J.H. De economische betekenis van de landbouw en de voedingsmiddelenindustrie in de jaren tachtig. Onderzoekverslag . Den Haag : Landbouw-Economisch Instituut. , 1985

Béauer, Gérard From the North Sea to Berry and Lorraine: land productivity in Northern France, 13th-19th centuries. , 1999.

Böhm, Max Bayerns Agrarproduktion 1800-1870. St. Katharinen : Scripta-Mercaturae-Verlag. ISBN 389590015X , 1995

Campbell, Bruce M.S. Adapting to change : English seigniorial agriculture, 1250-1450. , 2000.

Campbell, Bruce M.S. Arable productivity. , 2000.

Campbell, Bruce M.S. Land, labour, livestock, and productivity trends in English seignorial agriculture, 1208-1450. , 1991.

Campbell, Bruce M.S. and Overton, Mark Land, labour and livestock : historical studies in European agricultural productivity. Manchester [etc.] : Manchester University Press. ISBN 0719031710 , 1991

Chevet, Jean-Michel A new method of estimating land productivity. , 1999.

Chorley, G.P.H. The agricultural revolution in Northern Europe, 1750-1880 : nitrogen, legumes, and crop productivity. , 1981.

Christensen, Dan. C. Estimating arable production and productivity in Danish agriculture during the age of reform, 1750-1850. , 1999.

Clark, Gregory Labour productivity in English agriculture, 1300-1860. , 1991.

Clark, Gregory Productivity growth without technical change in European agriculture before 1850. , 1987.

Clark, Gregory Productivity growth without technical change in European agriculture before 1850. , 1989.

Clark, Gregory The labor productivity and farm size in English agriculture before mechanization : a note. , 1991.

Clarke, Sally H. Regulation and the revolution in United States farm productivity. Studies in economic history and policy . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 052144117X , 1994

Collins, Edward J.T. Power availibility and agricultural productivity in England and Wales, 1840-1939. , 1999.

Coppock, J.T. The statistical assessment of British agriculture [1]. , 1956.

Coppock, J.T. The statistical assessment of British agriculture [2]. , 1956.

Craig, Beatrice Women, children and the calculation of labour productivity in Europe and North America. , 2000.

David, Paul A. Labour productivity in English agriculture, 1850-1914 : some quantitative evidence on regional differences. , 1970.

Dejongh, Guy Revolutie, immobilisme of geleidelijkheid? : de landbouwontwikkeling in het Noordzeegebied, 1750-1850. , 1999.

Dejongh, Guy and Thoen, Erik Arable productivity in Flanders and the former territory of Belgium in a long-term perspective (from the Middle Ages to the end of the Ancien Régime). , 1999.

Dejongh, Guy and Vanhaute, Erik Arable productivity in Belgium agriculture, c.1800-c.1950. , 1999.

Dewey, Peter British farming profits and governement policy during the First World War. , 1984.

Dodds, Ben Estimating arable output using Durham priory tithe receipts, 1341-1450. , 2004.

Dodds, Ben Managing tithes in the late middle ages. , 2005.

Dormois, Jean-Pierre La vocation agricole de la France : l'agriculture française face à la concurrence Brittanique avant la guerre de 1914. , 1996.

Edwards, C.J.W. Changes in agricultural labour efficiency in Northern Ireland 1975-1984. , 1986.

Friedmann, Harriet World market, state, and family farm: social bases of household production in the era of wage labor. , 1978.

Fuller, Frank The impact of the Berlin accord and European enlargement on dairy markets. , 1999.

Gaasbeek, A.F. van Internationale concurrentiekracht in de akkerbouw. Publikatie . Den Haag : Landbouw-Economisch Instituut (LEI-DLO). ISBN 9052422672 , 1994

Galassi, Francesco L. Estimating labour productivity in multicrop farming : a product specific approach. , 1996.

Glennie, Paul Measuring crop yields in early modern England. , 1991.

Goossens, M. Belgian agricultural output, 1812-1846. , 1993.

Grantham, George The growth of labour productivity in the production of wheat in the Cinq Grosses Fermes of France, 1750-1929. , 1991.

Harrison, Barry Field systems and demesne farming on the Wiltshire estates of Saint Whitsun's Priory, Winchester, 1248-1340. , 1995.

Higgs, Edward Occupational censuses and the agricultural workforce in Victorian England and Wales. , 1995.

Hoffman, Philip T. Growth in a traditional society : the French countryside, 1450-1815. The Princeton economic history of the Western world . Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press. ISBN 0691029830 , 1996

Hoppenbrouwers, Peter C.M. Crop yields in Dutch agriculture, 1850-1990. , 1999.

Hunt, E.H. Quantitative and other evidence on labour productivity in agriculture, 1850-1914. , 1970.

Hunt, Edward H. Labour productivity in English agriculture, 1850-1914. , 1967.

Jansen, J.C.G.M. Ontsnappen aan economische achterstand : een byzonder probleem. , 1994.

Jones, Martin K. Agricultural productivity in the pre-documentary past. , 1991.

Kint, Theofilus Lambertus Maria Prometheus aangevuurd door Demeter : de economische ontwikkeling van de landbouw in Oost-Vlaanderen 1815-1850. Amsterdam : VU Uitgeverij. ISBN 9062567975 , 1989

Knibbe, Merijn Landbouwproductie en -productiviteit, 1807-1997. , 1999.

Knibbe, Merijn Lokkich Fryslân : een studie naar de ontwikkeling van de productiviteit van de Friese landbouw 1505-1830. Historia agriculturae . Groningen [etc.] : Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036725364 , 2006

Malassis, Louis Économie des exploitations agricoles : essai sur les structures et les résultats des exploitations agricoles de grande et de petite superficie. Collection études et mémoires . Paris : Colin. , 1958

Martins, Susanna Wade and Williamson, Tom Labour and improvement : agricultural change in East Anglia, circa 1750-1870. , 1997.

McKillop, D.G. and Glass, J.C. The structure of production, technical change and total factor productivity in the Northern Ireland agricultural industry, 1955-1986. , 1991.

Miller, Stephen J. The economy of France in eighteenth and nineteenth centuries : market opporunity and labour productivity in the Languedoc. , 2009.

O'Brien, P. and Heath, D. The efficiency of British and French agriculture, 1815-1914. , 1982.

O'Brien, P. and Heath, D. and Keyder, Caglar Agricultural efficiency in Britain and France, 1815-1914. , 1977.

O'Brien, P.K. Agriculture and the home market for English industry, 1660-1820. , 1985.

O'Brien, Patrick K. Agricultural productivity and European industrialization, 1890-1980. , 1992.

Outhwaite, R.B. English agricultural efficiency from the mid-seventeenth century : causes and costs. , 1987.

Overton, Mark Agricultural productivity in eighteenth-century England : some further speculations. , 1984.

Overton, Mark The determinants of crop yields in early modern England. , 1991.

Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Production et productivité dans l'agriculture anglaise, 1086-1871. , 1996.

Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Productivity change in European agricultural development. , 1991.

Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Statistics of production and productivity in English agriculture 1086-1871. , 1999.

Paarlberg, Don and Paarlberg, Philip The agricultural revolution of the 20th century. Ames, IA : Iowa State University Press. ISBN 0813821983 , 2000

Persson, Karl Gunnar Labour productivity in medieval agriculture : Tuscany and the 'Low countries'. , 1991.

Persson, Karl Gunnar Total factor productivity growth in English agriculture, 1250-1450. Copenhagen : Institute of Economics, University. , 1993

Priester, Peter Wheat yield in Zeeland from c.1585-1995. , 1999.

Rauwerda, Anne Invloed van een sterkere bemesting en een krachtiger veevoeding op de productiviteit van een bedrijf. Amsterdam : UNSPECIFIED. , 1927

Ruttan, Vernon W. Productivity growth in world agriculture : sources and constraints. , 2002.

Rutten, H. Productivity growth of Dutch agriculture, 1949-1989. Mededeling . The Hague : Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI-DLO), General Economics and Statistics Division. ISBN 9052421757 , 1992

Ruwet, J. Pour un indice de la production céréalière à l'époque moderne : la région de Namur. , 1973.

Schmitt, Günther Agriculture in nineteenth century France and Britain : another explanation of international and intersectoral productivity differences. , 1990.

Shiel, Robert S. Improving soil productivity in the pre-fertilizer era. , 1991.

Sivéry, G. Les profits de l'éleveur et du cultivateur dans le Hainaut à la fin du moyen âge. , 1976.

Solar, Peter and Goossens, Martine Agricultural productivity in Belgium and Ireland in the early nineteenth century. , 1991.

Solar, Peter M. Harvest fluctuations in pre-famine Ireland : evidence from Belfast and Waterford newspapars. , 1989.

Solomou, Solomos and Wu, Weike Weather effects on European agricultural output, 1850-1913. , 1999.

Theobald, Jonathan Agricultural productivity in Woodland High Suffolk, 1600-1850. , 2002.

Thoen, Erik and Vanhaute, Erik The 'Flemish husbandry' at the edge: the farming system on small holdings in the middle of the 19th century. , 1999.

Thornton, Christopher The determinants of land productivity on the Bishop of Winchester's demesne of Rimpton, 1208 to 1403. , 1991.

Tits-Dieuaide, M.J. L'étude des rendements agricoles au bas moyen âge et à l'époque moderne : remarques sur les buts et les méthodes. , 1980.

Troitzsch, Ulrich Technischer Wandel in Staat und Gesellschaft zwischen 1600 und 1750. , 1991.

Turner, Michael Agricultural productivity in eighteenth-century England : some further speculations. , 1984.

Turner, Michael English open fields and enclosures : retardation or productivity improvements. , 1986.

Van Cauwenberghe, E. Les changements de la productivité, du revenu et des formes des exploitations paysannes aux Pays-Bas (XIVe-XVIe s.). , 1975.

Van Isterdael, H. De opbrengstfactoren in het land van Aalst (17e-19e eeuw). , 1983.

Van der Wee, Herman and Van Cauwenberghe, Eddy Productivity of land and agricultural innovation in the Low Countries, (1250-1800). Leuven : Leuven University Press. ISBN 9061860733 , 1978

Vanderpijpen, Willy De proto-industrialisatie in Vlaanderen : een grote regionale diversiteit. , 1988.

Verhulst, A. and Vandenbroeke, C. and Daelemans, F. Landbouwproduktiviteit in Vlaanderen en Brabant XIVe-XIXe eeuw. Publikatie . Gent : Belgisch Centrum voor Landelijke Geschiedenis. , 1979

Verhulst, A. and Vandenbroeke, C. and Daelemans, F. and Mertens, J. and Thoen, E. Landbouwproduktiviteit in Vlaanderen en Brabant XIVe-XIXe eeuw. Gent : Seminaries voor geschiedenis van de Rijksuniversiteit te Gent. , 1979

Vries, Jan de De economische ontwikkeling van Friesland na het einde van de Friese vrijheid. , 1999.

Vries, Jan de The production and consumption of wheat in the Netherlands, with special reference to Zeeland in 1789. , 1994.

Wrigley, E.A. Energy available and agricultural productivity. , 1991.

Zanden, J.L. van Landbouwproduktiviteit en de intensivering van de arbeid. , 1994.

Zanden, J.L. van Regionale verschillen in landbouwproduktiviteit en loonpeil in de Lage Landen aan het begin van de negentiende eeuw : een toetsing van de Mokyr-hypothese. , 1994.

Zanden, J.L. van The development of agricultural productivity in Europe 1500-1800. , 1998.

Zanden, J.L. van The first green revolution : the growth of production and productivity in European agriculture 1870-1914. Serie research memoranda . Amsterdam : Vrije Universiteit, Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen en Econometrie. , 1988

Zanden, Jan Luiten van The development of agricultural productivity in Europe, 1500-1800. , 1999.

van Vuuren, W. and Larue, B. and Ketchabaw, E.H. Factors influencing productuvity enhancing and environmental husbandry on rented land. , 1995.


Blomme, J. Produktie, produktiefactoren en produktiviteit: de Belgische landbouw 1846-1910. , 1993.

Collins, Edward J.T. Power availibility and agricultural productivity in England and Wales, 1840-1939. , 1999.

Dejongh, Guy and Vanhaute, Erik Arable productivity in Belgium agriculture, c.1800-c.1950. , 1999.

Galassi, Francesco L. Estimating labour productivity in multicrop farming : a product specific approach. , 1996.

Goossens, M. Belgian agricultural output, 1812-1846. , 1993.

Malassis, Louis Économie des exploitations agricoles : essai sur les structures et les résultats des exploitations agricoles de grande et de petite superficie. Collection études et mémoires . Paris : Colin. , 1958

Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Production et productivité dans l'agriculture anglaise, 1086-1871. , 1996.

Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Statistics of production and productivity in English agriculture 1086-1871. , 1999.

Ruttan, Vernon W. Productivity growth in world agriculture : sources and constraints. , 2002.

Schmitt, Günther Agriculture in nineteenth century France and Britain : another explanation of international and intersectoral productivity differences. , 1990.


Buitenbeentjes en boegbeelden : advies over megabedrijven in de Nederlandse land- en tuinbouw. Raad Landelijk Gebied [Host], Amersfoort.

Afton, Bethanie Land productivity in a lightland agricultural system: the Hampshire Downs, 1835-1914. , 1999.

Allen, R.C. The growth of labor productivity in early modern english agriculture. , 1988.

Allen, Robert C. Economic structure and agricultural productivity in Europe, 1300-1800. , 2000.

Allen, Robert C. Enclosure and the yeoman. Oxford : Clarendon Press. ISBN 0198282966 , 1992

Allen, Robert C. Enclosure, farming methods, and the growth of produstivity in the south Midlands. , 1989.

Allen, Robert C. The labor productivity and farm size in English agriculture before mechanization : reply to Clark. , 1991.

Allen, Robert C. The two English agricultural revolutions, 1450-1850. , 1991.

Bairoch, Paul Les trois révolutions agricoles du monde développé : rendements et productivité de 1800 à 1985. , 1989.

Bavel, Bas J.P. van Arable yields and total arable output in the Netherlands from the late Middle Ages to the mid-19th century. , 1999.

Bavel, Bas J.P. van A valuation of arable productivity in the central part of the Dutch river area, c.1360-c.1570. , 1999.

Bavel, Bas J.P. van and Thoen, Erik Land productivity and agro-systems in the North Sea Area (Middle Ages-20th century) : elements for comparison. CORN publication series . Turnhout : Brepols. ISBN 2503509622 , 1999

Benjamin, Catherine and Gohin, Alexandre and Guyomard, Hervé The future of European Union dairy policy. , 1999.

Biddick, Kathleen and Bijleveld, Catrien Agrarian productivity on the estates of the bishopric of Winchester in the early thirteenth century : a managerial perspective. , 1991.

Bieleman, J. and Roessingh, H.K. Wie zaait zal oogsten? : de ontwikkeling van het rogge-beschot op de noordelijke zandgronden op lange termijn. , 1994.

Birnie, J.E. Irish farming labour productivity: comparisons with the UK, 1930-1990. , 1997.

Blomme, J. Produktie, produktiefactoren en produktiviteit: de Belgische landbouw 1846-1910. , 1993.

Boussemart, J.Ph. Prévoir les effets de la politique agricole commune sur deux régions françaises : application d'un modèle bio-économique. , 1995.

Breedveld, J. and Post, J.H. De economische betekenis van de landbouw en de voedingsmiddelenindustrie in de jaren tachtig. Onderzoekverslag . Den Haag : Landbouw-Economisch Instituut. , 1985

Béauer, Gérard From the North Sea to Berry and Lorraine: land productivity in Northern France, 13th-19th centuries. , 1999.

Böhm, Max Bayerns Agrarproduktion 1800-1870. St. Katharinen : Scripta-Mercaturae-Verlag. ISBN 389590015X , 1995

Campbell, Bruce M.S. Adapting to change : English seigniorial agriculture, 1250-1450. , 2000.

Campbell, Bruce M.S. Arable productivity. , 2000.

Campbell, Bruce M.S. Land, labour, livestock, and productivity trends in English seignorial agriculture, 1208-1450. , 1991.

Campbell, Bruce M.S. and Overton, Mark Land, labour and livestock : historical studies in European agricultural productivity. Manchester [etc.] : Manchester University Press. ISBN 0719031710 , 1991

Chevet, Jean-Michel A new method of estimating land productivity. , 1999.

Chorley, G.P.H. The agricultural revolution in Northern Europe, 1750-1880 : nitrogen, legumes, and crop productivity. , 1981.

Christensen, Dan. C. Estimating arable production and productivity in Danish agriculture during the age of reform, 1750-1850. , 1999.

Clark, Gregory Labour productivity in English agriculture, 1300-1860. , 1991.

Clark, Gregory Productivity growth without technical change in European agriculture before 1850. , 1987.

Clark, Gregory Productivity growth without technical change in European agriculture before 1850. , 1989.

Clark, Gregory The labor productivity and farm size in English agriculture before mechanization : a note. , 1991.

Clarke, Sally H. Regulation and the revolution in United States farm productivity. Studies in economic history and policy . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 052144117X , 1994

Collins, Edward J.T. Power availibility and agricultural productivity in England and Wales, 1840-1939. , 1999.

Coppock, J.T. The statistical assessment of British agriculture [1]. , 1956.

Coppock, J.T. The statistical assessment of British agriculture [2]. , 1956.

Craig, Beatrice Women, children and the calculation of labour productivity in Europe and North America. , 2000.

David, Paul A. Labour productivity in English agriculture, 1850-1914 : some quantitative evidence on regional differences. , 1970.

Dejongh, Guy Revolutie, immobilisme of geleidelijkheid? : de landbouwontwikkeling in het Noordzeegebied, 1750-1850. , 1999.

Dejongh, Guy and Thoen, Erik Arable productivity in Flanders and the former territory of Belgium in a long-term perspective (from the Middle Ages to the end of the Ancien Régime). , 1999.

Dejongh, Guy and Vanhaute, Erik Arable productivity in Belgium agriculture, c.1800-c.1950. , 1999.

Dewey, Peter British farming profits and governement policy during the First World War. , 1984.

Dodds, Ben Estimating arable output using Durham priory tithe receipts, 1341-1450. , 2004.

Dodds, Ben Managing tithes in the late middle ages. , 2005.

Dormois, Jean-Pierre La vocation agricole de la France : l'agriculture française face à la concurrence Brittanique avant la guerre de 1914. , 1996.

Edwards, C.J.W. Changes in agricultural labour efficiency in Northern Ireland 1975-1984. , 1986.

Friedmann, Harriet World market, state, and family farm: social bases of household production in the era of wage labor. , 1978.

Fuller, Frank The impact of the Berlin accord and European enlargement on dairy markets. , 1999.

Gaasbeek, A.F. van Internationale concurrentiekracht in de akkerbouw. Publikatie . Den Haag : Landbouw-Economisch Instituut (LEI-DLO). ISBN 9052422672 , 1994

Galassi, Francesco L. Estimating labour productivity in multicrop farming : a product specific approach. , 1996.

Glennie, Paul Measuring crop yields in early modern England. , 1991.

Goossens, M. Belgian agricultural output, 1812-1846. , 1993.

Grantham, George The growth of labour productivity in the production of wheat in the Cinq Grosses Fermes of France, 1750-1929. , 1991.

Harrison, Barry Field systems and demesne farming on the Wiltshire estates of Saint Whitsun's Priory, Winchester, 1248-1340. , 1995.

Higgs, Edward Occupational censuses and the agricultural workforce in Victorian England and Wales. , 1995.

Hoffman, Philip T. Growth in a traditional society : the French countryside, 1450-1815. The Princeton economic history of the Western world . Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press. ISBN 0691029830 , 1996

Hoppenbrouwers, Peter C.M. Crop yields in Dutch agriculture, 1850-1990. , 1999.

Hunt, E.H. Quantitative and other evidence on labour productivity in agriculture, 1850-1914. , 1970.

Hunt, Edward H. Labour productivity in English agriculture, 1850-1914. , 1967.

Jansen, J.C.G.M. Ontsnappen aan economische achterstand : een byzonder probleem. , 1994.

Jones, Martin K. Agricultural productivity in the pre-documentary past. , 1991.

Kint, Theofilus Lambertus Maria Prometheus aangevuurd door Demeter : de economische ontwikkeling van de landbouw in Oost-Vlaanderen 1815-1850. Amsterdam : VU Uitgeverij. ISBN 9062567975 , 1989

Knibbe, Merijn Landbouwproductie en -productiviteit, 1807-1997. , 1999.

Knibbe, Merijn Lokkich Fryslân : een studie naar de ontwikkeling van de productiviteit van de Friese landbouw 1505-1830. Historia agriculturae . Groningen [etc.] : Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut. ISBN 9036725364 , 2006

Malassis, Louis Économie des exploitations agricoles : essai sur les structures et les résultats des exploitations agricoles de grande et de petite superficie. Collection études et mémoires . Paris : Colin. , 1958

Martins, Susanna Wade and Williamson, Tom Labour and improvement : agricultural change in East Anglia, circa 1750-1870. , 1997.

McKillop, D.G. and Glass, J.C. The structure of production, technical change and total factor productivity in the Northern Ireland agricultural industry, 1955-1986. , 1991.

Miller, Stephen J. The economy of France in eighteenth and nineteenth centuries : market opporunity and labour productivity in the Languedoc. , 2009.

O'Brien, P. and Heath, D. The efficiency of British and French agriculture, 1815-1914. , 1982.

O'Brien, P. and Heath, D. and Keyder, Caglar Agricultural efficiency in Britain and France, 1815-1914. , 1977.

O'Brien, P.K. Agriculture and the home market for English industry, 1660-1820. , 1985.

O'Brien, Patrick K. Agricultural productivity and European industrialization, 1890-1980. , 1992.

Outhwaite, R.B. English agricultural efficiency from the mid-seventeenth century : causes and costs. , 1987.

Overton, Mark Agricultural productivity in eighteenth-century England : some further speculations. , 1984.

Overton, Mark The determinants of crop yields in early modern England. , 1991.

Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Production et productivité dans l'agriculture anglaise, 1086-1871. , 1996.

Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Productivity change in European agricultural development. , 1991.

Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Statistics of production and productivity in English agriculture 1086-1871. , 1999.

Paarlberg, Don and Paarlberg, Philip The agricultural revolution of the 20th century. Ames, IA : Iowa State University Press. ISBN 0813821983 , 2000

Persson, Karl Gunnar Labour productivity in medieval agriculture : Tuscany and the 'Low countries'. , 1991.

Persson, Karl Gunnar Total factor productivity growth in English agriculture, 1250-1450. Copenhagen : Institute of Economics, University. , 1993

Priester, Peter Wheat yield in Zeeland from c.1585-1995. , 1999.

Rauwerda, Anne Invloed van een sterkere bemesting en een krachtiger veevoeding op de productiviteit van een bedrijf. Amsterdam : UNSPECIFIED. , 1927

Ruttan, Vernon W. Productivity growth in world agriculture : sources and constraints. , 2002.

Rutten, H. Productivity growth of Dutch agriculture, 1949-1989. Mededeling . The Hague : Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI-DLO), General Economics and Statistics Division. ISBN 9052421757 , 1992

Ruwet, J. Pour un indice de la production céréalière à l'époque moderne : la région de Namur. , 1973.

Schmitt, Günther Agriculture in nineteenth century France and Britain : another explanation of international and intersectoral productivity differences. , 1990.

Shiel, Robert S. Improving soil productivity in the pre-fertilizer era. , 1991.

Sivéry, G. Les profits de l'éleveur et du cultivateur dans le Hainaut à la fin du moyen âge. , 1976.

Solar, Peter and Goossens, Martine Agricultural productivity in Belgium and Ireland in the early nineteenth century. , 1991.

Solar, Peter M. Harvest fluctuations in pre-famine Ireland : evidence from Belfast and Waterford newspapars. , 1989.

Solomou, Solomos and Wu, Weike Weather effects on European agricultural output, 1850-1913. , 1999.

Theobald, Jonathan Agricultural productivity in Woodland High Suffolk, 1600-1850. , 2002.

Thoen, Erik and Vanhaute, Erik The 'Flemish husbandry' at the edge: the farming system on small holdings in the middle of the 19th century. , 1999.

Thornton, Christopher The determinants of land productivity on the Bishop of Winchester's demesne of Rimpton, 1208 to 1403. , 1991.

Tits-Dieuaide, M.J. L'étude des rendements agricoles au bas moyen âge et à l'époque moderne : remarques sur les buts et les méthodes. , 1980.

Troitzsch, Ulrich Technischer Wandel in Staat und Gesellschaft zwischen 1600 und 1750. , 1991.

Turner, Michael Agricultural productivity in eighteenth-century England : some further speculations. , 1984.

Turner, Michael English open fields and enclosures : retardation or productivity improvements. , 1986.

Van Cauwenberghe, E. Les changements de la productivité, du revenu et des formes des exploitations paysannes aux Pays-Bas (XIVe-XVIe s.). , 1975.

Van Isterdael, H. De opbrengstfactoren in het land van Aalst (17e-19e eeuw). , 1983.

Van der Wee, Herman and Van Cauwenberghe, Eddy Productivity of land and agricultural innovation in the Low Countries, (1250-1800). Leuven : Leuven University Press. ISBN 9061860733 , 1978

Vanderpijpen, Willy De proto-industrialisatie in Vlaanderen : een grote regionale diversiteit. , 1988.

Verhulst, A. and Vandenbroeke, C. and Daelemans, F. Landbouwproduktiviteit in Vlaanderen en Brabant XIVe-XIXe eeuw. Publikatie . Gent : Belgisch Centrum voor Landelijke Geschiedenis. , 1979

Verhulst, A. and Vandenbroeke, C. and Daelemans, F. and Mertens, J. and Thoen, E. Landbouwproduktiviteit in Vlaanderen en Brabant XIVe-XIXe eeuw. Gent : Seminaries voor geschiedenis van de Rijksuniversiteit te Gent. , 1979

Vries, Jan de De economische ontwikkeling van Friesland na het einde van de Friese vrijheid. , 1999.

Vries, Jan de The production and consumption of wheat in the Netherlands, with special reference to Zeeland in 1789. , 1994.

Wrigley, E.A. Energy available and agricultural productivity. , 1991.

Zanden, J.L. van Landbouwproduktiviteit en de intensivering van de arbeid. , 1994.

Zanden, J.L. van Regionale verschillen in landbouwproduktiviteit en loonpeil in de Lage Landen aan het begin van de negentiende eeuw : een toetsing van de Mokyr-hypothese. , 1994.

Zanden, J.L. van The development of agricultural productivity in Europe 1500-1800. , 1998.

Zanden, J.L. van The first green revolution : the growth of production and productivity in European agriculture 1870-1914. Serie research memoranda . Amsterdam : Vrije Universiteit, Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen en Econometrie. , 1988

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Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannie en Noord-Ierland

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Verenigde Staten

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Verhouding akkerbouw-veehouderij

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Verwerkende bedrijven

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Voorindustriele maatschappij

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