Items where Subject is "Productie"
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Paping, Richard F.J. De agrarische produktie in Groningen 1762-1862 : een alternatieve schattingsmethode. , 1995.
Paping, Richard F.J. De agrarische produktie in Groningen 1762-1862 : een alternatieve schattingsmethode. , 1995.
Brewer, Anthony An eighteenth-century view of economic development : Hume and Steuart. , 1997.
Huylenbroeck, Guido van and Vanslembrouck, Isabel Organising demand for and supply of multifunctionality at farm level. , 2001.
Duin, S. van Wessel Jansema en de praktijk van de fabrieksaardappelteelt : bulk versus kwaliteit. , 1997.
Hoe verkrijgt men rijke oogsten van goede aardappelen? De vriend van den landman, volume 5. pp. 453-477. , 1841.
Opbrengst van de Rohan aardappel vergeleken met die van gewone geele. De vriend van den landman, volume 5. pp. 478-484. , 1841.
Duin, S. van Wessel Jansema en de praktijk van de fabrieksaardappelteelt : bulk versus kwaliteit. , 1997.
Duin, S. van Wessel Jansema en de praktijk van de fabrieksaardappelteelt : bulk versus kwaliteit. , 1997.
Blonde, B. and Limberger, M. Van Bourgondische welvaart tot Antwerpse schaduw? : het bierverbruik te 's-Hertogenbosch in de vijftiende en de zestiende eeuw. , 1998.
Dillwitz, Sigrid Die Struktur der Bauernschaft von 1871 bis 1914, dargestellt auf der Grundlage der Deutschen Grundstatistik. , 1973.
Griebenow, Helmut and Meyer, Kurt Die Einbeziehung der Grossbauern in die sozialistische Umgestaltung der Landwirtschaft in der DDR. , 1972.
Ham, Aart van den Boeren wachten met natuurbeheer op eenduidige signalen : kans of bedreiging? , 1999.
Hamilton, Peter Small farmers and food production in Western Europe. , 1985.
Reed, Mick "Gnawing it out" : a new look at economic relations in nineteenth-century England. , 1990.
Agrarisch Recht
Milhau, Lules L'incidence des lois sociales agricoles sur le revenu de l'agriculture et le revenu national. Revue d'histoire économique et sociale, volume 30 (nr. 2). pp. 192-206. ISSN 0035-239X , 1952.
Agrarisch beleid
Breedveld, J. and Bruchem, C. van Gevolgen van een lagere melkproduktie voor de economie. Mededeling . Den Haag : Landbouw-Economisch Instituut, Stafafdeling. , 1985
Cahill, Carmel Multifunctionality : towards an analytical framework. , 2001.
Hitpold, Paul The price, production, and transportation of grain in early modern Castile. , 1989.
Huylenbroeck, Guido van and Vanslembrouck, Isabel Organising demand for and supply of multifunctionality at farm level. , 2001.
Scarpa, Riccardo and Philippides, George and Spalatro, Fiorenza Product-country images and preference heterogeneity for Mediterrean food products : a discrete choice framework. , 2005.
Agrarisch inkomen
Milhau, Lules L'incidence des lois sociales agricoles sur le revenu de l'agriculture et le revenu national. Revue d'histoire économique et sociale, volume 30 (nr. 2). pp. 192-206. ISSN 0035-239X , 1952.
Agrarisch recht
Dodd, J.Phillip Agriculture in Sussex and the Corn Law lobby. , 1989.
Agrarische bedrijven
Biemans, J.M. and Damen, W.H. Produktieomvang en produktiepatroon van de landbouwbedrijven op de zuidelijke zandgronden / J.M. Biemans. Landbouw-Economisch Instituut, Den Haag.
Agrarische geschiedenis
Blomme, J. Produktie, produktiefactoren en produktiviteit: de Belgische landbouw 1846-1910. , 1993.
Goossens, M. Belgian agricultural output, 1812-1846. , 1993.
Heiser, Charles Bixler Seed to civilization : the story of man's food. A series of books in biology . San Francisco : W. H. Freeman. ISBN 0716705931 , 1973
Agrarische ontwikkeling
Bogucki, Peter Forest farmers and stockherders : early agriculture and its consequences in North-Central Europe. New studies in archaeology . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521329590 , 1988
Dejongh, Guy New estimates of land productivity in Belgium, 1750-1850. , 1999.
Grigg, David Population growth and agrarian change : an historical perspective. Cambridge geographical studies . Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521227607 , 1980
Hopcroft, Rosemary L. and Emigh, Rebecca Jean Divergent paths of agrarian change : Eastern England and Tuscany compared. , 2000.
Jackson, R.V. Growth and deceleration in English agriculture, 1660-1790. , 1985.
O'Rourke, Kevin The economic impact of the famine in the short and long run. , 1994.
Oosterhout, W.C.M. van ''t Veth of mis' : een historisch-geografisch onderzoek naar de ontwikkeling van de landbouwproduktie in Loon op Zand tussen 1650 en 1800. [Hoeven : s.n.]. , 1994
Outhwaite, R.B. Progress and backwardness in English agriculture, 1500-1650. , 1986.
Trompetter, Cor De dynamiek van de Twentse landbouw in de periode 1600-1832. , 2001.
Zanden, J.L. van The first green revolution : the growth of production and productivity in European agriculture, 1870-1914. , 1991.
Agrarische politiek
Breedveld, J. and Bruchem, C. van Gevolgen van een lagere melkproduktie voor de economie. Mededeling . Den Haag : Landbouw-Economisch Instituut, Stafafdeling. , 1985
Cahill, Carmel Multifunctionality : towards an analytical framework. , 2001.
Hitpold, Paul The price, production, and transportation of grain in early modern Castile. , 1989.
Huylenbroeck, Guido van and Vanslembrouck, Isabel Organising demand for and supply of multifunctionality at farm level. , 2001.
Scarpa, Riccardo and Philippides, George and Spalatro, Fiorenza Product-country images and preference heterogeneity for Mediterrean food products : a discrete choice framework. , 2005.
Agrarische producten
Bieleman, J. De produktie en consumptie van akkerbouwgewassen in Drenthe in het begin van de 19e eeuw. , 1986.
Blomme, J. Produktie, produktiefactoren en produktiviteit: de Belgische landbouw 1846-1910. , 1993.
Campbell, Bruce M.S. Seigniorial arable production. , 2000.
Georgelin, Jean Note sur les variations des rendements céréaliers au XIXe siècle. , 1988.
Goossens, M. Belgian agricultural output, 1812-1846. , 1993.
O'Connor, Robert and Henry, E.W. Estimates of gross and net output and income arising in agriculture in all Ireland and in the free state area in selected years between 1900-01 and 1926-27. , 1996.
Agrarische revolutie
Allen, Robert C. Tracking the agricultural revolution in England. , 1999.
Beckett, J.V. The agricultural revolution. Historical Association studies . Oxford [etc.] : Blackwell. ISBN 0631162879 , 1990
Agrarische sector
De landbouw in Hoeven : een onderzoek naar de wijze waarop en de omstandigheden waaronder de agrarische productie in Hoeven plaatsvindt. Tilburg : Economisch-Technologisch Instituut voor Noord-Brabant. , 1953
Baten, Jörg Climate, grain production and nutritional status in Southern Germany during the XVIIIth century. , 2001.
Bettendorf, L. and Blomme, Jan An empirical study of the distribution of crops in agricultural land of Belgium: 1900-1939. , 1994.
Cahill, Carmel Multifunctionality : towards an analytical framework. , 2001.
Campbell, Bruce M.S. Seigniorial arable production. , 2000.
Clark, Gregory The price history of english agriculture, 1209-1914. , 2004.
Derville, Alain L'agriculture du Nord au Moyen Age : Artois, Cambrésis, Flandre Wallonne. Histoire et civilisations . Villeneuve d'Ascq (Nord) : Presses Universitaires du Septentrion. ISBN 2859395849 , 1999
Federico, Giovanni The growth of world agricultural production, 1800-1938. , 2004.
Freeman, Orville L. Perspectives and prospects. , 1992.
Galassi, Francesco L. Estimating labour productivity in multicrop farming : a product specific approach. , 1996.
Goedseels, Vic and DeSomer, Peter and Vangeenberghe, Anne-Marie Vom Acker auf den Markt : ein halbes Jahrhundert Produktion in der belgischen Landwirtschaft. Brüssel : Ministère des Classes Moyennes et de l'Agriculture, Service Information-Bibliothèque. , 1996
Goossens, Martine and Dejongh, Guy Agriculture in figures : Belgian agricultural and cadastral statistics of the period, 1801-1825. Belgisch Centrum voor Landelijke Geschiedenis . Leuven : Belgisch Centrum Landelijke Geschiedenis. , 1997
Hall, H.C. van Wenken over de mogelijkheid der vermeerdering van voedselmiddelen in Nederland. , 1847.
Hirsch, Heinrich Theodor De inlandsche landbouwproductie in verband met het welvaarts-probleem. Wageningen : Veenman. , 1929
Huylenbroeck, Guido van and Vanslembrouck, Isabel Organising demand for and supply of multifunctionality at farm level. , 2001.
Klemann, Hein A.M. Landbouw 1938-1948. , 2003.
Kox, H.L.M. and Stellinga, R. Influence of international markets on ecological sustainability of agricultural production : a conceptual model. Serie research memoranda . Amsterdam : Vrije Universiteit, Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen en Econometrie. , 1992
Malassis, Louis Économie agro-alimentaire / Louis Malassis. Cujas, Paris.
Malassis, Louis Économie des exploitations agricoles : essai sur les structures et les résultats des exploitations agricoles de grande et de petite superficie. Collection études et mémoires . Paris : Colin. , 1958
Moriceau, Jean-Marc L'élevage sous l'Ancien Régime : les fondements agraires de la France moderne, XVIe-XVIIIe siècles. Regards sur l'histoire . [Paris] : Sedes. ISBN 2718192003 , 1999
Oosterhout, W.C.M. van ''t Veth of mis' : een historisch-geografisch onderzoek naar de ontwikkeling van de landbouwproduktie in Loon op Zand tussen 1650 en 1800. [Hoeven : s.n.]. , 1994
Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Production et productivité dans l'agriculture anglaise, 1086-1871. , 1996.
Paping, Richard F.J. De agrarische produktie in Groningen 1762-1862 : een alternatieve schattingsmethode. , 1995.
Pierenkemper, Toni Der Agrarsektor in der vorindustriellen Gesellschaft : einige Anmerkungen zur preußischen Entwicklung, 1815-1830, aus produktionstheoretischer Sicht. , 1989.
Saalfeld, D. Die Produktion und Intensität der Landwirtschaft in Deutschland und angrenzenden Gebieten um 1800. , 1967.
Teuteberg, Hans-Jürgen Obst im historischen Rückspiegel : Anbau, Handel, Verzehr. , 1998.
Toutain, Jean-CLaude La production agricole de la France de 1810 à 1990: départements et régions : croissance, productivité, structures. Économies et sociétés : cahiers de l'ISMÉA . Grenoble : Presses Universitaires de Grenoble. , 1993
Turner, Michael After the famine : Irish agriculture, 1850-1914. Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521553881 , 1996
Vandewalle, Paul Quatre siècles d'agriculture dans la région de Dunkerque, 1590-1990 : une étude statistique. Publication . Gand : Centre Belge d'Histoire Rurale. , 1994
De resultaten van het melkonderzoek in zake eene vergelijking der melk- en boteropbrengst der koeien van de leden der Cooperatieve stoomzuivelfabriek te Kimswerd, tusschen de jaren 1899 en 1913. Kimswerd : Bestuur Coop. zuivelfabriek. , 1914
Albert, Bill and Graves, Adrian The world sugar economy in war and depression, 1914-40. London [etc.] : Routledge. ISBN 0415001277 , 1988
Dubbelman, Kirsten and Sloots, Kasper Graanbewerkings- en graanproduktenindustrie. PIE rapportenreeks . Utrecht : Stichting Service en Adviesbureau Industrieel Erfgoed Nederland (STABIEN). , 1998
Fearne, Andrew Building partnerships in the meat supply chain : the case of the UK beef industry. Report . The Hague : Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI). ISBN 9052425086 , 1999
Gremmen, Bart Consumentenzorgen als maatschappelijke signalen van kwaliteit. , 2000.
Gremmen, Bart Consumentenzorgen als maatschappelijke signalen van kwaliteit. , 2000.
Henry, R.J. and Kettlewell, P.S. Cereal grain quality. London [etc.] : Chapman & Hall. ISBN 0412611805 , 1996
Kuiper, W. Erno and Meulenberg, Matthew T.G. Determining the causality between retail price and consumer demand in a linear function when demand-shift varibles are missing but wholesale prices are available. , 2005.
Lezé, M.R. Rapport sur les progrès récents de l'industrie laitière en Danemark et en Hollande. Paris : Impr. nationale. , 1884
Warmerdam, J. and van der Meersch, W. and Bertzeletou, Tina Innovation and training in the agribusiness complex : synthesis report of a study in various product chains in five European countries. CEDEFOP panorama . Thessaloniki : CEDEFOP. ISBN 9282883663 , 2000
De resultaten van het melkonderzoek in zake eene vergelijking der melk- en boteropbrengst der koeien van de leden der Cooperatieve stoomzuivelfabriek te Kimswerd, tusschen de jaren 1899 en 1913. Kimswerd : Bestuur Coop. zuivelfabriek. , 1914
Albert, Bill and Graves, Adrian The world sugar economy in war and depression, 1914-40. London [etc.] : Routledge. ISBN 0415001277 , 1988
Dubbelman, Kirsten and Sloots, Kasper Graanbewerkings- en graanproduktenindustrie. PIE rapportenreeks . Utrecht : Stichting Service en Adviesbureau Industrieel Erfgoed Nederland (STABIEN). , 1998
Fearne, Andrew Building partnerships in the meat supply chain : the case of the UK beef industry. Report . The Hague : Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI). ISBN 9052425086 , 1999
Gremmen, Bart Consumentenzorgen als maatschappelijke signalen van kwaliteit. , 2000.
Gremmen, Bart Consumentenzorgen als maatschappelijke signalen van kwaliteit. , 2000.
Henry, R.J. and Kettlewell, P.S. Cereal grain quality. London [etc.] : Chapman & Hall. ISBN 0412611805 , 1996
Kuiper, W. Erno and Meulenberg, Matthew T.G. Determining the causality between retail price and consumer demand in a linear function when demand-shift varibles are missing but wholesale prices are available. , 2005.
Lezé, M.R. Rapport sur les progrès récents de l'industrie laitière en Danemark et en Hollande. Paris : Impr. nationale. , 1884
Warmerdam, J. and van der Meersch, W. and Bertzeletou, Tina Innovation and training in the agribusiness complex : synthesis report of a study in various product chains in five European countries. CEDEFOP panorama . Thessaloniki : CEDEFOP. ISBN 9282883663 , 2000
Rapport omtrent de vraag of het in tijden van voedselschaarschte is aan te bevelen zooveel mogelijk bouwland te bestemmen voor broodproductie, dan wel om de teelt der grove tuinbouwgewassen uit te breiden. Utrecht [etc.] : [s.n.]. , 1916
Waarom zaait men in het Oldambt zooveel dikker dan op het Hoogeland? , 1898.
Bouma, J.L. De bietsuikerproduktie in de nederlandse economie : [rapport]. Groningen : Instituut voor Economisch onderzoek, Rijksuniversiteit. , 1964
Campbell, Bruce M.S. Seigniorial arable production. , 2000.
Paping, Richard F.J. De agrarische produktie in Groningen 1762-1862 : een alternatieve schattingsmethode. , 1995.
Schilthuis, Jan De crisis in den akkerbouw en de bemoeiingen der regeeringen met graanprijzen en graanverbouw : inleiding voor den twee en twintigsten accountantsdag van het Nederlandsch Instituut van Accountants op 26 September 1931. [S.l. : s.n.]. , 1931
Slicher van Bath, B.H. The yields of different crops (mainly cereals) in relation to the seed c. 1810-1820. , 1967.
Bieleman, J. De produktie en consumptie van akkerbouwgewassen in Drenthe in het begin van de 19e eeuw. , 1986.
Chalklin, C.W. The rural economy of a Kentish Wealden parish 1650-1750. , 1962.
Vanhaute, Eric Rich agriculture and poor farmers : land, landlords and farmers in Flanders in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. , 2001.
Algemene geschiedenis
Albert, Bill and Graves, Adrian The world sugar economy in war and depression, 1914-40. London [etc.] : Routledge. ISBN 0415001277 , 1988
Baker, Dennis Agricultural prices, production, and marketing with special reference to the hop industry : north-east Kent, 1680-1760. British economic history . New York : Garland Pub. ISBN 0824066758 , 1985
Clark, Gregory The price history of english agriculture, 1209-1914. , 2004.
Gadisseur, J. Contribution à l'étude de la production agricole en Belgique de 1846 à 1913. , 1981.
Goossens, Martine and Dejongh, Guy Agriculture in figures : Belgian agricultural and cadastral statistics of the period, 1801-1825. Belgisch Centrum voor Landelijke Geschiedenis . Leuven : Belgisch Centrum Landelijke Geschiedenis. , 1997
Hannes, J. and Vanderpijpen, W. Teeltplan, produktie en produktiekosten : de landbouw in enkele gemeenten van de provincies Antwerpen en Oost-Vlaanderen, begin 19de eeuw. , 1981.
Hitpold, Paul The price, production, and transportation of grain in early modern Castile. , 1989.
Hopcroft, Rosemary L. and Emigh, Rebecca Jean Divergent paths of agrarian change : Eastern England and Tuscany compared. , 2000.
Knibbe, Merijn Agriculture in the Netherlands, 1851-1950 : production and institutional change. Reconstruction national accounts of the Netherlands . Amsterdam : NEHA. ISBN 9071617734 , 1993
Lowry, S.Todd The agricultural foundation of the seventeenth-century English oeconomy. , 2003.
Pierenkemper, Toni Der Agrarsektor in der vorindustriellen Gesellschaft : einige Anmerkungen zur preußischen Entwicklung, 1815-1830, aus produktionstheoretischer Sicht. , 1989.
Schippers, H. Bier. , 1994.
Slicher van Bath, B.H. Yield ratio's, 810-1820. A.A.G. bijdragen . Wageningen : Afdeling agrarische geschiedenis der Landbouwhogeschool. , 1963
Hannes, J. and Vanderpijpen, W. Teeltplan, produktie en produktiekosten : de landbouw in enkele gemeenten van de provincies Antwerpen en Oost-Vlaanderen, begin 19de eeuw. , 1981.
Clark, Gregory Yields per acre in English agriculture, 1250-1860 : evidence from labour outputs. , 1991.
Crowe, Hillary Keeping the wheels of the farms in motion : labour shortages in the uoplands during the Great War. , 2008.
Grantham, George W. Divisions of labour : agricultural productivity and occupational specialization in pre-industrial France. , 1993.
Moore-Colyer, R.J. The call to the land : British and European adult voluntary farm labour. , 2006.
Priester, P. Agrarische produktie en werkgelegenheid in een Groninger gemeente: Beerta, 1800-1870. , 1985.
Vanhaute, Eric Agrarian labour and food production in a peripheral region : agricultural dynamics in the Antwerp Campine in the "long" nineteenth century. , 1997.
Bogucki, Peter Forest farmers and stockherders : early agriculture and its consequences in North-Central Europe. New studies in archaeology . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521329590 , 1988
Drew, David and Magee, Emer Environmental implications of land reclamation in the Burren, Co, Clare : a preliminary analysis. , 1994.
Newman, Lucile F. and Crossgrove, William Hunger in history : food shortage, poverty, and deprivation. Cambridge, Mass., [etc.] : Blackwell. ISBN 1557860440 , 1990
Baten, Jörg Climate, grain production and nutritional status in Southern Germany during the XVIIIth century. , 2001.
Bauernfeind, Walter and Woitek, Ulrich Agrarian cycles in Germany 1339-1670 : a spectral analysis of grain prices and output in Nuremberg. , 1996.
Borcherdt, Christoph Führer durch die Agrarstatistiken der südwestdeutschen Länder, 1850-1939 / Christoph Borcherdt. Scripta Mercaturae, St. Katharinen.
Dillwitz, Sigrid Die Struktur der Bauernschaft von 1871 bis 1914, dargestellt auf der Grundlage der Deutschen Grundstatistik. , 1973.
Drescher, Klaus Assessing aspects of agricultural contracts : an application to German agriculture. , 2000.
Eckart, Karl Veränderungen der agraren Nutzungsstruktur in den beiden Staaten in Deutschland. Forschungen zur deutschen Landeskunde . Trier : Zentralausschuss für deutsche Landeskunde, Selbstverlag. ISBN 3881430288 , 1985
Franklin, S.H. Arbeiter Bauer Gemeinden ohne Bauern. , 1992.
Griebenow, Helmut and Meyer, Kurt Die Einbeziehung der Grossbauern in die sozialistische Umgestaltung der Landwirtschaft in der DDR. , 1972.
Jatzlauk, Manfred Agrarstatistische Untersuchungen über die Entwicklung der landwirtschaftlichen Grossbetriebe in Deutschland zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen. , 1989.
Kopsidis, Michael Peasants and markets: market integration and agricultural development in Westhalia 1780-1880. , 2012.
Müller, Hans Heinrich Die Entwicklung der Anbauverhältnisse in de Märkischen Landwirtschaft vor den Agrarreformen von 1807. , 1964.
Pierenkemper, Toni Der Agrarsektor in der vorindustriellen Gesellschaft : einige Anmerkungen zur preußischen Entwicklung, 1815-1830, aus produktionstheoretischer Sicht. , 1989.
Quataert, Jean H. Combining agrarian and industrial livelihood : rural households in the Saxon Oberlausitz in the nineteenth century. , 1985.
Saalfeld, D. Die Produktion und Intensität der Landwirtschaft in Deutschland und angrenzenden Gebieten um 1800. , 1967.
Strack, Anne-Lore Ernteflächen und Ernteerträge 1893-1913 : ein Beitrag zur Agrargeographie. Kiel : Schmidt & Klaunig. , 1931
Teuteberg, Hans-Jürgen Obst im historischen Rückspiegel : Anbau, Handel, Verzehr. , 1998.
Zimmermann, Clemens La modernisation des campagnes Allemandes (XIXe-XXe siècle) : les apports de l'historiographie recente en Allemagne. , 1999.
Borcherdt, Christoph Führer durch die Agrarstatistiken der südwestdeutschen Länder, 1850-1939 / Christoph Borcherdt. Scripta Mercaturae, St. Katharinen.
Halweil, Brian and Prugh, Thomas Home grown : the case for local food in a global market. Worldwatch paper . Washington, Mass. : Worldwatch Institute. ISBN 1878071661 , 2002
Hamilton, Peter Small farmers and food production in Western Europe. , 1985.
Pauli, Peter Agrarische produktie stagneert : BSE en varkenspest remmen ontwikkeling. , 1997.
Kopsidis, Michael Peasants and markets: market integration and agricultural development in Westhalia 1780-1880. , 2012.
Kopsidis, Michael Peasants and markets: market integration and agricultural development in Westhalia 1780-1880. , 2012.
Melkproduktie : (analyse van een aantal factoren, die op de Friese bedrijven de melkproduktie van de koeien beinvloeden). Leeuwarden : Provinciale Raad voor de Bedrijfsontwikkeling in de Landbouw in Friesland, Werkgroep Melkproduktie. , 1966
Allen, Robert C. and Ó Gráda, Cormac On the road again with Arthur Young : English, Irish, and French agriculture during the industrial revolution. , 1988.
Eckart, Karl Veränderungen der agraren Nutzungsstruktur in den beiden Staaten in Deutschland. Forschungen zur deutschen Landeskunde . Trier : Zentralausschuss für deutsche Landeskunde, Selbstverlag. ISBN 3881430288 , 1985
Faber, J.A. Heu oder Butter. Anpassung friesischer Bauern an Veränderungen im Preis- und Kostengefüge während des 18 Jahrhunderts. , 1974.
Franklin, S.H. Arbeiter Bauer Gemeinden ohne Bauern. , 1992.
Griffiths, Elizabeth Responses to adversity : the changing strategies of landowning families. , 2004.
Guzowski, Piotr The influence of exports of grain production on Polish royal demesne farms in the second half of the sixteenth century. , 2011.
Hare, John The bishop and the prior: demesna agriculture in medieval Hampshire. , 2006.
Kitsikopoulos, Harry Manorial estates as business firms: the relevance of economic rent in determining crop choices in London's hinterland. , 2008.
Malassis, Louis Économie des exploitations agricoles : essai sur les structures et les résultats des exploitations agricoles de grande et de petite superficie. Collection études et mémoires . Paris : Colin. , 1958
Young, Mary Scottish crop yields in the second half of the seventeenth century : evidence from the mains of Castle Lyon. , 2007.
Bedrijfsvoering algemeen
Melkproduktie : (analyse van een aantal factoren, die op de Friese bedrijven de melkproduktie van de koeien beinvloeden). Leeuwarden : Provinciale Raad voor de Bedrijfsontwikkeling in de Landbouw in Friesland, Werkgroep Melkproduktie. , 1966
Allen, Robert C. and Ó Gráda, Cormac On the road again with Arthur Young : English, Irish, and French agriculture during the industrial revolution. , 1988.
Eckart, Karl Veränderungen der agraren Nutzungsstruktur in den beiden Staaten in Deutschland. Forschungen zur deutschen Landeskunde . Trier : Zentralausschuss für deutsche Landeskunde, Selbstverlag. ISBN 3881430288 , 1985
Faber, J.A. Heu oder Butter. Anpassung friesischer Bauern an Veränderungen im Preis- und Kostengefüge während des 18 Jahrhunderts. , 1974.
Franklin, S.H. Arbeiter Bauer Gemeinden ohne Bauern. , 1992.
Griffiths, Elizabeth Responses to adversity : the changing strategies of landowning families. , 2004.
Guzowski, Piotr The influence of exports of grain production on Polish royal demesne farms in the second half of the sixteenth century. , 2011.
Hare, John The bishop and the prior: demesna agriculture in medieval Hampshire. , 2006.
Kitsikopoulos, Harry Manorial estates as business firms: the relevance of economic rent in determining crop choices in London's hinterland. , 2008.
Malassis, Louis Économie des exploitations agricoles : essai sur les structures et les résultats des exploitations agricoles de grande et de petite superficie. Collection études et mémoires . Paris : Colin. , 1958
Young, Mary Scottish crop yields in the second half of the seventeenth century : evidence from the mains of Castle Lyon. , 2007.
Beeldvorming over platteland
Waart, P. van and Lampert, M. Landbouw en voedselproductie: inzicht in beleving van burgers : resultaten van een quick scan. Rapport . Den Haag : InnovatieNetwerk Groene Ruimte en Agrocluster. ISBN 9050591787 , 2003
Dodds, Ben Peasants and production in the medieval north-east : the evidence from Tithes, 1270-1536. Regions and regionalism in history . Woodbridge [etc.] : The Boydell Press. ISBN 9781843832874 , 2007
Sutherland, D.M.G. Peasants, lords, and leviathan : winners and losers from the abolition of French feudalism, 1780-1820. , 2002.
Bettendorf, L. and Blomme, Jan An empirical study of the distribution of crops in agricultural land of Belgium: 1900-1939. , 1994.
Blomme, J. Produktie, produktiefactoren en produktiviteit: de Belgische landbouw 1846-1910. , 1993.
Dejongh, Guy New estimates of land productivity in Belgium, 1750-1850. , 1999.
Dejongh, Guy and Segers, Yves Een kleine natie in mutatie : de economische ontwikkeling van de Zuidelijke Nederlanden/Belgie in de eeuw 1750-1850. , 2001.
Dejongh, Guy and Vanhaute, Erik Arable productivity in Belgium agriculture, c.1800-c.1950. , 1999.
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Marks, Hilary F. and Britton, Denis K. A hundred years of British food & farming : a statistical survey. London [etc.] : Taylor & Francis. ISBN 0850664527 , 1989
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Moriceau, Jean-Marc L'élevage sous l'Ancien Régime : les fondements agraires de la France moderne, XVIe-XVIIIe siècles. Regards sur l'histoire . [Paris] : Sedes. ISBN 2718192003 , 1999
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Economische geschiedenis
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Economische groei
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Economische ontwikkeling
Brewer, Anthony An eighteenth-century view of economic development : Hume and Steuart. , 1997.
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Economische structuur
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Economische transformatieprocessen
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Eerste Wereldoorlog
Rapport omtrent de vraag of het in tijden van voedselschaarschte is aan te bevelen zooveel mogelijk bouwland te bestemmen voor broodproductie, dan wel om de teelt der grove tuinbouwgewassen uit te breiden. Utrecht [etc.] : [s.n.]. , 1916
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Baker, Dennis Agricultural prices, production, and marketing with special reference to the hop industry : north-east Kent, 1680-1760. British economic history . New York : Garland Pub. ISBN 0824066758 , 1985
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Cooper, J.P. In search of agrarian capitalism. , 1978.
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Dodd, J.Phillip Agriculture in Sussex and the Corn Law lobby. , 1989.
Dodds, Ben Peasants and production in the medieval north-east : the evidence from Tithes, 1270-1536. Regions and regionalism in history . Woodbridge [etc.] : The Boydell Press. ISBN 9781843832874 , 2007
Gray, H.L. The production and exportation of English woollens in the fourteenth century. , 1924.
Griffiths, Elizabeth Responses to adversity : the changing strategies of landowning families. , 2004.
Gunn, Peter A. Productive cycles and the season of marriage : a critical test. , 1990.
Hagen, Ann A handbook of Anglo-Saxon food : processing and consumption. Pinner : Anglo-Saxon Books. ISBN 0951620983 , 1992
Hare, John The bishop and the prior: demesna agriculture in medieval Hampshire. , 2006.
Hare, John The bishop and the prior: demesna agriculture in medieval Hampshire. , 2006.
Healey, Jonathan Land, population and famine in the English uplands : a Westmorland case study, c.1370-1650. , 2011.
Hopcroft, Rosemary L. and Emigh, Rebecca Jean Divergent paths of agrarian change : Eastern England and Tuscany compared. , 2000.
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Overton, Mark Production and consumption in English households, 1600-1750. Routledge explorations in economic history . London : Routledge. ISBN 9780415651073 , 2012
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Taylor, David The English dairy industry, 1860-1930 : the need for reassessment. , 1974.
Turner, Michael Edward and Beckett, J.V. and Afton, Bethanie Farm production in England, 1700-1914. Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University Press. ISBN 0198208049 , 2001
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Yelling, J.A. Changes in crop production in East Worcestshire 1540-1867. , 1973.
Afton, Bethanie Investigating agricultural production and landproductivity : methodology and opportunities using English farm records. , 2000.
Allen, Robert C. Tracking the agricultural revolution in England. , 1999.
Allen, Robert C. and Ó Gráda, Cormac On the road again with Arthur Young : English, Irish, and French agriculture during the industrial revolution. , 1988.
Baker, Dennis Agricultural prices, production, and marketing with special reference to the hop industry : north-east Kent, 1680-1760. British economic history . New York : Garland Pub. ISBN 0824066758 , 1985
Baker, Dennis The marketing of corn in the first half of the Eighteenth century : north-east Kent. , 1970.
Baker, Jennifer R. Tithe rent-charge and the measurement of agricultural production in mid-nineteenth century England and Wales. , 1993.
Beckett, J.V. The agricultural revolution. Historical Association studies . Oxford [etc.] : Blackwell. ISBN 0631162879 , 1990
Campbell, Bruce M.S. Seigniorial arable production. , 2000.
Campbell, Bruce M.S. A medieval capital and its grain supply : agrarian production and distribution in the London region c. 1300. [Bristol : Institute of British Geographers, Historical geography research group]. ISBN 1870074122 , 1993
Chalklin, C.W. The rural economy of a Kentish Wealden parish 1650-1750. , 1962.
Chapman, John Confidence limits and enclosure estimates : some comments. , 1991.
Chapman, John The extent and nature of parliamentary enclosure. , 1987.
Clark, Gregory Yields per acre in English agriculture, 1250-1860 : evidence from labour outputs. , 1991.
Collins, Edward J.T. Power availibility and agricultural productivity in England and Wales, 1840-1939. , 1999.
Cooper, J.P. In search of agrarian capitalism. , 1978.
Crowe, Hillary Keeping the wheels of the farms in motion : labour shortages in the uoplands during the Great War. , 2008.
Dodd, J.Phillip Agriculture in Sussex and the Corn Law lobby. , 1989.
Dodds, Ben Peasants and production in the medieval north-east : the evidence from Tithes, 1270-1536. Regions and regionalism in history . Woodbridge [etc.] : The Boydell Press. ISBN 9781843832874 , 2007
Gray, H.L. The production and exportation of English woollens in the fourteenth century. , 1924.
Griffiths, Elizabeth Responses to adversity : the changing strategies of landowning families. , 2004.
Gunn, Peter A. Productive cycles and the season of marriage : a critical test. , 1990.
Hagen, Ann A handbook of Anglo-Saxon food : processing and consumption. Pinner : Anglo-Saxon Books. ISBN 0951620983 , 1992
Hare, John The bishop and the prior: demesna agriculture in medieval Hampshire. , 2006.
Hare, John The bishop and the prior: demesna agriculture in medieval Hampshire. , 2006.
Healey, Jonathan Land, population and famine in the English uplands : a Westmorland case study, c.1370-1650. , 2011.
Hopcroft, Rosemary L. and Emigh, Rebecca Jean Divergent paths of agrarian change : Eastern England and Tuscany compared. , 2000.
Hoskins, W.G. Harvest fluctuations and English economic history, 1480-1619. , 1964.
Hoskins, W.G. Harvest fluctuations and English economic history, 1620-1759. , 1968.
Hunt, E.H. and Pam, S.J. Price and structural response in English agriculture, 1873-1896. , 1997.
Jackson, R.V. Growth and deceleration in English agriculture, 1660-1790. , 1985.
Kitsikopoulos, Harry Manorial estates as business firms: the relevance of economic rent in determining crop choices in London's hinterland. , 2008.
Lowry, S.Todd The agricultural foundation of the seventeenth-century English oeconomy. , 2003.
McCloskey, Donald M. The enclosure of open fields : preface to a study of its impact on the efficiency of English agriculture in the eighteenth century. , 1972.
Outhwaite, R.B. Progress and backwardness in English agriculture, 1500-1650. , 1986.
Overton, Mark Production and consumption in English households, 1600-1750. Routledge explorations in economic history . London : Routledge. ISBN 9780415651073 , 2012
Overton, Mark Production and consumption in English households, 1600-1750. Routledge explorations in economic history . London : Routledge. ISBN 9780415651073 , 2012
Overton, Mark and Campbell, Bruce M.S. Statistics of production and productivity in English agriculture 1086-1871. , 1999.
Pearson, Alastair and Collier, Peter The integration and analysis of historical and environmental data using a geographical information system. , 1998.
Reed, Clyde G. The profits of cultivation in England during the later Middle Ages. , 1976.
Reed, Mick "Gnawing it out" : a new look at economic relations in nineteenth-century England. , 1990.
Reed, Mick Nineteenth-century rural England : a case for 'Peasant Studies'? , 1986.
Schmitt, Günther Agriculture in nineteenth century France and Britain : another explanation of international and intersectoral productivity differences. , 1990.
Taylor, David The English dairy industry, 1860-1930 : the need for reassessment. , 1974.
Turner, Michael Edward and Beckett, J.V. and Afton, Bethanie Farm production in England, 1700-1914. Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University Press. ISBN 0198208049 , 2001
Winchinton, W.E. Agricultural returns and the government during the Napoleonic Wars. , 1953.
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LeGoff, Tim J.A. and Sutherland, Donald M.G. What can we learn from leases? : a preliminary view. , 2000.
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Bogucki, Peter Forest farmers and stockherders : early agriculture and its consequences in North-Central Europe. New studies in archaeology . Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521329590 , 1988
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Europese Economische Gemeenschap
Scarpa, Riccardo and Philippides, George and Spalatro, Fiorenza Product-country images and preference heterogeneity for Mediterrean food products : a discrete choice framework. , 2005.
Warmerdam, J. and van der Meersch, W. and Bertzeletou, Tina Innovation and training in the agribusiness complex : synthesis report of a study in various product chains in five European countries. CEDEFOP panorama . Thessaloniki : CEDEFOP. ISBN 9282883663 , 2000
Europese Gemeenschap
Scarpa, Riccardo and Philippides, George and Spalatro, Fiorenza Product-country images and preference heterogeneity for Mediterrean food products : a discrete choice framework. , 2005.
Warmerdam, J. and van der Meersch, W. and Bertzeletou, Tina Innovation and training in the agribusiness complex : synthesis report of a study in various product chains in five European countries. CEDEFOP panorama . Thessaloniki : CEDEFOP. ISBN 9282883663 , 2000
Europese Unie
Scarpa, Riccardo and Philippides, George and Spalatro, Fiorenza Product-country images and preference heterogeneity for Mediterrean food products : a discrete choice framework. , 2005.
Warmerdam, J. and van der Meersch, W. and Bertzeletou, Tina Innovation and training in the agribusiness complex : synthesis report of a study in various product chains in five European countries. CEDEFOP panorama . Thessaloniki : CEDEFOP. ISBN 9282883663 , 2000
Dubbelman, Kirsten and Sloots, Kasper Graanbewerkings- en graanproduktenindustrie. PIE rapportenreeks . Utrecht : Stichting Service en Adviesbureau Industrieel Erfgoed Nederland (STABIEN). , 1998
Chalklin, C.W. The rural economy of a Kentish Wealden parish 1650-1750. , 1962.
Vanhaute, Eric Rich agriculture and poor farmers : land, landlords and farmers in Flanders in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. , 2001.
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